I also shared in a post this week that Princess Five is living in a community that is mostly immigrants, and that she said that no one seems worried or concerned and it is business as usual.

Also, there are not many grocery options to get and do your own cooking. My cousin ordered all her food online and it was delivered. She ate out for lunch and dinner every day. Her fridge was to hold power drinks. She didn't own a pan, not even a toaster. She is one of a million others who live like she did. She recently moved to DC, but knowing how crazy her lifestyle was, I know that it would be very hard to quarantine someone who lives in that situation.
Those living on the outskirts are refuges, immigrants, and poor. Many live check to check, and also wouldn't have the means to quarantine. There isn't another place in the US that is quite like NYC.
I don't think they will be able to quarantine effectively. I think crime will JUMP as people can't work. I know they have already put a curfew of 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. in place and don't think things are going to get any better for a long time in that area. I feel sorry for those in places like that, as everyone wants to keep their family safe and healthy, but I worry that it will be very hard for them as things get worse.

Here is a link to the daily updates on each states confirmed cases of Corona.
The government in NY is way behind other states in trying to contain it as they are just closing schools and have said they won't quarantine any cities currently. I believe NY will turn into another Italy. There are now about 500 deaths a day in Italy and morgues, crematoriums etc are over extended and so they have trucks lined up and waiting to take the dead to other cities to be dealt with as the local services are overwhelmed.
I just read about a family in NJ that had one member die, and five are currently in Critical condition in two different hospitals. Can you imagine losing your entire family in a few weeks to this? It is such a sad situation. I am grateful to live in a state that is taking it seriously and not taking any chances with its inhabitants.
Hopefully, the warmer weather will curb the upward spiral of this thing.
Have a Blessed and Corona Free Day!
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