I was super tired and laying on the couch both yesterday and today and was so tired I didn't watch anything or do anything which is SO unlike me. I just laid with my eyes closed exhausted. I took GSE, Colloidal Silver, and Thieves oil and lots of vitamin C but seem to be fighting more than just strep as my stomach has also been iffy today.
We did two puzzles this holiday and it was fun to sit and visit with a few of the girls who helped finish them. I really have a hard time not doing anything. I wanted so much to feel better so I could work on my dad's quilt that I wanted to finish before Christmas but was just so lethargic that it didn't happen.
I wanted to share a few pictures of our "PJ" tradition and our "candy trail" tradition. Princess Two told me that I needed to make a trail still. We use candy most years but sometimes I will use movies or games to make the trail but Princess Five isn't eating sweets and is doing fabulous at that, I am gluten free and don't like most candy so that left three people to eat whatever I put down so I put down some blue fruities as I know they all like those. It was a lame trail but it fulfilled her wish to have a trail.
Here is a link to our original Candy Trail tradition post in 2010.
Here is the post for 2011 showing movies along with the candy.
Here is one for 2015 showing games as that was our theme for Christmas that year.
Here is the first post on our pajama tradition in 2010.
Here is a post about our pj's tradition from 2012.
Here is the one from 2014.
Here is one from 2015.
Here is the post from 2016.
Here is a post about my family traditions while I was growing up with some fun pictures of us lined up for Christmas morning.
In the end, we had a great time with all the traditions and I wanted to share some pictures of them just to keep up the tradition this year. I am sorry I have been lame at blogging this busy week but hope I feel better next week!
Have a BLESSED Day!