I am still having an issue with Princess Four's email but think I may have figured out why she is having a problem. It seems that those that have apple products can get her emails and pictures but when she sends her emails through with pictures to normal emails, it doesn't go through.
I hope that I have figured it out and maybe we will see next week. I guess she is now in a new area and is struggling with the language. Hopefully things will get easier soon. Enjoy...
"Hello beautiful family and friends!
Happy Easter! We had a lovely Easter Sunday yesterday, IN MY NEW
AREA!!! I transferred!!! WAHOO!! And..... I HAVE A JAPANESE
COMPANION!! What!? Her name is (new companion) Shimai. Old Valley Shimai! She
is a doll! And Can speak enough English to communicate pretty well...
ahaha some days are interesting... ahaha but I really do love her. She
is so fun. She carries a Ukulele with her everywhere. We were a match
made in heaven.... Literally. Baha. Jokes. Anyway.... This weeks

Us Eating Sushi.. for a dollar a plate..... I love Japan... its fine....
I got to eat chips and salsa my first day here in Higashi... It was a big shukufuku for me. I really miss salsa! But the "fruits basket" aka free food from angel ward members, in higashi is amazing. We got Costco muffins yesterday from an American member. The comfort food was needed with not being able to always communicate with my companion. God loves me :) haha

I am also blessed that Shimai can speak English. I love her.
I had to say goodbye to dear friends in Muroran, but that is ok. Ill see them again someday! We spent my last day getting goached, fed, by a member, and seeing Udon. We gave her a BOM. She is going to get baptized. She just has to. She is perfect !
WE also decorated her door a awhile ago, and she still had it up! So cute!!
I also said goodbye to Ai chan... Goodbye Aichan and Dream Bakery!!
Bye bishop and porkys! He is such a good man! And a great cook!
Remember how I lost 100 dollars..... yeah me too... The elders were so nice and gave me some of their personal money. 25 each. I tried to give it back, but (my old companion) Shimai too it from them... I really needed that money later, so I am grateful for Yamazaki and Takashima choro.!
They also gave me another Yugio card because I ruined the other one when I lost my wallet, and they love me, and my face matches this card lady's face...
Yesterday I was asked to bear my testimony... or Akashi... Here is a screen shot of that in case you want to know what Japanese sounds like...
After church we handed out tons of bags of Okashi... candy/snacks. Some people were super not interested in our happy Easter message, but we whipped out the bags, and they were a little more interested. I love Easter, Christ, and his resurrection! We handed all of these out yesterday, and the day before. We hope we get a few calls, but we will see!
We also went to this youth place to do or language study/ find some fun youth to baptize... Our plan kind of worked! A bunch of elementary school kids loved that I spoke Japanese, and they spoke really good English.. one said, "You really surprised me because you can speak Japanese" I said, "You really surprised me that you can speak pera pera English!" He was cute! He told me he had a leg disability. They were there for Saturday school, so we hope to see those kids again! We also met a cute girl named Ami! She had some rocking red shoes, and a sweat outfit that said Cheer on it. So I complimented her shoes, and asked if she was a cheerleader. She does dance! And LOVES MUSICALS!!!! We became good friends real fast. Shimai finished the conversation, and by the time we left we had her number! She is so cute! She lives out of our area, but we hope the other sisters will be able to do things with her!!
People here are a little less excited and willing to talk to us as a whole, but we do find gems.

OH YEAH!!! Biggest miracle... (Cute lady) and her mom!! My first day we were streeting/ going to the church. We were walking the same way as a cute girl. She had been to Canada, and liked English. We walked the same way, all the way to the church. WE kept talking, and the Choro came out of the church. We asked if she wanted a tour, she said yes. Here are the choro by the way.
They are fun. And American. So we talked for a while, and she said she would come to eikaiwa that night. She kept her promise. And even brought her mom. It was awesome! We had so much fun! the mom said I was sexy.. I couldn't understand her though, so the choro had to translate.... Choto awkward, but it was soooooo funny! They said they came to the church on Sunday once, but missed sacrament, but they wanted to come again! So that is crazy! They gave us a ride home. We were able to give them a BOM. Our goal is to give out 84 of those this transfer, and we are already at 5!! Go us!! Yay! But really. I see so many miracles. God loves us all so much!!!
I ate octopus and squid. They were ok. Kinda bland and chewy. But I'm glad I can say I ate them. Wahoo!
I hope you are all well!! I also had some awesome personal revelation from the BOM. It happens like everyday. That book is true, and has so much power. I know it will answer any and all questions. If you aren't reading it daily, choose to start today.
I hope your Easter was family and Christ filled!
Love、Princess Four"