I have shared in the past about finding treasure through buying bags of jewelry and gold at second hand stores / thrift stores / and yard or garage sales. I have a treasure hunt playlist that I share on my YouTube channel about that.
I have also shared in the past about how you can find treasures in the toy section. The one thing I don't think I have shared about is about finding treasures in art. I don't think the art is a treasure in money, but I do feel like they are treasures still. I didn't used to care about things like art and color, but over the years I find myself growing with a love and appreciation of art and colors. 
I used to just skip over the art / print section at thrift stores. In the past few years, I find myself checking those sections regularly. I haven't taken the time to research the painting much that I buy, but I buy things that I like. I have found about five paintings in the past few years that I really love.
I have two that really need cleaning and one from the late 1800's that needs a repair. I want to learn how to clean and repair the paintings, but haven't taken the time to study that yet.
I found a beautiful floral oil painting that I hung in my room. It is so well painted that I enjoy admiring it daily. Today, I found another piece of art I am excited about! It needs cleaning, but even with that, it is so beautiful! It reminds me of a Monet painting. I am so happy about it! The best part, is that it was $5!
I have several other painting in my seaside decor bathroom that I enjoy as well. One is an oil of boats, and the other is a coastal water color. It amazes me the skill some people have for painting. I have done some tole painting, but have never done much above that as I have never had the opportunity to take lessons. I have always wished I was more artistic and have tried drawing in the past, but it hasn't been something that comes naturally.
I enjoy making things and am artistic in many ways, but just not in drawing or painting. It amazes me that all of these paintings are in different mediums. One is charcoal, one is oil sticks, one is water color, and several are in oil.
Maybe at some point I will make taking lessons a priority. I wonder how much natural talent you need to paint well, if it can be taught or learned? Perhaps it is like singing. I have a natural talent for singing and know that some people are tone deaf and can't be taught to sing. It will be interesting to examine that further in the future. My advice is to search for treasures wherever you can find them. In the end, the value of a piece is in how much you value it over how much you pay for it!
Have a blessed day!