It was January 2010. I had a dream and it was in color and was so vivid I told my older sister about it. She thought it had meaning in her life because she was working with someone whose name was the name of the person in my dream. I wasn't so sure but it was just a dream so I didn't pay much attention.
I was driving 5 hours back from a wedding and got a text message. My phone screen had cracked
being set down next to a power plug for our printer. I didn't have texting, hated texting, usually didn't read or reply to texts and at this point, couldn't read but 1/2 of the text because my phone screen was cracked.
I had a new phone in my bag that someone had given me at the wedding that I needed to charge before changing it over. So, this would be the last day on my old phone. Being alone without any of the kids in the car I actually looked at the text. Usually being busy with the kids, I didn't even open texts.
I couldn't make out much from the text other than something abou
t AZ friend. I really couldn't think of anyone in Arizona that I knew and couldn't read enough of the text to get an idea of the content so being alone, I called the person. A man answered and I said, hello and told him who I was and that I couldn't read his text because my phone screen was cracked but that I couldn't place the number and asked who it was.
He said he was with his grandchildren and needed to go into the other room so he could hear. He said his name and it didn't ring any bells. He told me that we had gone out about three years ago and that at the time, I told him he wasn't ready for a relationship only being out of his divorce recently and he now had realized I was right.
Well, I used to date tons and have told quite a few men something similar to that so I thought it was someone I went out with a few years ago but I couldn't place him so I questioned further. We talked for 20 minutes before he mentioned snow. I told him we didn't have any and it depended on where you lived in the state. He said, "I know where you live."
That was the clincher for me. I am so protective of my kids that I knew I didn't know him. I told him I thought he had the wrong woman. He told me he didn't think I remembered him. I asked him who he thought he was talking with and he said, "Susan." I laughed and laughed. That isn't my name. We kept talking and found out we were both on the same dating site. We were both the same religion and had both been single for some time.
I guess he put my number in about 3 years ag
o thinking it was Susan's number. If he had called one day later, I would have texted him back saying he had the wrong person. Or, if I had called at a different time and he could have actually heard me say my name etc. So many weird situations had to come together to have that happen.
We both thought it was weird so decided to continue talking. We spoke often and one night I was talking to my sister and she said, "Oh my, he is the guy from your dream." I had forgotten my dream but she was right. I first saw his photo on the internet on a newspaper, he was in the medical field, but the rest was stuff I wasn't sure of. So, that night, as I was talking to him, I read him my dream. (I keep a dream journal for really vivid dreams now.) He was silent and changed the subject so I thought I had weirded him out.
He told me later on the call that he was getting his house ready for an open house. We talked further and I found out that he owned his house but didn't. Someone he knew was losing it to the bank so he stepped in and was making the payments and when it sold, they would split the profit. He said his kids didn't even know that.
Next day, he calls and asks if I can find a way to meet him the next day in a major city. He would fly into my state. I found a ride up and on the way up, I realized that in
my dream, the guy owned but didn't own a REALLY nice house. We met and while at lunch, I commented that my dream was right about a few things like him owning the house but not owning the house, his job, the newspaper etc. He then explained why he went silent on the call. He said my dream was right on and asked me to give him details about my dream. He asked me questions down to the type of shrubs by the house.
Turns out, my dream was 100% accurate about everything down to the shrub type, car type, colors, everything! He sent a few text pictures of things that went along with the stuff I had seen in my dream.
We were both weirded out by the whole thing. It was
Valentines weekend. He took me home. He bought me diamond 1/2 carrot each solitaire earrings and each of my girls a 32 gig Ipod touch and $30 in iTunes money. (Yes, he is extremely wealthy!) I told him we couldn't accept the gifts as they were extravagant.
He asked "If he were a r
egular guy and took me to dinner, a movie and brought me flowers and a small gift would I take it?" I told him I would. He said, "To me, this is about the same amount percentage wise and it is something I wanted to do for you and your girls. I also wanted you to know where the diamonds came from and that they were perfect. No flaws, that is why I took you to the store to buy them."
In our past conversations, it had come up that my engagement diamond from my marriage was one bought used and that it had flaws. Knowing this, he wanted me to have something perfect. Also, he said he knew that I couldn't afford to get my girls the iPods they wanted but that for him, it wasn't a big deal.
I really appreciated what he taught me with that and something else he taught me. That nigh
t when we were driving to my town, he said he bought gift bags for the iPods and would I put them together. He said he bought different types of tissue colors because he knew that was important to girls as he has four daughters of his own. I thought that was silly. I put the bags together with different colored tissue and colorful ribbons.
We gathered the girls around, (I was still having a hard time accepting his gifts as I had rarely let them meet men, let alone get gifts from them) and the girls each chose a bag. When I asked the girls about it later, he was right. The girls each said they picked the bag they did because the like the color of tissue. He was very observant that way.
Anyway, long story shorter. I was cooking dinner the next day when he came for lunch. He was on the computer helping the girls download iTunes and songs etc. I was in the kitchen and was really having a hard time dealing with the gifts and this song came into my head, "This one's for the girls."
I started cry
ing. I knew that all the other Valentines Day gifts, prizes and winnings were for me. This Valentines Day, our Heavenly Father wanted my girls to know He loved them and gave them the thing they wanted most. Something that would have been out of my reach financially but for this man, it was pocket change. My Heavenly Father also wanted me to know that I was worth more than a flawed diamond.
I know that this man wouldn't have flown out to meet me or spend that type of money had I not had that dream and been able to tell him things about his life that even his children didn't know.
I believe my loving Heavenly Father will use many different ways to show his children that He loves them. If you have read my posts about my big Valentines wins you will see how He has shown me for years He loves me. Here are the first two and I have yet to post the biggest win but perhaps I will get to it soon.
The relationship didn't work out as long distance and other factors made it hard. However, I know that the dream and the following gifts were all Gods way of taking care of my family.
That was a year ago and I can't tell you how many times I have thanked my Heavenly Father and his angels for orchestrating such a wonderful melody of events. The phone breaking, his wrong number and text, his grand kids being noisy, my weird dream, both of us being single and religious, his generosity....
My girls still use their iPods daily. They have been a blessing in my life so I can actually get on my computer and they use their iPods saving me from having to share.
Yes, we are Dream Believers!