Hello to all my wonderful friends and family! I just wanted you to know that I love you all very much, and I hope you all get A's on your finals, and/or get to enjoy the beautiful spring weather. Also a big shout out to my sister who's
birthday is this week!
This week we had transfer calls and Sister "Companion" and I will be staying in Kearny! #blessed
Some fun things that happened this week:

•We were walking down the street and we heard someone yelling "Hermana's," and one of our friends who we have a very hard time staying on contact with came running out of a restaurant, and we were able to set up an appointment with her! Right after
that, not 30 seconds later, two of our friend we were teaching English class but had lost contact with came out of the laundromat right in front of us and we were able to exchange contact information again because they had changed phone numbers. God's timing
is perfect!
•We were walking down the street and through window I saw a wool llama/alpaca tapestry so we went and knocked on there door. This cute old lady answered and was telling us they weren't interested but then we mentioned the tapestry and how beautiful
it was, and she immediately let us in to see it. They are a couple from Ecuador, they came to the states about 30 years ago with 80 of their family members! they shared their beliefs with us and we were able to teach them about the book of Mormon, we have
an appointment with them tomorrow!
•We taught a young man named Issa this week, he is a whopping 6'10", he is from West Africa, and he follows the Musli
m religion. He has a lot of similar beliefs that we have, and a lot of interesting views of the scriptures, as he has grown
up reading both the Koran and the Bible. But we were able to share the book of Mormon with him, and we really hope he understands, and feels the importance of it.

•About a month ago, I told a story about a little girl who started kissing a picture of Jesus when we handed it to her. Well we have stayed in contact with her dad, Jarek, and we were finally able to meet with him last week with a member! We
invited him to read the Book of Mormon and called him yesterday to see how it went, and he said he had read and had felt so much peace from reading! We have another appointment with him this week!
This week was challenging, and through it I have been refined a little bit, and I continue to learn and grow so much every week, thank you all for you love and support, I love you all!
Hermana Princess Five
Isabela(Jarek's daughter)
Knocking doors with one of the young women from our ward.
A low quality picture of our view of the New York skyline, that does not do the view justice.