After the first hurricane hit the islands, we were super happy to hear that all the missionaries in country were well and they had power and water soon after. When Maria hit, the reports have been rough.
This was the first report from them after Maria:
"Update on my parents. They texted a few days ago and said things were looking bad. They were on minimum food rations, sewage was backing up, they were having to boil water because water can't be found anywhere on the island, and the generators broke at the mission home so no more power. The heat and humidity has been tremendous, given that they are still having some rain. A curfew was in effect on the island at 4p because things were a little dangerous and emergency crews were needing to work through the night. Here is their text from very late last night:
"As you probably know by now, we are evacuating our missionaries from this island. We sent off 36 sisters yesterday and hope to send the balance of the sisters tomorrow with the elders shortly thereafter. Mom and I will likely stay behind to help close the sixty apartments and move all furniture, fridges, washing machines, beds, etc, to storage and clean out each unit and secure each of our vehicles. It is really rough right now but we continue as best we can with the work. We had a baptism yesterday evening and the Spirit was so strong. We continue to see miracles on every front. We have had people of every faith ask us for help and also cheer and clap as we take out groups of missionaries to help clean up. We worried about where to park all of our vehicles. At first, the President suggested just driving all of the missionaries to the airport and then just leaving the vehicles at the airport. I felt that we should take them to the nearby stake center but we didn't have a key to the gate. We could not call anyone because the phone systems were all down.

Please keep them, and all the missionaries and people suffering losses from these hurricanes and earthquakes around the world, in your prayers!
Have a Blessed Day and weekend!