Hello to all you Beautiful souls out there! Thanks for enduring to the end with me! I don't know what to say besides miracles. So lets talk about them!

,l let's start off with CHURCH! Guess how many investigations/ eikaiwa students/investigators family members came to church this week. Not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, but 6. SIX! 2 Eikawa students. Their English n
ames are yellow and Madonna. They are fun, and one of the elders investigators came. But for kobay shimai and I, Yamam san, the husband of a less active that we started to teach, said he would come if it rained. It didn't rain. But he did come! He works outside, so when it rains he cant work, but he said he would work fast so that he could come. Our other new investigator, yama san, told us that his brother wanted to meet us. So they both came to church! I spoke on Sunday, and we sang as missionaries, but both the yama brothers, and the Yamam couple both missed my talk.... The Yamam did make it in time for the song though. They missed the most important part, the sacrament, but the brothers stayed for a class before leaving. It was such a tender mercy. I don't think I've ever seen so many non members come to church before in one day. God is TOO good. It was a happy day!
We planned on dropping an investigator. We were a little worried about it, but when we showed up for dinner he told us the reasons why he didn't want to meet with us anymore.... He dropped himself!!! I

t was SUCH a tender mercy. We have to drop another investigator this week, so God was very kind to us, and we are grateful for it! He also gave me some special rocks. He is a nice man.
Ummmmm. Oh cute story. Me, or possibly my companion, might have mixed up the trains, and we went the wrong way.... this is the second time this has happened... trains are more scarce out here... so we had to wait a longgg time for the next train. Plus a 30 minute wait at the big station, plus walking to our appointments house... we were 2 hours late. But it all worked out! They came to church. So SHUKUFUKU!!
We had a relief society activity, and an investigator came, and a few less actives. God is good. We also had a less active of 3 years come to church. I started up a conversation, and she said that she didn't feel joy, so she decided to come back to church, and that she doesn't want to leave again. She helped convert a lot of her family when she was baptized. It's so good to know that nobody is ever to far from God to return!
We were able to visit a lot of members this week! Members are jus the best! I love them! One was the bishops family. We had dinner. The dinner consisted of spilled peach juice, changing their sons clothes 3 times because he cries if they get wet, and lots and lots of listening to Japanese Children.... It was the dream! I LOVE THE GOSPEL!
It is the weirdest thing getting ready to go back to America. I don't want to talk about it.... so I won't.
Oh. While I was giving my final talk here in japan. I told everyone that God created a map for us. And that this map is commandments. When we follow this map, we will feel joy! But when I said that a lot of people laughed. Turns out instead of saying Chizu. I said Chiizu. The difference is in the I's. Instead of saying map, Chizu, with two syllables, I said Chiizu, Cheese, with 3 syllables. When we follow Gods cheese we will feel joy. This cheese is commandments. He created this cheese for us... you get the idea. Luckily the gift of tongues is real, and so is the gift of understanding my many Japanese mistakes. I couldn't mess up this work if I tried. God is too powerful for that! So just remember. Everybody makes mistakes. But if you do your best to follow Gods Commandments (cheese if you will) you will feel joy!
Sitting in the sushi shop YMCA came on in Japanese -
just a little ditty, we heard at the sushi shop. Don't worry. We left singing I am a child of God, but now you know that the YMCA is not just for Americans.
Pictures-The Yama family!!! Look at the baby! .... Mom sorry. I'm never leaving Japan.
This is me as a five year old named Riko. Kobay is one lucky missionary to have such a good companion.
We felt prompted to go into a flower shop to share the gospel.... The owner wasn't interested, but would you look at these Glorious that I bought! yes that is the real name. Ohhhhh It's glorious! @davidarchuletta
Oh. This is just some stuff I ate today. Mama datta, demo Ebi ga daisuki no de daijoubu deshita.