Last weekend, I went to Las Vegas with some friends. I actually knew many people that went to the conference we attended. I mentioned yesterday that I went to a class by a woman that I hadn't planned to attend. Since I didn't ask this woman if I could post her name and photo, I blotted her face out in the picture but the experience I had in her lecture / presentation has changed me.
I want to let you know of a few other things that happened first. (Just to let you know, I was doing something else and just had a thought and came back to the computer and looked at it and it was 11:11, see that post here.)
At lunch the first day, we were eating lunch in a huge cafeteria, there hadn't been any music playing while we were eating. Someone came in to set up some speakers for something later that night. I didn't see that as we were 50 feet away or so. Just then, they plugged in the speakers and the song, "Iris" by Goo Goo Dolls comes on. (See that post here.) It wasn't at the beginning of the song, but in the middle. I stopped in the middle of my sentence and turned to see where the song was coming from. The women I was with asked what was going on and I told them about that song and how I always hear it. Perhaps because it is from "City of Angels" it is God's way of letting me know I have angels around me. I still don't know why I hear it all the time, everywhere I go it seems.
I also found coins in the parking lot and twice when we stopped for food somewhere. I
picked them up happily and showed my friends. One woman asked what I was doing and I was able to share about how God's name is on them and we shouldn't leave them on the ground and about how it is Heavenly Fathers way to let me know I need to trust in Him. (Click here to link to the post about that.)
Now, back to my Vegas enlightenment. I went to the first presenter and they had saved me a seat. Not many minutes into her presentation, I had the weirdest sensation. It was nothing I had ever felt before. It felt like someone was pouring something down my spine from the top of my head. It was tingling and lasted for several seconds. That same sensation happened about 5 other times while I was sitting in that classroom.
I have felt t
he Spirit of the Lord touch my heart and give me "chills" before and this sensation was like that but long and pouring in. Not just a "feeling" for a few seconds and not just a tingle in one spot. I have also felt a burning feeling in my chest that I felt was "the spirit" of the Lord. I have also felt promptings of the spirit from the Lord where you just "know" something. It is usually about me needing to call someone or do some specific thing.

This feeling wasn't like a prompting, it was like someone was pouring spirit into me. Each time lasted several seconds. I don't think it was what the presenter was saying, I think the presenter prayed before she started and brought this spirit with her. I also feel like I needed to learn something and I also feel like for some reason, I have a special bond with the presenter. Perhaps I knew her in Heaven. I don't know exactly what the reason was but as I pondered on it and talked to my friends to ask if they felt it, they didn't and I described it as an "out pouring" of the spirit.
I have heard in church before people say, "We have felt and outpouring of the spirit hear today." When I would hear that I would think, "Yes, I did feel a good spirit today." or something similar. However, it wasn't until I was describing it to my friends that i realized "an OUTPOURING" of the spirit, is just that. The spirit is "pouring" over you. I am over 40 and have never felt that in my life until this weekend. I feel it was a blessing and gift from my Heavenly Father. It was a beautiful experience.
This morning as I was half asleep, I had a thought th
at I am sure was given in the only way it could be. Sometimes, when I am awake, my life is so busy that I don't often hear inspiration or promptings because my mind isn't still enough. So, this morning, I have this thought, "Are you Faith Full? You have faith, but are you Faith Full?"

I was still sleeping and when I got up, that thought was still stuck in my head. I wrote myself a text to remind me as I know once my day gets going, I lose those inspirations which I think are so strong, that I will remember them. Guess what? Halfway through the day, I couldn't remember exactly what the thought I had was so I am glad I know my busy life well enough to know I needed that reminder so I could write about and ponder about it more. When I pondered on it, I came to realize, I have faith in some areas of my life and not so much in others. I have always thought a was a "Faithful" Christian. However, today, I learned, I am not as "Faith Full" as I thought I was. If I were faithful, I would be full of faith.
The lesson I learned today is that I need to be "Faith Full" and pray for an "outpouring" of the spirit regularly in my life. Trusting my Heavenly Father enough that I am Faithful at all times.
Back to the presenter. I talked with her after the presentation telling her I felt such a
great spirit when she spoke and that I felt connected to her somehow. She told me she felt the same and gave me her personal information. I don't know what will happen in the future but I feel like I could see her in 20 years and we would connect and just be friends. There aren't that many people that I have ever felt that comfortable with right off like that.

When I went to Liz Lemon Swindles class and she asked us to give away 5 pictures of Christ, I asked her to sign one so I could take it to this other presenter. I ran back to the first class, went in and gave her the picture and asked if I could get a picture of us together. I got it and will cherish it as I know we are sisters in another realm and it is a reminder of the first time I had an outpouring of the Spirit.
I am grateful for the chance to go and be with friends this weekend. We went out dancing and to a party and enjoyed Karaoke for a few hours one night. I also got to see a good friend that moved from my area to Las Vegas a few years ago. She allowed us to stay at her home. It was good to visit with her and her new husband.
I truly feel that I had an "outpouring" of blessings this week and am grateful to my Heavenly Father who worked it out that I could attend the conference and spend time with friends as well as feeling of His love in so many other little ways. May your life be so blessed.