Hello all my wonderful family and friends! How are you all?! I'm so sorry I didn't send a letter last week, but here is this one, it's going to be a little long!
This week was pretty great!
One day we were street contacting for
about an hour and everyone seemed to be in a sour mood. No one was happy, no one was smiling, little did they know that we had a message that could change their lives forever and bring them joy through eternity.
Unfortunately, no one wanted
to here that message. So after an hour of nothing we started walking back to our car. When we were almost there we saw our first genuine smile of the day. We stopped her, her name is Dalilah, and she was so happy and willing to hear our message, we return
to her work later that week and told her about the book of Mormon and gave her a copy, she works all the time, so it will be hard to meet with her again but we are hopeful that we can teach her again.
Another cool thing that happened this week, is I've been trying to listen to the spirit more. We were searching for a certain street, turns out we were in the wrong town, but as we were walking to find it, I had the thought to knock a door, and
she said "never suppress a good thought," so we did, and immediately we were let into the house, and were able to teach a quick lesson on the book of Mormon, it was really cool experience.
Also, we were street contacting another day, and I tried to tell this woman that she had a beautiful smile, so the word for smile, but the word for smile in Spanish is "sonrisa" and "sangre" is the word for blood, so I ended up saying "songrisa"
which 1 is not a word and 2 my companion thought I was saying blood so I'm sure this poor woman on the street thought I was telling her that she had beautiful blood.
We went to Ellis Island again this week, and it was empty so that was a long day. Also, listen up everyone, the streets of Patterson are kind of crazy. The other day we were doing a table presentation stand for English classes with our Zone leaders, and the this very drunk woman came up mumbling how she spoke English, then punched and
broke our sign, then signed her signature across our whole sign up sheet, she walked away but circled her way back, and stood really close to one of the Elders and started rapping at him. It was SO FUNNY, but also we were all really scared of her.
Our friend Anna, who we started teaching through English classes, came to church this week! She brought her two daughters, and she absolutely loved it, she has gone to a different church her whole life, and so she was in awe by every little detail.
Like the boy who blessed the sacrament bread was having a hard time so he said the blessing like 7 times, because he couldn't get it right, which as a missionary when things don't go smoothly at church it's kind of stressful, but later she told us that she was so amazed
with the patience and peace she felt from the congregation, the whole time. So surprise blessings!
Also in this ward, every fourth Sunday, they have "missionary Sunday" where the missionaries always speak, I didn't know this until Wednesday, and I didn't have time to write one until that morning, and then I had to translate the whole thing
into Spanish. I was really worried that it wasn't good, or that people wouldn't understand it, but later when Anna was talking to us she quoted my talk, so I'm really glad she got something out of if.
Spanish is fun, but hard, I said something the other day, and it came out in a Dominican accent on accident, and it's happened like 3 times since so to all of you who told me I was going to come back with an accent, I might just not with the
one you excepted😅
We went to eat at a Dominican Juice bar this week, and I wanted to try the most Dominican thing they had, it was called yarua I think, which ended up being this type of banana fried, with cheese and pulled pork, with fry sauce looking stuff
on top. It was so good! I also tried another dish which is like a burger but instead of a bun, they have flattened and fried plantains.
That's it for this week!
Hermana Princess Five
Anna and her family
Parallel Parking
Ellis Island
Dominican food