She is living in NY and currently NY has the most cases of any state in the nation overtaking Washington State. I think she was inspired as she asked for hand sanitizer for Christmas. I sent her about 10 small purse size containers and her sister sent her two large bath and body works containers. She told me that none of the stores there are sold out and that they went to Bath and Body Works and that they had several cases of hand sanitizer that they weren't even bothering to put on the shelves and were letting people buy.
She said that she lives in a poorer area with many immigrants and that she doesn't think they really understand what is going on. She said she hasn't seen any difference in the area and it seems like it is "Business as usual" and wonders if the immigrants have to work, or aren't able to go without the money they get, as most seem to live paycheck to paycheck.

I worry about her, but she says she feels confident in being there and isn't worried about it. I have gotten two letters from the President of the mission over her, and they have shared what advice they have given to the missionaries serving there, and it seems like they have a good handle on the situation. I have to Trust God in this as He is aware of his children, and especially his missionaries.
She looked good on the video chat and seems in good spirits and shared a short email with some pictures. Here is her email.

This week we had interviews, and we always love seeing the President and his wife, they are incredible!
Elsa put herself on date for baptism for May 3rd, so we are hoping that she continues to progress and that we can help her participate in a home sacrament meeting!
We did some mini exchanges and so I went and spent the day with sister Tex who has been stuck inside for a couple days.
Here are some self explanatory pictures
Hermana Princess Five"
Have a blessed day!
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