I have a "To Do" list always going. Sometimes it is on my phone and alarms are ringing all day. Other times I have an actual list, sometimes on Sticky notes around the house. Sometimes, if the list get really large, I will type it up. Today, I feel like I got nothing off my list but I went all day.
By noon, I felt tired already and had calls and texts all morning and I kept trying to get to the main things on my "list" but nothing got done. I did lots of things that should have been on my "list" but weren't.
Things on my "list" right now are:
1 - Clean out the rain gutters (which entails borrowing an extension ladder. That has been on my list for about three weeks.)
2 - Change out the flood light bulb in the back yard. (Added on the list today.)
3 - Change out the weather stripping on the trailer windows.
4 - Remove the trailer windows and put in the putty.
5 - Put in new edging around outside trailer.
7 - Drive trailer to lot
8 - Clean out old swamp cooler and list it for sale.
9 - Clean the outside windows and window wells.
10 - Plant the garden.
11 - Replace part on the broken edger and finish edging the yard.
12 - Clean the carpets.
13 - Get new video transfer software and transfer videos off SD cards to DVD's
14 - Sort and scan all mom's bins.
etc, etc
Well, as you can see, some of the things on the list take about 15 minutes and other things I have been working on for months. The trailer is still needing lots of things done and I have worked on it for many days but either it is raining or it is so hot that climbing up on the top holds no interest for me.
My friend Sara (who talked me into doing this blog), gave me a swamp cooler from the house she bought as she wanted central air. I picked it up a few months ago and today, I finally got it in the window. One would have thought that would be easy but let me tell you why it wasn't so easy.
Her cooler is much newer than the one I have. However, the motor on the one she gave me is a smaller motor than what I have now and what I have now is smaller than what I had before. I worried that if I used the smaller motor, we wouldn't have enough cool in the house. So, I took out the motors and exchanged them. That took me at least an hour.
I then put in new cedar pads after scrubbing the sides and using a knife to clean out the slits where the water goes. I had one of the girls help me pull out the old one and put in the new one. I take it out of the window in the fall but just leave it on a table all winter so I don't have to move it the next year as I don't always have the girls around to help.
So, I finished all that today and also put in some dirt around the base as it has eroded away with the water draining year after year. I glued the door on the entertainment center which broke at Christmas time. It was not my best repair job but I learned that I shouldn't have used the tan "Gorilla Glue" as it dries white and foams up for some reason. But, we can now close the door without the string holding it together so I am glad that is off my mental list anyway.
I will clean my old one up and sell it or give it away. I called one family member who I know didn't have anything and they seemed offended when I offered to give it to them since someone had shared with me, I wanted to pay it forward. I figure I will put the proceeds towards Princess Fours Thailand trip or one of the many other trips she is taking this summer.
I am hoping to get most of the things on that list done in the next two days. That depends on my mechanic who is working on my car as I need new tires and to get it inspected and registered in the next two days! If not, I will probably get more on the list done but I just won't have a car!
What is on your list? The cracked sidewalk is now off of mine! YEA! And it only took two years!