I once again am exhausted and just fell asleep in the chair. I am trying a new mouth guard for my sleep apnea, and it is hurting my teeth, two in particular and it is keeping me from getting a good night sleep. I have been busy as well, so I just need to catch up on some sleep! I fell asleep in the chair and again and it is almost 4 a.m. I spent most of the day trying to figuring out why my suburban won't start. I was so happy when for the first time in years my suburban started right up for camping as I had a trickle charger on it. It did fine until after camping, we were cleaning out the trailer and I forgot to unplug it from the suburban.
While draining the water tank etc, the battery drained on the suburban and we had to use my little battery pack to jump start it. We got to the field where were were storing it, and we were just about to pull the trailer onto wood planks for winter storage, and I turned the car off to make sure they were lined up and when I got back in, it wouldn't start.
We tried jump starting it again using several different methods, and it wouldn't start, it would just click. I thought perhaps I damaged the battery. We had a trickle charger on it overnight and went back the next day and nothing.
Today, I went by my mechanics and got a new battery thinking perhaps there was something wrong with the battery. I traded them out and nothing. I did notice that when I was connecting the red terminal, it was sparking each time I connected it and my mechanic told me there was something keeping it from connecting well. He thought it may be the rubber covers keeping it from connecting, so I cut those off. Still nothing, so my next guess was the starter.
I purchased the started used, and got a few good years out of it. I hope it is a cheap and easy fix. I don't want to put much money into it as it is older than three of my girls and we use it once a year to go to the lake.
Thank heavens for AAA. I have had it for more years than I can remember, but rarely use it. I have the RV plan, so I get 100 miles towing. I was able to have it towed to my mechanic and was grateful to the couple allowing me to store it in their field. It is so nice not having to deal with weeds, and prickers to hitch it. They visited with me as I waited for the tow truck for a few hours as they needed the big truck as my suburban is BIG.
The problem was that it was still attached to the trailer and the trailer wasn't quite on the boards. The house owners helped me block the trailer, unhitch it, tow my suburban out of the way, then hitched up to the trailer and pulled it onto the wood planks, then sat and visited with me in the shade. They were very kind and sweet and allow me to park it on their lot for free! I covered the tires and had already winterized the pipes and it is such a relief to have that at least done.

By the time we dropped it off, it was nearly 8. I visited with the tow truck driver and he went to school and was in percussion with Princess Three! In visiting with him, he shared that his mom had five kids and her former spouse was VERY similar to mine. This mad said he has nothing to do with his father. He said his dad stopped paying his alimony at the beginning of COVID as he knew the courts would be shut down and his mother couldn't get in anytime soon to get him to pay it and it is amazing to me that a man could give up spending time with this man as he was hard working, clean cut, respectable, an asset to the community and very kind! What a loss that father is to humanity in giving up contact with his son for money and laziness / pride / selfishness! We talked about how sad it is for him not to know his grandchildren! I shared with him that my oldest grandchild asked when Princess One's dad died a few years back. She just assumed since I was single, that he must be dead! So far as any of them know, he is. I can't understand some behaviors, but sometimes feel it is better to not have certain people in your life! I could see this man had sadness over his loss of a father in his world. I explained that he and his children are better off without that trauma and drama in their world, as if you let someone like that into your life, they get a hold and then you can't seem to get them out again, so it is better to draw a firm line and stick with it.
I let Princess Three know he asked about her and said to tell her "hello" and she replied. It turned into a nice day, but it was VERY HOT and VERY LONG! I need to get some sleep.
Have a blessed day!