These 8 main doors were used as the backdrop or background for the ring ceremony. We placed them into groups of four hinged together to give them stability so they wouldn't fall if bumped. I did think ab
out putting one of the floating walls in the center but thought it would be distracting from the ceremony so we skipped that. However, it is nice that in the future, if we use them for the other girls or family, we can put a banner, colored cellophane, a wall of flowers or anything else down the center.
In thinking about it, I like the idea of making a wall of flowers. I had two doors I threw out but now wish I had kept them. I could have drilled tons of holes through them and placed flowers in the downward diagonal holes and made a door of just flowers. I'll have to keep that idea in mind for next time.
On the sides, we used closet doors to help us attach the "float
ing" wall we made. I'll talk about those in another post but I just wanted you to see how the front looked.
About the curtains - I used push thumb tacks to attach the lace. I used thin elastic to thread through the lace to make it gather some. Before putting the thumbtack into the door on the inside edge of the glass, I put a safety pin on the tip of the tack so that it would be held into place allowing us to pin a colored piece of fabric behind the lace.
We wanted to incorporate her wedding blue color into the back drop or back ground without it distracting from the doors. Using the lace in front allowed us to then put the blue in the back in a muted for so it wasn't distracting.
Doing it this way by putting the tack in the frame next to the glass, it keeps it from being knocked off or having it scrape another door. It also holds the safety pin on which can be used now in the future to hold whatever color the new user chooses without much work other than cutting the fabric to fit and pinning it on using the existing pins.
To take ap
art the doors, you need a large, thick nail and a hammer. You open the doors enough that the hammer won't scratch when it hits the nail. You place the nail in the under side of the hinge in the center and then tap it with the hammer. The pin on the top of the hinge now raises where it can be pulled out.
Once the door hinges are separated, you replace the hinge pin into the main door hinge. If it is loose at all, take
a plastic baggie and stick the hinge pin into the baggie before placing it into the hinge. The baggie will be just enough to hold the hing pin in place for transportation of the doors.
The hinges for the doors are between $4-8 a hinge. There are two to three hinges on each door. Some have hinges on both sides of the door which really adds up. The hinge pins are about $4 for three pins but there are three different sizes of pins and some can't be replaced so you don't want to lose those pins. If you put them in a baggie, you risk them ripping through or you have to play, "find the pin that fits" in some of the older doors.
I had to replace most of the oldest doors hinges as they had all sorts of types of hinges back in the day but most aren't large and wouldn't hold moving doors very well and they also only used two hinges. I tried to secure them with three where I could to make the back drop more secure.
To make it easie
r for those using the doors in the future, I took a black Sharpie and wrote on the top of each door. "Backdrop door 1" through "Backdrop door 8" on them. Then I did the same thing on the French foyer doors. I wrote, "French door 1" through French door 5" as I had a little closet door on the one side to give the doors more stability.
That way, all they have to do is line them up by the number and put the pins in the hinges accordingly.
I really can't tell you how much work this project is. Each door took so many hours. The time cost was HUGE! The monetary cost was for each door, extra hinges, pins, paint etc. We used the new paint that has the primer and paint in one so we didn't have to paint more than one coat. It is about $35 a gallon. I was able to get most of it from the mismatch paint isle and just have them re-tint it for me to the color I wanted. I was blessed that they just happened to have light enough mis-matched paint. I always check there before ordering new paint.
Tomorrow, is the floating wall Part 2...