I was grateful that with the food I had in the freezer and at home, I was able to feed everyone and provide snacks and treats for everyone without extra cost.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Great Escape Holiday
I was grateful that with the food I had in the freezer and at home, I was able to feed everyone and provide snacks and treats for everyone without extra cost.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Waffle Ice Cream Cones of Varied Flavors
This week was the last week of school so we had some company visit. I thought it would be a good time to try out the maker.
The maker comes with a "mold" for shaping the waffle. However, the instructions say to get a "clean" cloth and use it to hole the waffle as you wrap it around the mold. I used a spatula to pull the waffle off the maker and tried to use it to hold the waffle onto the mold. I didn't like using a cloth but wondered if I used honey on the maker down a strip if I could then just roll the waffle on. I didn't try that but think it would probably work.
Once you have the waffle on the mold, you hold it there for about 1 minute as it cools. Once it is cooled into the "cone" shape, you drop a marshmallow or two in the bottom to "plug" up the bottom so ice cream doesn't leak or drip from the bottom of the cone.
They tasted great and I used some of the crumbled ones with overdone edges to crumble up on top of some ice cream as a "mix in" as we like waffle cone ice cream. They were just the right amount crispy and tasted like a waffle cone but even more like the really good fortune cookies some places have.
We didn't finish them that night and so I left them on a plate thinking they would get eaten the next day. My kids kept breaking pieces off to eat. The next day, they were a bit less crisp from sitting out but still tasted wonderful. I would bag any leftovers next time to keep them fresh.
I look forward to trying the chocolate and other flavored recipes now that I have the timing down. I checked out the company online and they have some other fun bakers such as brownie, muffin, doughnut, cake pops etc. I have seen many of the other types of bakers but never the "waffle cone" baker.
It is a fun thing that can turn a boring afternoon into an evening of fun. You could experiment by adding different flavorings to the mix. It could be interesting to try Mint with mini chocolate chips in it or something. The possibilities are endless.
Friday, May 27, 2011
U2 - Kiss for the Future

*Goo Goo Dolls
*Mayday Parade
*Kurt Bestor
Osmond Brothers
*Amy Grant
*Michelle Branch

Thursday, May 26, 2011
Gratitude Grant for Kenya

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Dehydrating and Freezing Zucchini For Soups
I haven't used them yet in anything but I will let you know how they work out. I have been busy with end of
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Knitting Bag or Ear Bud Hole in Back Pack
She now has pass
Monday, May 23, 2011
Big Win part 3f - Valentines Again part 4

They have contests every so often on their websites and we have entered a few by sending in photos we have taken.

Here is a video of our public service announcement that we made while in Peru. I am sorry for the quality, (I am not doing Panasonic justice) but one of the software packages I got conflicts with another and for some reason, I can't burn non-hd video so I had to video the computer playing the video in HD. I need to have faster DSL to upload the HD. As it is, I have been waiting for 1/2 hour for this few minute video to upload, so, for now, you will get the message. It really makes you think.
Now you know about my biggest win. Not that it negates any

Viewing this video also makes me grateful for teeth, dentists, grass, and just about everything else. After seeing the video, I have one question to ask you.... "Are You Happy?"
Friday, May 20, 2011
Big Win part 3e - Valentines Again part 4
Here is my journal entry for Monday, March 17, 2008 – "I stopped at the furniture store and looked at entertainment centers and couches. When I walked in, the first TV I saw was so big. I looked at what size it was and freaked out when I saw it was a 50 inch plasma. I sat in a chair across from it and called ..... almost crying. I couldn’t believe it. I had tears. She was good to be kind about it. It would seem like boasting but I was overwhelmed by it.
I talked to the worker about it and he said he never knew anyone that won something big. I saw a Panasonic TV that was a 50 inch and it was so cool. It had the sd card slot. The worker asked it I knew the model number and I said 1080 and he freaked. He said that is the nicest model with the best resolution. He told me that the cable here doesn’t offer things in HD yet.
He said that if I hook up my TV to the antenna in the attic that I should get HD as the TV has a box in it. He said that the satellite still doesn’t have most things in HD yet and that I have to pay extra for things to be in HD and extra to get the local channels and extra for the dvr etc. I think if I can get reception I would be happy with the local channels in HD.
I looked at couch sets and found an entertainment center that I really liked but it is $2800. I don’t know if I am willing to put that much to getting it. I thanked him for his advice. He was stoked about the Blue Ray DVD player. I think he is more excited than I am."
The install company called me and asked if they could come and see where I was installing the items and see what they needed for the install. Here is my journal entry from that day.
"Tuesday, March 18, 2008 - I then came home as the install guys from Panasonic were here. They looked at the house and we are going to try to mount in on the entertainment center for now. He is going to see if they will send both the platform mount and the wall mount in case I want to wall mount at some point. He is going to install a router and I think since I can get the local channels in HD and the cable doesn’t provide them in HD, I will just ask if they will pay for my DSL instead. They left and I called .... and talked about how cool it will be having all the stand up surround speakers etc. The guys here both joked about sending it all to their houses."
On April 11, 2008 we got a call from a delivery pe
On April 16
Check back Monday for the list of winnings, copy of the check and I hope I can upload our public service video made in Peru... To be continued....
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Big Win part 3d - Valentines Day part 4
If you remember, I sent my friend the camera I bought her on Thursday, February 7, 2008.
On the next day, Here is my journal entry: "Friday, February 8, 2008 ..... handed me a fed ex package and it was an over night package from New York. I hadn’t ordered anything so I opened it and I could see legal papers and I got nervous that ........ was doing something again. Then, I pulled it out and noticed that the first paragraph said something like, “Important information!
You entered the Panasonic high definition challenge contest a few months ago and your entry has been selected to be a possible winner in out contest.” So, I read the information and they wanted social security numbers, drivers license numbers, all the family’s full names and ages and I had to have it notarized. I thought they were going to a lot of trouble for just being a possible winner but they had a return paid fed ex package and everything.
There was a number on the letter and I went to the bank and got it notarized and then dropped it in the Fed ex box but the letter said I had five days to sign and return it. It was sent on the 7th but with the weekend, it won’t be picked up until the 11th and it is due on the 12th so I thought I had better call the number on the letter.
I thought it would be closed at the late hour back east but when I called, the woman from the letter answered her phone. I told her who I was and that I just wanted to let her know that I had filled everything out and it was in the box waiting to be delivered.
I thanked her for the package and asked her how many “Potential” winners there were. She said, “There are 3 grand prize winners”, I said, “Yes, but how many potential winners did you send letter to?” She said, “Only three.” So, I said, “then if everything looks good with the paperwork I have won?” She answered, “Yes.”
I thought it funny that I bought and sent out a digital camera better than mine yesterday to ..... and today, I get the letter telling me I won two. It would seem that God has one upped me again. And, it is Valentines again and I always seem to win on Valentines week and He keeps upping the surprise each Valentines day."
I didn't dare tell the girls until I was "cleared" as a winner. They still could find some reason not to give us the prize so I told them we "may" have won a prize. A week or so later, I was getting into bed and opened a book to read and it opened to the following as recorded in my journal the next day.
"Thursday, February 21, 2008- last night I was reading in Doctrine and Covenants 78:19 - And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more." and I remember as I was going to sleep that I thought, "I gave away a camera that was $200 and I am winning a prize that was $20,000." It is true."
Check back tomorrow when I tell you what we won and show a video of getting the prizes! To be continued....
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Big Win part 3c - Valentines Again part 4

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Big Win part 3b - Valentines Again part 4

Journal entry Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - "..... has a program this week also and I have no video camera now. I need to take the time to see if I can find one online that is similar."
Journal entry Thursday, November 29, 2007 - "I then went to ....’s patriotic program. She was so cute and kept looking for me. I wish I had a video camera that was working as I would love to have had that for her. I need to get one before Christmas. I want to research it."
After writing in my journal that night, I got online and researched it and went to the company website and did some comparing of different types of cameras. Once I found one I liked, I looked online at pricing.
The problem I ran into was even if I could scrape together enough money to buy a camera, the new video camera's were all digital and my computer was pre-Y2K and wouldn't be able to interface with the newer camera so I would be looking at having to buy a new computer to go with the camera.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Big Win part 3a - Valentines Again part 4

In her reply to my Christmas letter, she wrote, "The only pictures I have is a collage my mom made when she came to visit after "baby..... was born. Some day I'll have a digital camera of my own . I'm so glad to hear from you. Love, ....."
I thought to myself, "I want to buy her a digital camera." Even though I hadn't seen her in years, I knew she had many children and her husband was having health problems so I thought that buying her a camera was something I could do for an old friend to bring joy into her life. With her just having a new baby, it would be great to have a camera on hand.
I wrote telling her I wanted to send her a "card" asking if I
could get her address. This took a few weeks to put together. I went to WalMart and bought a very nice digital camera and 2 extra sd cards. I spent almost exactly $200 on the camera, sd cards and shipping.
I was tempted to keep the nice camera and send out my used one that wasn't as nice but that was a momentary thought as I wanted her to have something nice and new just for her. She replied with her address on 2-06-08 by email. I got everything boxed up and here is my actual journal entry for "Thursday, February 07, 2008 -I sent out the digital camera I bought for ...... today. I also sent a card and two sd cards."
What I didn't know was that it was her birthday week. But, I know God knew and made it work out so she would get it for her birthday. Here is her actual email which she entitled "Hey S-n-e-a-k-y!" sent on 2-14-08 (Valentines Day). Thank you for the "card", I REALLY appreciate your thoughtfulness. I bet you forgot it was my birthday (the card didn't say) but you have almost perfect timing. I can't wait to see what cool things I can do. I'll make sure you get lots of pictures.Love ya too, ....."
Tomorrow, I will give you some history about my video camera and why I entered a contest to win one....
Friday, May 13, 2011
Tree of Life - Moringa, Malunggay or Miracle Plant
Fast forward to this January. I have been having thyroid issues and with that weight issues. I pondered on what
I ran out of the powder and it was expensive and I don't have the money right now to buy it so a few weeks ago, when I had gained some of the weig
A few months ago, after running out of the powder I had, I called the friend that told me about it and asked if she knew how I could get some perhaps out dated or something and she brought me over a few packets but said she didn't know of any way for me to get it discounted.
My oldest Princess then looked it up online and told me that in the Philippines where she was, this plant grew like a weed. Zija is made from the Moringa plant but in the Philippines, it is called Malunggay or "Tree of Life" or "Miracle plant." (The link takes you to Wiki) It has been getting more and more notice as the perfect plant and nutrition source. Every part of the tree, bark and fruit is usa

So, last week my friend that told me about it drops off a wedding invitation and tells me she knows a lady who bought some and never even tried it but was willing to sell it for half price. It was in the cans and I told her I was looking for the dried powder. She left. The next morning, I felt like I should call and ask her about it again. I called her and asked if she was sure that it wasn't the dry powder. She said she thought it was the cans and would let me know.
She called me back an hour later and told me that the lady checked the expiration da
Her son helped me carry it out to the car. As I stood there thanking them and started to get into my car, you won't believe what I found! That's right!!! A DIME! I laughed and laughed as I called my daughter to tell her how I have to keep trusting my Heavenly Father
I would love to have my daughters friends in the Philippines dry some of the Malunggay tree and ship it to me. I am guessing that would be cheaper than buying it from this MLM company but however the Lord wishes to bless me with this, I will take it! Here is a link to an article about Moringa/Malunggay and what they are finding. It is short but informative. Also you can click on the picture of the pamphlet and it will enlarge so you can see all the benefits of Moringa. It is known to help among other properties, anti-diabetic, anti-hypertensive, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-parasitic, anti-tumor and anti-aging activities. I feel better taking it, maybe it will help you as well.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Candy Apples - Any Flavor
The reason I should have known better is when I make suckers, for some reason when you double the recipe, som
Having already put the Popsicle sticks into the apples, I had to do somethi
Candy Apple Recipe
2 cups sugar
2 cups water
2/3 cups corn syrup
Put all ingredients into a sauce pan except for the flavoring. Bring to boil until it reaches the hard crack stage. This is when you put a few drops of the boiling mixture into cool water and it makes a cracking
We then dipped the apples into the mixture trying to cover the whole apple and then placed them onto a lightly greased cookie sheet. Make sure you don't touch the apples as they make mars on the candy and stick together making sharp little points. If you have a little candy mixture left over you can drop it, swirl it, zig-zag it onto the cookie sheet and it will make cute hard candy shapes you can put in a little snack bag for a treat.
I bought a box of 1000 Popsicle sticks at a craft store for fairly cheap. I used the
The apples cool rather quickly and become hard. I bought these gift bags in the wedding section at Walma
I have a niece that gave out chocolate covered apples for her wedding reception gift. I thought these would be less expensive and you could make them any color and flavor you wanted and wrap them with a colored ribbon for much less especially if you can get your apples at a discount
Just some thoughts. They would be cute for teacher appreciation week gifts, wedding or baby shower favors, class parties, scouts etc. They would be fun to make at a "back to school" party as well.
I thought I would show you the "play dough" candy and my burn as cautions