I have had a stressful week as I got some interesting news. As you all know if you read this blog, I have been struggling trying to find out about my health problems for a very long time and since I had all the symptoms of thread worm, we assumed it was that since none of my parasite stool samples came back with anything.
It is odd that I could see them in my stool and put them in the cup for culture but for some reason, they weren't found in the stool. Later, I discovered that both hook worm and thread worm change with the chemicals in the stool parasite test to preserve them.
This make most of the samples negative even though they are positive. Those sites suggested a "wet mount" view looking at the parasites under a microscope just after collecting the specimen.
After talking with the local lab, they have no way to do that and another site suggested using blood agar plates that the parasites will burrow into the agar but our local labs also have no agar plates so I was extremely frustrated and didn't know what to do.
I finally said a desperate prayer not knowing what to do. Not five minutes after the prayer, I used the bathroom and after wiping I had a ball of something on the base of my thumb. It felt like one of those sticky hands you throw at the wall and it sticks. I couldn't get it off. As I tried, It started to uncoil into a long worm. I was going to put it into alcohol but felt STRONGLY that I had to put it into normal saline. Of course, normal homes don't have saline but Contact Eye Solution is normal saline so I squirted some into a baggie and stuck the parasite into the baggie.
As you can see by the photos, it was about 8 inches long. I accidently broke one end off trying to get it off my finger it was so dry and goopy from the ointment. That in itself grosses me out. In all the years I have had these, I have never had one show up like that but I have been spreading ointment to hold the diatomaceous earth on my rashes and I think it died trying to lay eggs.
It was 5:30 on a Friday night and the Dr. offices are closed but I KNEW I had to get it looked into. I rushed to the hospital lab asking if they could send it to the state lab and the worker wasn't having his best moment and thought I was crazy and was kinda rude when I told him I thought the parasite I have and all of my neighbors are having symptoms of is one they haven't diagnosed yet as it is a bit different than all those I could find and wasn't responding to the treatment a Strongyloides would. He told me there wasn't any parasite that people haven't found yet and made me search out the Dr. I called his home eventually as he has no service and his message on his work phone said to go to the ER. I found him in the delivery room where he had just finished up.
He looked at the worm under the scope and could tell it was a real worm of some kind and then sent it to the lab against the better judgement of the lab worker. I called back a few days later and the Dr.'s office wouldn't tell me the result but only that I had gotten the worm identified. That was happy news. I figured we could get it treated and I would be great. Ummmm. I called back the next day asking for information so I could research it BEFORE my visit with him so I could ask questions. They had to ask him if it was "OK" to give me the results of my own test.
I found out that it is an insect parasite and there have only ever been two human cases and those were only stating that they found the worm in vomit of an 80 year old and case 2 - one in the throat of an infant. They didn't tell how to diagnose or treat it. I hoped that the Dr. would have more access to information so I waited to post this blog post in hopes that when I went to his office today, he would be able to give me more information as to what it is and how to treat it. NOPE! He got just about as much information about it as I did off the web. I watched hours of this worm coming out of grasshoppers and cockroaches online. No information on human illness at all.
I can't start treatment until I get an echocardiagram next week. They want to see if they can visualize worms in the heart and see how much damage has been done by the parasites as my heart hurts almost around the clock now and I can feel something creeping around in there. It is worse if I eat something like Curry then they all migrate up from the gut into the chest.
I have been fighting red eyes again as well. If I don't keep up on spraying them with Colloidal silver, they get very red, start oozing goo and then I have the flashes in my eyes again. I can't be blind so I have been keeping up on the sprays but even then, you can see I fight the red eyes. The Visine red eye spray works very well as I am embarrassed to go places with such red eyes so it is a blessing that it works so well as you can see in my pictures of before and after.
Sometimes, using a hand towel, they would get rashes from each other, that is why we use paper towels in all our bathrooms and kitchen for drying of hands. So, it makes sense that soaking your hands in water, bathing or showering or doing the dishes is enough to get the parasites to the surface of your skin. Then, just dip your hand in peroxide and let it air dry. In five minutes or so, your hand will start to show signs of parasites under the skin. You don't have to spend all that time in the peroxide as I thought in the beginning.
You will need to use contact solution to keep it moist so it doesn't dry up and they can't identify it. Try to keep any stool out of the solution so you can clearly see the worms. When you have many of different sizes, take it to the lab. They won't like getting it this way but if you give them a stool sample in the little cup, they put water in, spin it with the chemicals in the container and then put a small concentrated amount for view. This way, they have to identify the worm and not just look for eggs.
You can see in the video that I swirl it in the mixture and this worm is just coiled onto the end and that will happen over and over as they like to coil and gather into knots with each-other like snakes will do sometimes and get into a ball.
I collected many of different sizes and put them into the solution and double bagged it, actually, I triple bagged it and then you can take it to the lab. There is some documentation about a lab keeping a similar one in a bag for a week and then changing out the saline and into another container with saline for another week hoping it would lay eggs but they finally put it in alcohol so they could keep it.
This is very personal and embarrassing for me to post but I figure I have gotten help from many people and appreciate that they are so willing to share that I need to overcome my issues and share that it may help others.
I pray I NEVER need to do this again but wanted to have some before I started treatment as my Dr. told me to contact the CDC and I also contacted someone who specializes in this type of parasite hoping for some guidance as to who can give me some help. Personally, I think it will take some looking into to figure out where the parasite is coming from in our community.
OR, perhaps it is the swamp coolers and the moisture being pumped onto the mats and then blowing into the house have little eggs we are inhaling?
Or, we are getting them from the soil like hook work and thread worm by walking and working barefoot.
Or, we are getting it from a mosquito bite. There are plenty of those around in the summer.
Keep up your prayers. I know they are helping and we still need to figure out treatments and spread the word to all those who have it and don't know why they are having the health problems they are having.
I appreciate all the prayers you have given in my behalf and pray myself that you never get this!
Hello. This is so real. I have been suspecting parasites for about the past 10 years. I have even travel to other countries doing my own personal research because no one can give me any answers. I have gone to travel clinics to get tested, I have done several stool samples, but the medical establishment seems to think I am making this all up. I have contacted the CDC and the doctor who is the Head of the health department in a country which I once lived. Family members and others believe I am a little on the nutty side because I am telling and trying to prove to them parasites that have caused my mother's death, and I believe have infected me, and have infected my daughters. So true. I thank god for you and your evidence. I have, even late last year, eliminated into a ziploc bag to try to figure out what is wrong with me, but it's more in an effort to help my daughters who may have the parasites also. I have one daughter, 21 year old, who was a star student but after reaching high school her health (rashes, pimples, fungi-feet, palor), drive and energy just kept deteriorating. My younger daughter has a 25% Autism diagnosis (don't really have a good idea of what that means). I am very glad to have found your post. I have been up since 2:30 in the morning, it's now 7:30 researching ways to help her. I have learned a lot about parasites, but have not yet been able to get a specimen. I will continue though. I am close to staining some from my stool. The first and second try did not go so well, I am fine tuning my trials. I will inform you. I have written to countless people trying to get information and assistance, but no one seems to be listening. Thanks for your information. I will be following your blog.
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DeleteHello I also am struggle my w similar symptoms. I seam to have found schtosamiasis which is a blood fluke so doctors won't recognize. But this is a rare catanrous form. But anyways why are they not useing praziquantel as this is a powerful medicine against worm type tremetoads (spelled wrong). I found the worms and eggs and larva types and compared it to an old encyclopedia type work from a science journal. S german scientist had catalogued it. It may be also in my case exacerbating my symptoms as I think I have bird mites. Chellelatilia bird mites. Most people don't even know they have schistosomiasis until cancer developed but I think either the black toxic mold I found In My ac.or the bird mites or both lead to the discovery of the worm.
DeleteHi, I am sorry to hear you are struggling. These things are so hard to deal with.... Not knowing how to get them diagnosed and how to treat them etc.
DeleteI did try praziquantel but the worms got super upset and burrowed into my larger muscles causing spasms all night and I got not one second of sleep it was so painful. I wonder if trying it with something else at the same time would work. I would have to look at my notes from back then and see if I tried it with anything else.
Hopefully you can figure this out. I pray science will catch up quickly for all of us! Have a Blessed Day!
Yes I also had these things go crazy once I used praziquantel. It seams to be getting s little better but each time I administer prazi then day 2-5 are like a living hell. So itchy on the arms. You feel like ripping them off almost. But then it acts like it's completely healing except for a couple spots on each arm. I'm thinking if I take a big enough dose maybe that will kill them. I'm looking into some marine type worms that might be culprits. So explain the prazi experience u had. If you find that in your notes. Thanks
DeleteI share my story about the praziquantel is described in one of my videos on my youtube channel. I don't have time to look it up right now but you may be able to find it by getting on my channel and watching my first few videos on the parasites. I am sorry you are dealing with all this. Hopefully we can figure it out soon. Have a Blessed Day!
DeleteI have been suffering with this for 3 years. I have been to the hospital 20 times, three specialists, the dermatologist, the optmologist, and finally the infectious disease doctor. My optomolgist believes there is a problem but, can ONLY make a referral to another specialist. I was told I was delusional at every turn and needed to go to the mental hospital. The mental hospital refused my admission due to the possibility of being contagious. I was treated for scabies 5 times, and once given a weeks worth of anti parasite drugs. I leaked an burnt orange fluid from my ears and my body was going crazy. I lost 40 lbs in 2 months and most of my hair. I am exhausted and desperate. I tried the peroxide spray and. BOOM THERE IT WAS. PLEASE HELP ME
DeleteI am so sorry to hear your situation. I get emails, comments, youtube comments etc almost daily from people going through exactly what you are and I wish I had a cure to help but can only share my videos and blog. I do have an email that you can send pictures and videos to and I can post them if they show something but people keep writing thinking I have some cure or something but really I post everything I try. I am working on a webpage that shows tests, results, pictures, symptoms etc but have struggled getting it finished with some crazy life stuff going on but hope to get it finished soon so you can send your Dr. to it to see what tests they did etc. I wish I had more to share but check out my parasite playlist on my youtube channel thesecretisgratitude and hopefully something there will help. You can write me at thesecretisgratitudeblog@gmail.com Have a blessed day and I will pray that we find the cure soon!
Deleteprefer if you not post my response.
ReplyDeleteI had some potting soil in that garage all winter in a clear plastic storage bin. 2 long sprout looking things were laying across the soil but both ends were pointing down into the soil. I thought it seemed a little creepy so I used something to toss them down the basement sink. Later, I took a paper towel to clean the sink and picked a 6 to 8 inch wet string out of the drain. It looked something like a wet angel hair noodle. I held it up more closely to look at it and it quickly turned up on the end and jabbed me in the face several times. I screamed and threw it down. My husband came in and thought it looked like a wet string. He used a paper towel towel to pick up one end and as he brought it closed to his body, it turned up toward him. The nurse practitioner humored me and ran 2 stool samples which did not detect anything. The other "sprout" looking creature was found dried out on the bottom of a dishpan. We rarely use that sink. It had to have come back up the drain. My heart now bothers me too and I have a constant cough. I have coughed up little segments of a pasta like substance. This is a nightmare.
ReplyDeleteI believe it is in the soil. If you did get it, it won't show up in the stool samples as they don't test for this specific parasite in humans (yet) but hopefully they will figure it out soon. If you have any of the symptoms I have, try the soaking or spraying with hydrogen peroxide for a few hours of spraying it on and letting it air dry and then spraying it again and see if any white parasite bumps come up. It does look like a noodle, string and does like the acid on the skin. It is similar to hook worm and thread worm which can sense the acid on your skin so it knows how to find a host. You have more of that acid on your thicker parts like feet and calloused hands. Some don't have worms in their stool as the worms are hosted in different parts in different people. Keep trying if you think you have them as the more people that get diagnosed, the more attention the cdc will give it!
DeleteLook up the band dirty worms song the parasite me bad language but pay attention to the lyrics. blacklight makes them glow. Vinegar desolves them government made. Dr Smith lucedale Ms to be exact. Good luck I'll probably be arrested for putting this out there. Pray for me I am gonna need it. Funded by Auburn University
DeleteI am 100% sure my family and I (5 kids age 3-10 included) have this and I am terrified and don't know what to do!! The er said I was crazy! my fiance had them in a sore on his face and put orajel on it trying to get the pain to quit but they absorbed the orajel and it either paralyzed them or killed them and they all started falling out! So that might help! Please email me!!
ReplyDeleteHas to be the baby orajel
Deletesame with orajel, but the severe nightime pain "cream" only for me...
DeleteI took orajel and put it on my skin and it didn't seem to do anything. Perhaps I had a lesser medication amount. I will put the "cream" on my list as I would love to see them coming out at any point as that would mean there are less in me. Did any of you watch the video I put on youtube about the "slime" and the trails in it when I touched it and no trails when I didn't touch it? It was super eye opening. It is linked on my youtube channel,thesecretisgratitude. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_Bt-bXABdU
DeleteThanks for commenting and letting me know about the teething cream as the other didn't do anything on me. Have a blessed day!
Hey everybody. I’ve been following thesecretisgratitude religiously since I started having these symptoms since yours were pretty much identical to my own. Even went too far at times. But I think I have found the solution. Hopefully ending this nightmare. Unfortunately I haven’t seen the infectious disease specialist yet so I’m still not sure exactly what it is we’re dealing with but my symptoms were the thin thread fuzz like worms especially after showering, thin,black worm like things coming up through my skin, this weird crawling sensation along with what looked like tiny worms crawling under my skin (which was almost unstoppable), a black, main node or worm deep down under my skin in the back of my hand attached to the vein between my middle finger and thumb, stinging sensation sometimes, thickens skin in some places, and the list goes on. Now Tejae, I know you’ve been diagnosed with Horsehair worms so I’m not trying to go against what your saying at all. I just want to help people because I only had these major symptoms for about 6 months and I was so desperate that I didn’t want to go on if I had to deal with this one more day. So I’d be up till 5am just about everyday researching, picking at them, experimenting... anything to rid myself of this horrible thing. I even had samples that my girlfriend (a scientist) and I would run down to her lab every night to look under an extremely high powered magnifying glass (called a Brighter I think) but could never really identify these strange worm things. After researching what seemed to be hundreds on parasites, diseases, etc... the only real thing I could compare my one main symptom too was Ringworm which is a parasitic fungi. Not so much the hallmark red rings that they make but the raised skin that looks like worms underneath except by this point I’ve had it almost EVERYWHERE I could see. Having nothing to lose I went out and bought LOTRIMIN AF Antifungal for Ringworm and immediately, I mean the first treatment, saw improvement. Even this main node worm on my hand which I threw EVERYTHING and I mean EV-ER-Y-THING at seemed to have taken a beaten. Now I know it’s probably not Ringworm because it seems a lil different than that but let me tell ya. This stuff helped tremendously. If you’re suffering from these worm like things, even if you swear it must be an actual worm or parasite, please try the LOTRIMIN AF. It’s worth the $12 I promise. I have pics/video of worms, I’ve done your hydrogen peroxide test and I swore I had worms but by the next day, the craters these things caused were almost gone. I’m not 100% out of the woods yet but I finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. God Bless everyone. Hope everyone can beat this and stay healthy. Please reply back if you’ve tried and had any results OR figure out exactly what this is
DeleteHi, Thank you for taking the time to share what is working for your symptoms. I think you may have a fungal infection in your lymph. Someone suggested on my youtube comments that you can get I.V. Vitamin C that will help with that. I have not had the black connection under the skin that you describe. I feel actual worms coming out. I don't dig down or feel that there is anything under my skin that way. I know that when I had warts when I was younger, I would dig down and see black in the center and they spread like a fungal infection so I am wondering if it is something similar to that?
DeleteI see worms coming out, feel them coming out, and have had them to the lab over and over. The longer ones are better to send, but if you haven't actually ever gotten a worm out, perhaps what you are experiencing is a fungal infection. I know others have shared they have similar symptoms with those infections.
I use anti-fungal cream all the time and haven't had it affect the parasites in any way. I get fungal rashes when I use alcohol on my skin and washing them all the time as a nurse, so I use fungal cream on my hands like a lotion as the one I use has aloe in it.
Maybe check out if there is a place near you that does IV vitamin C and maybe try it. I know when I did get my I.V. vitamin C, I did feel energized and felt it did something for me as there is great power in Vitamin C. It has been show in high doses to even cure spine injuries and even the common cold in testing in the 1950's.
I wish you the best and would love to know if you try it, so please keep us informed!
Have a blessed day!
Hi Karey, I don't know how to email you but you can private message me on youtube my channel is "thesecretisgratitude" and I can write you back there. I am interested in the Orajel information, I will have to look into that as they are in my hair and driving me crazy! I wish I could tell you I know how to cure them but I don't. I have no information on it other than my blog where I share what has helped me. I am still trying different things and haven't had a ton of luck. I know my girls have it as well and most of my neighbors and I get messages daily on youtube and on my blog here with people having the same problems but I have no answer other than to post about it and I hope people like you continue to write publicly on here and on youtube so that the CDC and others can see there is a real issue. I am sure I could help them develop a few tests that would make it easy to diagnose people quickly as I have tried things on myself and my girls to see if we can get them in nasal, throat and skin rather quickly using the peroxide to get them out. I will look into the orajel so thank you for sharing that. Keep checking back on my blog as I will update it if I figure anything out! I'll say a prayer for your family and NO your are NOT crazy. This is VERY real and now at least we can put a name to it as they were finally able to see what parasite it is so lets let everyone know this is a problem!
ReplyDeleteAlso look up toxoplasmosis gordii
ReplyDeleteI was tested for toxoplasmosis before any of the other tests because I had several dreams I had a cat parasite but it was negative. Come to find out, this parasite most likely is being spread by cats in the soil.
DeleteI also found this on this site
I just went threw the same thing and I'm going to tell you it was a nightmare for 4 years. I understand,finally a doctor took interest in me and didn't stop till he found the answer. Now I've had every one of the signs that 80 percent of the people on here.if you are feeling the movement in your head, the scalp area then just no it has been there for about 3 years, it is fungas this bacteria moves threw your whole body and you will be misdiagnosed if you don't listen. Tell your doctor you need Biaxin DS 800 mlg twice a day for 30 days also you need body cleanser to completely dry your self out, so you are starving the fungis,no lotions nothing,then you need MUPIROCIN 2% ointment put it in one side of your nose one night then the next night the other side for 30 days. Now you have to get up daily get those night clothes off and the sheet you use off the bed including pillow case, wash your hands as soon as you open your eyes. Also put vinager in your laundry 1 cup to kill bacteria and fungus, clean as much as you can with vinager you really have to make sure you use a clean wash cloth daily with a clean towel, and you will not believe how fast you are cured,also stay away from sugar it feeds the bacteria I love to drink organic apple cider mother,I have never felt better
I used lavender Castille soap as a shampoo and left it in for a good 10 minutes. It felt as if ants were crawling around my scalp. I left it on till the sensation stopped. I am going to continue to use on my head and body. Also, it feels like something is in my nose and ears. I keep getting small hairs out of my ears on cotton swabs. Has anyone gone to the optometrist and did they see anything in your eyes? Also, I Did not have tinnitus prior to this. Now the noise is constant and loud.
DeleteThank you for your information on the castille soap. I will have to find some and try it. They like any part of the body where there is hair. arms, groin, hairlines, nose etc. On the ears, be careful using cotton swabs as they have thread worm in them that have put themselves in a cyst form, I read that online and thought it couldn't be possible but then put one in hydrogen peroxide in my ear and they started coming out of the q-tip. The same will happen with a cotton ball. I will spray hydrogen peroxide into my ear using a nasal spay container and let it sit for a few minutes and then wrap a q-tip in a paper towel and use it to clean out my ear when I feel them creeping in there. I have also used a soft cotton t-shirt cut into squares and put that over the q-tip to clean out my ears. I have sprayed the 3% hydrogen peroxide up my nose when I can feel the "creeping" and then will blow my nose but it hurts so I don't suggest that unless you are desperate. They all look like fine hairs when looked at under a magnifying jewelers loop. I posted a few new videos of a 1 1/2 inch parasite that came out of the skin after a shower and leaving the wet hair on the t-shirt and about an hour later, I thought it was a hair but when I picked it up, it started moving. I took three different videos of it last week doing different things. It did NOT like the cuticle oil I had on my hand when I put it in the hand that had the oil so I know they don't like oil as they are like a snake or worm and then the oil coats them so they can't grip things. I am guessing the oils in the shampoo and soap you bought are the reason they don't like it much. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THZ9NjhKBg4 is the link to the first video I just uploaded about the worm coming out of the skin. I also have a video on my channel of the one that came out of my ear but I can say if it is out of me or out of the q-tip. I just know it was after I put the peroxide in my ear using the q-tip to put the peroxide IN my ear. I don't do that anymore and just spray it in. Check out all the videos on my channel and you will be grossed out but at least you will know what you are looking for.... Thanks for sharing your success with the soap! We all need to get this diagnosed asap so they will start taking it seriously.
DeleteI wish in a way it was a fungus as I know just going on a sugar free diet will keep it down. I can actually feel the parasite moving. It feels like someone is pulling a string through my heart, gut etc. These parasites can get very long. The one that I took in was about 8 inches long and the ones in my stool I took in the first time were about four inches long. These are alive and not a fungus but there could be a micro-parasite / fungus associated somehow. I am meeting with my Dr. in a few weeks to go over some things and am going to have him try me on some antibiotics and hopefully some IV therapy to see if better absorption on nutrients helps. I'll post about it if it works.
ReplyDeleteHello I have a friend having issues like this I was wondering what Dr. you are seeing? The Dr. they see isn't to keen on looking beyond the scope of "normal" issues or dismissing their symptoms altogether. Thank you in advance!
DeleteMy Dr. has asked that until we find a cure, he doesn't want to have more patients as he cant help them with a cure. He is near retirement and isn't taking new patients. I would suggest that she show her Dr the parasites in the stool if she can find them. Not everyone has them in the stool however. If she can use the hydrogen peroxide and show him the parasites coming up under the skin, that may help. Showing them a video online doesn't appeal to most Dr.'s. Also, if she has the bumps in the back of the throat, trying to drink the Spicy V8 and scraping the parasites in the back of the throat and sending those scrapings in may bring some results if they notify the lab that it is suspected she has "horsehair Nematomorpha" if the scrapings don't come back as a known human parasite. And if she does find some in the stool, she should write on the specimen that they suspect "horsehair nematomorpha" in case they can't figure out what type parasite they are as they usually only look for "known" human parasites. This whole situation is so frustrating. If she finds worms, have her put them in contact solution to send them up. If they do a stool culture, they will NOT find these parasites as they don't look for them. She has to send in just the worms! I wish her well. Sorry I can't help more.
DeleteIt is morgellons disease
ReplyDeleteHi Karey, I know there are many different beliefs on Morgellons and some think it is genetic mutations, some think it is bio-designed, I think that many people who have gone with that "catch all" of morgellons, probably do have horsehair nemotamorpha and since there is no easy tests for it, Dr.s don't know how to diagnose it so people had to find their own path to figure it out. I add "morgellons" in my video titles on youtube so that people can perhaps get the correct medical diagnosis so that the CDC and local health departments will get enough diagnosed cases that they will have to start taking it seriously. Sorry I haven't replied to you yet, as you can see by my blog, we have had a busy few weeks! Hope that we can all figure this out together!
DeleteI recently found out i have atringyloids, and found how to treat them from a man who almoat died from hyperinfection. You treat long term by moon cycles, with several meds as they hatch. His mom healed him, she is a vet. Hint on rbe kinds of meds used. He is not interested in publicity, but has helped a lot of people. You can respond if you think it might also help.
DeleteHi, I would be interested if you want to write me privately on youtube with his information, no one can see it but me. My youtube channel is thesecretisgratitude and you can write private messages by going to the bottom of the home page on my channel. I am interested in anything that may help cure this. I have spoken to vets and haven't gotten anything other than what they treat humans with and none of those have worked. Thanks for contacting me. I am a bit confused by the "hint" line. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteI have tried the hydrogen peroxide thing and I get the same as you on my hands but worst place for me is my neck, jaw line and face. That is until I used corsodyl mouthwash to wash my neck hoping to relieve the itching. We what happened probably will sound insane but loads of seed shaped things and worm like things came out instantly and painlessly while rubbing and the skin after looked as if there was never a problem, no bleeding or exit holes. So strange. I've been doing this several times a day and the numbers have greatly reduced so I'm hopeful that I'm getting to the source of the problem or at least preventing these "babies" from maturing and depositing more of their disgusting offspring into my skin! I hope this helps someone gain some relief as it has helped me.
Thank you so much ? for sharing what has worked for you. I will share this in an update post so that when people search my blog, they can see this. The neck thing is that they come out of the lung between the first and second stage of life and crawl up the back of the throat where they pop out and irritate causing a dry, tickling cough. Then they get into the lymph for the second phase just under the skin so you are getting them in transition from stage one to two. Yahoo for finding something to take the numbers down!!! Thanks again for sharing.
DeleteBathing in as hot of water as possible with at least 2 cups of bleach, sometimes I'll even pour it straight onto my skin.... That put this into remission on the surface of my skin for 2 years. But I still had the fatigue so I now stopped so I'll know if I actually cure it. Mine only flares up when I take my adderall prescribed for ADHD, also yeast medications make it worse, when I take adderall they com out in the hundreds and then for a few days I'm sick after but then I feel so much better for about 2 weeks like its purging my body. Mabendazole 500mg once seems to have really helped, I am also taking albendazole 400mg twice a day. That seems to help some but not nearly as much as e mabendazole. Fasting for 3 days also helps to detox from them. Nothing but sugar water and water for three days. I know pyrantel made them spread, a apple cider vinegar enema made me feel like I was dying and scattered them. My heart hurts but I think that symptom is from the bile backing up causing acid reflux cause they clog the bile ducts. The Castile soap really does help. Also putting deodorant antiperspirant over the irritated areas clogs the pores so they can't come to the surface so they move.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing what has worked for you. Hopefully others will continue to share what has worked for them and we can figure out what works best and maybe find an actual cure!
DeleteI am meeting with the top infectious disease specialists at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center very soon. I hope we can find a cure for this. I have two sample containers full of them but I've only ever seen then in the white hair like form. Never seen the larger ones like you finally got your diagnosis from. I also have them in formalin so I haven't had any actively come to the surface since I saw your post about the saline. These things have driven me to the point of feeling suicidal, worrying if I'm infecting my family and pets and the exhaustion is unreal. Do you have a place I can send you pictures of the time I put bleach directly on my skin and 100's all came out at the same time wherever the bleach was touching my skin? Thank you for being so open about this... Your videos and website have given me some hope!
Also is there a place where you list all the meds you have tried to use to cure this? Thank you again for all that you share! One day their will be a medical journal write up about the work you have put into this!
ReplyDeleteFeel free to write me on my youtube channel. You can private message me there.
Deletethesecretisgratitude is my channel.
I thought I had written up all the meds on one post but may not have. I have tried ivermectin, prazyquital, mebendazole, albendazole, pyrantle, eaten papaya seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, lots of over the counter and online anti-parasite blends with black walnut hull etc. limes, etc. The only thing that worked was the old Vermox that was 15+ years old. Don't know if the old mix is the same as the new mix but purchasing it online hasn't worked for some people I know and wonder if the amounts are less or just not the same now or the online stuff isn't real etc.
I don't care to be written up anywhere, I just want to feel better and not be so tired and want to help my family, neighbors and friends who are also suffering. In all reality, I would love to take down anything associated with this parasite and not have anyone know anything about it and my link with it. It is embarrassing and stressful as I get all sorts of rude comments about my posts. For some reason, it offends people that I mention God in any form or think for a minute that HE may care about me.
It is such a horrible nightmare for those suffering with this as you well know and it would be wonderful to be able to see and end to the suffering.
I wish you well with your Dr's visit and suggest maybe spraying with the peroxide the night before so that you can take in a small bottle when you are there and spray it on so they can see the worms under the skin while you are at the visit! Best wishes!
Have you had any weird electrical weirdnesses with these hair parasites? As in maybe watching them morph from a dark colored dog looking hair, into completely transparent and electrica
ReplyDeletelly charged, back to inanimate and dark?
I have not had any electrical / changing / lights or anything else. It is actually hard to find them if you keep them out of the gut. They are in muscle and organs and difficult to see inside or out. I do feel them daily though.
DeleteI am wondering if the worm I am seeing is horse hair worm. My home is surrounded by farms with many sheep, goats, and cows. There must be horses too. Not to mention whatever other animal there may be. There are five or six cows grazing behind my home, uphill from our well. The well is drilled though. I thought because of the depth of the well and the distance between the cows and the well, and the small number of cows that there wouldn’t be a problem. Plus the freezing cold weather is in the winter and the water runs down the hill in the spring. Today I read that the hairworms can live after they have been frozen. Plus, there is a big river at the foot of my street. Those worms breed in rivers. I once took a header off of my bike with my grandson there. I thought he was going to be traumatized by all the blood, and seeing his grandmother flying through the air. So, I went out on the river rocks and rinsed the blood off of my arm. I had a hole in my elbow. I am wondering how long a person can have those worms before they get bad enough to notice. Prior to getting the horrible symptoms I had an area of paticcia (blood spots) with numbness on my forearm. I ignored it and forgot about it. Now that area is one of the areas so difficult to get to heal. I found your blog when I was looking up hairworm. I went on the Tractor Supply store website to see what medications are used to control hairworm that horses have. The one I found is a combination of two medications. It is called: Equimax (Ivermectin 1.87%/Praiquantel 14.03%) Paste, 6.42 g. I am wondering if your doctor has given you this combination, or some other combination of drugs? While I know people do take Ivermectin, I don't know about the other medication, or combination of medications. I have read that in veterinary medicine sometimes more than one medication is used to treat certain parasites. I also read that while one medication may kill an adult worm it may not kill the larvae and vise versa. I have tried two medications, but not at the same time and not the combination I have listed here. Hairworms are supposed to be rare in humans, but Lyme disease is not rare. In fact, it is endemic in some areas of the United States. Even though you have hairworm I am wondering if some of your neighbors may have Lyme disease. It is thought that there may be a worm associated with Lyme Disease and the worm may not be the same in every person. I do know you have the hairworm and I am glad that you got it diagnosed. I am sorry that you have it though. I wish there was an easy fix for you.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry you are suffering with this. I have tried both ivermectin and praziquantel both several times and in combination with other meds but I have not tried both of those at the same time. you can type them into my blog search at the bottom of the page and read about when and how I took them.
DeleteI did get some good news on my youtube channel about Vermox (mebendazole) being available in the US again and am going to call my Dr. today about getting some to try as that was the only thing that worked for me in larger doses before I realized it wasn't available in the US anymore. I will write updates as I try it and hope that it will work as my infection has gotten much worse since my surgery just over a month ago. Something I took made them propagate something awful! I pray that Science will come up with a test so that people can just get a blood test for it. I have been tested, and some of my kids were tested for Lyme and they were negative. All the symptoms I have are different and much more like hook worm and thread worm so I think its life cycle is more like theirs than that of a lyme type. I don't doubt there can be more than one parasite but with all the drugs I have tried, I don't think many would be left other than this one. Thanks for your words and I pray we can figure this out for all our sakes!
So this person did have what you were diagnosed with??!! How crazy and under diagnosed this is??!!
DeleteHello again,
ReplyDeleteI am wondering if you or anyone else you know of has tried the Lyme Protocol found on the LymePhotos website. I tried it and felt it did help me. I am trying it again.
I have not tried it. Maybe someone else will chime in about it. Please let us know how it works for you.
DeleteThank you for posting i have exact same same thing going on have been to numeros hospitals everyone keeps treating me like i am crazy. My 2 kids i think i will have to take my 3rd in were just taken in for same type of pain. There dr. Is Doing culture and said they have bad utis. Did you ever find a treatment that works
ReplyDeleteHi Brandi, I also got UTI's from these, I think when they burrow from the gut into the bladder, sometimes they carry bacteria. I haven't cured them but just started vermox (mebendazole)which is now available in the US again but I haven't seen any results in the past few days but will give it some time and I think I may need a higher dosage as I have gotten quite large due to this.
ReplyDeleteYou may have better luck if you can dig in their stool, or yours, and find actual worms and send them in to the lab in contact solution which is the closest you can get to the human body. If you do find some, you may want to just send a note up saying you think it may be horsehair nermotamorpha or they won't be able to figure it out as it isn't in the human parasite database. Have you been tested for hook worm or thread worm? It may be good to have them rule those parasites out as they have all the same symptoms as this parasite. I wish you luck in your search! God bless!
UTIs can also be caused by colored toilet paper, bubble bath, wiping back to front, not washing well etc. Check out D-Mannos as it helped our family with our UTI's greatly. I wish I had known about it earlier. Cranberry pills also but mostly the D-mannos from the health food store. It is a simple sugar that won't allow bacteria to grow in the bladder and other areas.
Praise Him daily for all things great and small. I also have worms that I am unsure of. They are in the soil I think.I am having a difficult time getting any one to take me seriously and getting help. Like you I have had to find cures and what helps on my own. I can only trust God to bring me through all this and my farm animals too. I have a feeling the property was infested and known to be when we bought it in 2012. Are we having fun yet? LOL
ReplyDeleteChào bạn. Tôi cũng bị những con vật này hoành hành. Vào một đêm khi tôi ngủ dậy, có 1 con gián chui vào tai, và một con chui vào mũi tôi. Sau đó tôi cảm giác có con giun bò dưới da. Tôi cũng đã thử albendazol 400mg 2 làn 1 ngày, nhưng chúng ko chết mà chỉ bị tê liệt trong thời gian dùng thuốc. :(
ReplyDeleteTheo như tôi tìm hiểu, thì giun đuôi ngựa là loài ăn thịt, vì vậy thuốc giun không có hiệu quả nhiều. Chúng ở dưới lớp da, chúng cần thở.
Chúc cho bạn mau khỏi bệnh, tìm ra giải pháp điều trị sớm. Và mong bạn luôn thông tin tới mọi người.
This is what the above comment says on google translate: Say hello to you. I also suffer from these animals. On a night when I woke, a cockroach crawl into the ears, and a squeeze on my nose. Then I feel there are worms crawling under the skin. I also tried 400mg albendazol 2 lanes 1 day, but they're not dead which only paralyzed during dosing. :( As far as I understand, the horse tail worms are carnivores, so no more effective worm medicine. Them in under the skin, they need to breathe. Wish for you to lick out the disease, find the solution treatment soon. And always look forward to you information to everyone.
DeleteThank you Long Le for your comments and I wish for a cure as well. I am so sorry you are dealing with this crazy parasite along with the rest of us. It is a horrible thing and hopefully, science will catch up and help us find a cure for this! Even a test for it would be great! Thanks for sharing and hope you have a BLESSED DAY!
ve you tried diatomaceous earth taken daily? How is the Vermox going? Where did you purchase it?
ReplyDeleteI have tried taking it daily and it only kills those in the gut. Not the organs, muscles or fluids of the body. I got a prescription for the vermox and have a post about how expensive it is to buy in the US. $25,000 for a month supply. It didn't work but I think it is the dosages. It didn't do anything in the recommended dosages and I even went higher on the dosages so I think I was taking over the top amounts when I first took it. I have liver issues now and am scared to try it at higher dosages. Thanks for your comments and have a BLESSED DAY!
DeleteI am so grateful for your post. I am having many similar symptoms....white granules coming out of my nose(itches terribly), on my face and facial areas and now in localized areas of my body. I have been able to pull them out with tweezers and sometimes not, as they burrow back inside my skin. It first started around my bum. Thought it was pin worms but the tape test came back negative. At night was the worst, I would get intense itching to almost a biting feeling...I would take a piece of packaging tape and you could see these tiny nits or something. In the morning you could see on underwear too.This is just so weird and a bit scary too. I am itchy all over and it is most prevalent at night and early morning. I have small round areas that look kinda similar to moles but are not. I think they might be what you have described above. I have had a sensation of something in my throat for about five years now and it seems to be getting larger/worse. The ENT said it was probably reflux/gerd several years ago, gave me a prescription but it didn't help. I have fluttering in my nose (and bleeding spots)and the creepy crawlies in my nose,ears and down my throat, mostly left side. My eyes are very itchy and my eyesight has gotten worse with new issues in right eye. I occasionally get a dry cough. It comes and goes. I tried pouring Hydrogen peroxide on my hands and it burned a lot;then white marks appeared all over. Not the white bubbling you would get on a cut though. Looked almost like white paint. I am getting stomach problems now, lots of grumbling, pressure, fullness,nausea and gas bubbles.I have used tea tree oil on my skin which seems to help kill some off. If I use a thick body cream on skin(I think it suffocates them) the white granules start coming to the of my skin . I can feel them coming out of skin(tiny,white, grains) . I had one prescription of Albenza(1 and then another 1 two days after) it did give me some relief but didn't work obviously. I was able to get it through a family friend who is a GI doctor but not well educated in the parasites. I had Stool samples tested which came back negative. However, I read somewhere that laxatives can create a false negative and unfortunately I had taken them the night before. I thought it would flush all the critters out if they were there and they could diagnose this. I also was diagnosed with a UTI today and was given antibiotics. Let's all pray for wisdom for our doctors and ourselves, healing and guidance. I am trying to remind myself that His word tells us "do not be anxious or fearful about anything" he has us in his hands we have to trust in Him. I will begin prayers for all on here suffering with the same unanswered questions. My skin is prickling as I type and I am really uncomfortable. I took another Albenza this afternoon so I think that is why. God Bless everyone and let's all pray for one another.
DeleteI am so sorry you are suffering with this. It sounds like it could be the parasites I am dealing with. I have been getting UTI's regularly as the parasites burrow in and out of the bladder. In fact, the Dr.s office called me today telling me I have another. I don't know how the medical community can avoid this for much longer. Hopefully they will figure it out. I think that there just needs to be one professor who can figure this out and get some funding. Once it is known, I think it will go quickly. Thank you for the prayers, they can only help. Thanks for your comments and have a Blessed Day!
DeleteIt's me again above your post:
Delete(AnonymousMay 31, 2017 at 9:08 PM)
I think our prayers may be answered!!! I left several posts on your blog...LOL! Because I couldn't find my way around but have been working my way and I got back to this original post from Wednesday 31st. I left you my email on one of them, not sure which one though. Ok I think I got the test we all need. Strongyloides Antibody IGg or Strongyloides stercoralis Ab.IgG they might be the same thing and I'd assume the Ab=antibody. Do you have quest diagnostics where you live? If so, I'll give you the code. God Bless! Dawn
Hi Dawn, I was tested for Strongyloides and it was negative. That is thread worm. Thread and hook worm are very similar to the parasite I was actually diagnosed with. If your test comes back positive, you have thread worm. It is also hard to cure. Thank you for taking the time to write so many replies. I hope in a way it is negative so you may have something that is curable where as thread worm is super hard to cure.
DeleteThanks again and have a Blessed Day.
maybe you have trichomonas. in that case you should take metronidazole or tinidazole. I have the same symptoms an I tried many things. besides these medications. its worth a try. also I took essential oils and I had no symptoms. oregano oil , cinnamon , clove oil , thyme , tea tree oil . also "thieves oil" are good for infections. and if you want to buy cheap antibiotics come to Romania or have someone from here send you the medecins to the US ( if its possible to import).
ReplyDeleteHi Sergiu,
DeleteThank you so much for taking the time to share all of that. I have tried essential oils (I use them daily) and the "Dazole" family of drugs.
I actually have a diagnosis and the parasite is called "Horsehair Nematomorpha" and was led to that diagnosis by being tested for all other parasites and the results were all negative so finally we sent in the worms over and over until one of the longer worms was diagnosed! I have been careful to only try drugs available in the US as I want to make sure that everything is documented so that when they figure this out, they will know what has and hasn't worked. I have tried to post everything online so that anyone interested can see the tests I had and the outcome.
I do need to take the time to put all the symptoms and tests on one page so finding them is easier for people rather than looking at a million posts on the subject but I have had a crazy last year and haven't had the time to get to it just yet. I do plan on that when I can get to it.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write your suggestion and I hope that the world will soon take notice and we can figure out an easy test and cure for this crazy parasite! Have a BLESSED Day!
Test yourself for all infectious diseases.Maybe its a hidden infection like . Lyme , bartonella , erizipel, leishmania and there are many more that produce symptoms of crawling under your skin. and before taking drugs check them so they wont be carcinogenic . I wish you the best :)
ReplyDeleteHi Man in Search. Thanks for your comments. I was diagnosed and we haven't been able to find a cure. The antiparasite meds have done a number on my liver and bank account and didn't do anything. Thank you for taking the time to write. I believe in time they will find that this parasite is a huge problem but like Lyme, will take time to be studied. Have a BLESSED Day!
DeleteI just found one of these works in my cats water bowl along with looks like a bug swimming in the bowl along with it in pretty sure it came out of the big and that was the host I picked the parisite up with a broken and if a pair of glasses then lit it on fire killing it I also killed the big as well I never once touched it seems to me u have to touch it are swollow it are had to have an entry .but think God my cat dident get a wholed of this washed my hands even thoe i did not touch the parsite in any way are form but seems as this problem is spreading all over America
ReplyDeleteHi Tiffany, I got your notes. If your cat didn't drink out of the bowl and you bleached it, you are probably safe. Just know that these parasites have hundreds of different species and I don't know how many are capable of living in humans or pets. They will most likely study it but as of now, they say they can't inhabit humans or animals but I have people write me nearly daily saying they are pulling these out of their skin, stool, etc. It sounds like you should be fine. If you don't have any of the symptoms, I wouldn't worry. Thanks for writing and have a BLESSED Day!
DeleteUpon reading about this parasite, many of these 'experts' seem to have conflicting information and don't seem to know too much about it. It is similar with Rat Lungworm, another parasite. I'm very sorry for all of you being dismissed and having to deal with this disease; it sounds absolutely terrifying. When the chemical isolates from the people in white coats fails, you can rely on what god has given us: self healing bodies with incredible immune systems. However our bodies only function like this when we give ourselves the resources combined with unobstruction from disease causing environments (both within and outside the body). I am no doctor, have no certiciates, but I have done much reading on holistic medicine. Natural medicine is using natural things to take care of symptoms, whereas holistic medicine is looking at the body as a whole and treating the cause of conditions. From everything I've read, virtually no disease will survive in a healthy human. You see much conflicting information on this subject, from veganism to paleo. I could type a long message describing a way of living that would be the most likely to heal you, but for the most detailed description, I highly recommend visiting: thedoctorwithin.com It is likely the most important thing I've done in my life after coming to god. I haven't done the 60 day program he outlines, but I followed the diet he recommends (but since I wasn't taking enzyme supplements, I ate 80% raw) and all of my health problems (raynauds, acid reflux, depression, anxiety, acne, etc) were gone in the first few months. I made the mistake of reverting to my old lifestyle and my problems came back, and am now going back and reading his website again to remember how to do it. It's a lot of reading and it is likely to go against a lot of what you belive is true. I couldn't read about your struggles and not say anything. I hope the best for you all, god be with you <3
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your comments and for taking the time to write. I do believe all that you have shared. I also know that no matter how I eat, stress plays a large part. Being a single mother for many years and living with an abusive spouse for many more years has caused much stress in my life and continues to cause stress. Even with that, I have lived as a vegetarian many times and tried raw several times. The problem I am finding with this parasite is that I believe it is in the watery veggies I am eating raw. So eating raw may not be the answer for this parasite. The two cases diagnosed in Asia, one commented that she was eating raw fruits and veggies from a near garden before getting the worm.
DeleteI believe that maybe adding minerals may aid in killing this parasite off as I am in an area that doesn't have iodine, iron, zinc and copper in the soil so I think the veggies we eat aren't helping in those areas and may kill off the parasite in other areas that have those minerals in their soils.
It is so hard for me to know what to eat and I CRAVE protein as I believe this parasite is like hook worm and eats on the proteins in the body which makes me tired and crave more proteins.
I believe that science will catch up at some point and help those of us suffering with this. I have heard of the Dr. within site before somewhere but have tons going on right now. Hopefully when I get my youngest moved to college and some issues with my other kids taken care of at the end of the month, I will be able to take the time to do some research. I am trying a new herb I researched a few weeks back and ordered online which came yesterday and will post about it if I see any results from taking it.
Thank you again for all your kind words and suggestions, it means a great deal to those of us searching. Have a BLESSED Day!
But the worms I've found in my stool have been dark brown and look almost identical to a human hair. Also the ones ive coughed up in my phlemn are smaller somewhat but also dark brown. The worms shown in your photos are white. Any ideas?
ReplyDeleteHi Jenn, Horsehair species have more than 2000 types if I remember correctly. The ones that I look at under a loop after soaking my hands are dark and more like the ones seen coming out of insects. The 4-5 inch ones in my stool were nearly white but did the Gordian thing, the larger one was transparent and off white. Maybe the larger and longer they get, they get whiter like old human hair? maybe it is where they are in the body and if they are in stomach acid verses skin? I don't know. You could just have a different species. I would say send them in and get them tested. Send them in normal saline (contact solution)and write a note saying you know of someone who was diagnosed with "horsehair nematomorapha" and wondered if it could be that as you have all the symptoms. If what you have is NOT a known human parasite, it may give them a place to look. It took me years of sending things in before they could diagnose it sending back, "No known human parasite" etc. In a way, I hope you don't have this parasite as I haven't found a cure but if you do, just let your state epidemiologist know and notify the CDC as if enough people get diagnosed, they will have to do something eventually. I'll pray that you can find a diagnosis and hope you have a BLESSED Day!
DeleteHello could the lady who created this blog please get in touch with me or tell me how I can get in touch with you. I am terrified for myself and my children, especially my son who is 5 1/2 and my husband's very rapidly declining health. Doctors and nurses keep dismissing what I am telling them, my husband thinks I'm crazy I believe and I'm at a loss on what to do. I am swelled so bad I feel like I'm suffocating at times and one is wrapped around my ear drum I believe. This came about after an attempt with permethrin Cream to cure our "scabies". And all at once my left foot swelled to the point I thought it was going to explode and then my hand and I could literally feel my whole body racing I knew then something wasn't right. I also keep hearing my neck cracking like it is popping. I'm really scared, thank you!!!
ReplyDeleteI posted a reply to your comment on my youtube channel. You can write me privately on my youtube channel but as I shared, I have no cure and am posting about every new symptom and test hoping that eventually enough people will get diagnosed that the CDC and science will recognize that this is a human parasite and many people have it! Have a BLESSED Day!
DeleteI too have suffered for almost 4 years with various similar symptoms. I have tried everything I can think of. I was looking towards systematic candidiasis, a fungal infection of yeast that attracts various bugs/parasites causing a state of confusion for me with what my symptoms meant or could be. Last night I rubbed regular salt on all of my skin while in the bath and finally saw what looked like transparent worms that magically seeped out of my skin and visible by the clumps of salt. No symptoms for the rest of the night and my skin looks amazingly better. Gonna see how this goes.
ReplyDeleteThanks for that information. I have bathed in salt baths but can't seem to get anything visible out. The issue I have is that most all the treatments people are sharing is getting them out through the skin. The main problems is the nematodes inside. I wish we could find a way to kill those off so we didn't have to deal with the worms. A woman on my youtube video said she used clear anti-itch cream on the rashes on her face and could see them come out and then in her hair and used a lice comb to get them out once the cream worked to get some relief. I pray that science will figure it out soon and we can find a way to kill them inside and out! Thank you SO much for sharing what has worked for you and if people keep sharing, hopefully it will lead to a cure! Have a BLESSED Day!
DeleteHave you tried H202 taken internally? 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide diluted down...Google "One Minute Cure" Idk if it'll work or not, but I read parasites can't live in an oxygen rich environment, it kills them...it's a 23 day protocol, but you can take it for 6 months if needed and then stay on a maintenance dose weekly...my family and I have what I think is pinworms/threadworms...we're going to give this a try asap...I hope you get rid of what you have very soon, living with parasites, isn't living...
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for writing. I did take it a few years back and things got crazy and I stopped taking it as it got put away for an event and out of sight, out of mind happened for me.
DeleteI don't remember noticing any big change in my health but probably wasn't taking enough or as consistently as is needed or something.
I know I have a cousin that said that she has all the symptoms and that Hydrogen peroxide internally is the only thing that worked for her and made her feel better so maybe I need to give that another chance.
I hope your family finds a cure for what is afflicting you.
Thanks for taking the time to remind me of this! Have a BLESSED Day!
hi , my name is Tonya , i have had this for at least 2 years . they wont listen , the doctors dont believe me. my caretaker is the only one that does cause she has seen them. i need your help. i dont have much money , my medical insurance is medicare and medicade. these things are running my life . everytime i shower they are everywhere. i get rash every 20 days or so. its bad on my face. i am disabled and freeking out. honestly i am suicidal. please help me
ReplyDeleteHi Tonya, I am crying for you as I type this. Mostly because I TOTALLY understand what you are feeling! I am so grateful I have a Dr. that believes me and that I have been diagnose but, I feel them crawling around inside of me and am so tired that I want to lay in bed most days. My eyes hurt most days and are yellow. I TOTALLY get where you are with the suicidal thing. People just don't understand that these parasites cause chemical changes in the brain and you do think those type of thoughts! You need to know that those thoughts are NOT YOURS! I don't know what to tell you about how to cure them as I am still trying new things daily. I just ordered another herb which arrived at the health food store today. I KNOW that eventually we will find the cure but for now, I pray LOTS! I get the rashes. I get the stress. I get the freaking out! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!! I will pray for you. I will continue posting what people suggest. I will post what I try if it works. I don't always post what I am trying as I don't want people to waste money if they don't work. Peroxide soaks work but cause yeast type rashes if done too much. Thieve oil (look it up in the search at the bottom of the page and you can read about it) on my neck and a few drops in my mouth through the day help keep them out of my thyroid. Taking oregano oil, colloidal silver, GSE, olive leaf extract, and neem oil seems to help some but you have to take it really regularly to keep up on them otherwise, it just makes it worse by killing the adults and then the eggs hatch causing a massive infection. I also don't have insurance currently and don't have tons to spend on meds and testing but don't know what else I could try but in reality, I just keep searching and praying and know that in His time, God will reveal a cure.
DeleteI will say a prayer for you. PLEASE don't kill yourself. Call a hotline. Talk to someone who understands. Join an online forum for Morgellons with people who have been told they are crazy as I believe the many Morgellons sufferers really have this parasite. I will continue to pray for those that write and if you really ever are serious about suicide, please see your Dr. and get some help. I wish I had more to offer you in the way of help. I pray that science will figure it out soon so we can all escape this nightmare. Have a BLESSED Day!
You are so precious. I'm very sorry that others have been rude or hurtful to u. There are 6 people n my family with some type of parasite & 3 of us have been called delusional by doctors. No one belive or helps us. If I didn't know God I probably would've killed myself already. It has been almost 2 years now. I'm exhausted. I'm depressed. My feelings lie. I know God is with us & He WILL deliver us! Hopelessness is a hard thing to battle at times. His Word is ALWAYS true. What we see, think, & feel is not always. We have to CHOOSE to belive His Word over what we see & feel. It is HARD. I will keep fighting for proof & deliverance for us all! I praise God! I love Him & I'm so thankful He loves me! May God lift u all up & give u courage, strength, & hope! My heart truly goes out to u all!
DeleteThank you so much for your kind words. God is wonderful and does give peace where none can be found. Keep positive and I will continue searching and pray that we can find a cure for all those suffering. Have a Blessed day!
DeleteI’m from the uk and think i have this. My dad thinks im insane and i sent a stool sample a month ago that stilll hasnt come back. I want to touch and hold other people but everytime i do im terrified they’ll get them. I’m constantly tired my eyes get gunky or blurry my nose itches and my face tingles with it. Have tried Ovex for three months and i still have them in my stomach, i don’t know what to do....
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry you have all these symptoms. It is awful to not know what you have. I don't know of any other parasite that has all the same symptoms I have but maybe you will be diagnosed with something else which is probably good for you if they do.
DeleteI haven't had any luck with the anti parasite medication but am still trying all sorts of things. I don't know that they will find anything in your stool if it is this parasite as it isn't in the database for humans yet. I hope that at some point soon they will develop a test for it and include it in humans so more can get diagnosed and they can start to study it and develop better testing and treatments.
I wish I had more to offer but don't know how to help you. I will continue to post on my blog and my youtube channed: thesecretisgratitude and include things I have tried and any more information that comes up. Keep checking back or subscribe so you will be able to see when things are posted. I wish I had more to offer. I am just dealing with it the best I can and sharing what I find.
Keep up your spirits and try to keep them out of your head as much as possible. I am hoping to be able to get all the information on one page so that you don't have to search my blog but my videos are up to date with the last one being last week so you can watch that and see what I am using to keep them out of my eyes and keep the rashes down if you have those.
Thanks for writing. Have a Blessed Day!
Hello, I just want to first thank you. When I first found your videos linked by someone in a Morgellons group, I was in shock for a couple days and still am to be honest. I didn't want to believe this is the cause of Morgellons but it all makes sense out of all the crazy theories out there. I have been getting the starbursts/light flashes in the shower since I was a young woman and I am now in my 50's! I recall asking my eye doctor about this and he said it was from the warmth of the shower.It's so sad how this is spreading. I do feel it's contagious as now 2 of my adult children have this despite my attempts to keep from going to all kinds of extremes to keep them safe. I had no idea what this actually was till seeing your videos. I had to lie in the fetal position for 2 days and still not recovered from learning this. I have heard they spread and use nematodes in fertilizer. It's interesting how you linked cats to this. It seems everyone I know with this has a cat or 2. But if they don't have a cat, they have dogs or loved to garden, walked barefoot a lot. If you think about the barefoot aspect, the states California, Florida and Texas are most prevalent for this. Those walking on beaches I wonder if are picking this up through their feet. Can I ask why you think cats are the carrier? I have a hard time because I rescued a cat and about 3 years later, the lesions came out. I feel so guilty and all the what if's etc. The floating things on one of your videos are all over my car and in my bathroom. It seems you don't have lesions? That is fortunate if so, although still a nightmare. All my hair is now these white grey fiber hairs. It's all falling out. I need to shave it off but just can't come to that. It's been over 3 years now. Such a loss of life's joy. Thank you for your blog. I don't even think people in the Morgellons groups will believe this as they all have their minds set on what this is or isn't. Sorry I wrote so much. Guess I need to put my story down.
ReplyDeleteYour story deeply saddens me as do all that write me sharing their trials. I get people writing from all over the world and they all tell the same stories.
DeleteI think the lesions may be kept down by how I treat any rashes and sores that come up. I share in my last video that I use iodine and oils but I have put diatomaceous earth on my skin since the beginning. My girls and I have had staff looking sores that I believe come up from the burrowing worms but we also treat those quickly so perhaps it is just that we are treating them more.
You asked about the cats - If you read my blog, you will know that I have dreams and many of them come true. It seems like the dreams that I am meant to pay attention to are in color and I can tell you exactly what things look like and the colors of them etc. I had three dreams that I had a cat parasite and that they were in my head. We tested first for toxoplasmosis which was negative. I told my Dr. I thought it was a parasite that hadn't been diagnosed yet and I felt that I was supposed to figure it out as my mother suffered from the symptoms for years and I believe my grandfather did as well.
In one of the dreams, it wasn't only cats but small dogs. I have had people write me saying they see these "puffs" of filaments coming out of their cats when they pet them. I have had people tell me they have seen these in their cats feces as well. They have many of the same symptoms I have in their kids and families.
I do not have cats but have TONS pooping in my garden area and I am so sensitive to the parasites now that if I go back to that area bare foot, I can feel them getting into the skin. I believe they hook onto my pants and then can crawl to the skin burrowing in later so you don't even have to go barefoot. Sitting on the grass, picking them up on clothes and then later they can burrow in. Of course, this is only my opinion. NONE of this can be verified yet but this is what I believe based on pricking on my skin and then the following rashes where they burrow in is where I felt the pricking prior etc.
I have the wiry hair, I have the bad eyes, I have the fatigue, on and on. You are not alone. I pray that science will catch up on this soon and we can all be healed from this nightmare parasite.
I have people wanting me to get on the Morgellons group sites but there are so many different theories and science has such issues with the term that I don't want to cloud this with that. THIS IS A DIAGNOSED parasite in Asia in many countries and now in the US. I have not been to Asia so I know I got it here.
So many of my friends, family and neighbors have symptoms that it has to be in the soil, veggies, animals or all three. I know they will figure this out. Don't get overwhelmed. Just do your best to get through each day. Do some small service for someone else who is worse off than you and you will notice yourself feeling better. I have days where I get nothing done but I will still try and make a call to a shut in or write a card to a missionary etc. Service is what keeps me going.
Thank you for your kind words and comments. Try to get yourself diagnosed. Try to find a worm in your stool. Take it in with a note saying that if they can't find what type of parasite it is, they can try looking at "horsehair neamtomorpha" as you are aware of someone with similar symptoms and that was there diagnosis.
Have a BLESSED and abundant day!
Thank you for you reply. You are the most beautiful soul. I forgot to ask, did you rule out the Mebendazole or was it just too expensive. I know a guy in Mexico , just sayin. It's like the people with Aids who had to self treat. But I know you don't want to do that and I saw where it made things worse in some cases. Best to you.
ReplyDeleteI did get a prescription for Mebendazole and it was SUPER expensive but it didn't work at all like the first time I tried it but it was a generic form so I wonder if I got it directly in the vermox form if it would work differently but I wasn't able to get that but the generic did nothing and was super expensive. We tried in in all sorts of forms up to a huge dose every few days and nothing worked. Not sure why or what worked the first time but nothing I have tried since has touched them at all! I appreciate your suggestions and kind words and I will continue posting what I can find.
DeleteHave a BLESSED Day!
I am sorry to hear the Mebendazole did not work. I found a protocol for difficult parasites and I don't know if you want to go down the rabbit hole but I think it could work. I don't want to leave you behind when you have been brave enough to put your story out there. It's not something I would put on your blog so if you are interested let me know here and I will check back after the holidays and will get in touch with you if you like. If not I understand also. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments. I would love to hear your protocol but if it works, I would want to post about it as there are so many people suffering. You can write me privately on my youtube channel thesecretisgratitude and we can write back and forth through that method if you would like to share what you have figured out. Thanks for your well wishes. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season as well! Have a BLESSED Season!
DeleteI came across your story last night and you have given me a sense of relief I can't explain. For over 2.5 years I've literally battled daily with myself vs everyone around me weither I was crazy straight out of my mind. Over the course of time it has slowly taken over my life. I spend more hours a day maintaining sterilizing sleeping and going through melt downs then the average person spends at work. I've found that peroxide following 91% rubbing alcohol makes them surface the skin. I use A&D diaper rash ointment to sooth the feeling in times they are most active. I soak in bleach baths using hottest water temp I can stand and 2 cups bleach. I use baby powder to know where they are. I've recently discovered the miracle of witch n hazel liquid and gave yet to try the tablets and powder forms. I ordered them yesterday and am awaiting for them. I came across a story in which a man that has had been using kegan water and found it was extremely helpful. Upon my research I discovered this water cost over $200.00 a gallon and that being far to expensive for me I dug future leading g me to witch n hazel. After watching your videos I have completed a stool collection and will be submitting it tomorrow in hopes I get the doctors attention in realizing this is something more then shingles or impetigo. I thank you for sharing and appreciate your time. I have pics and videos if you'd like to see them.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing about the witch hazel. I haven't used that other than after having babies so wouldn't think to use it. I didn't know you could take it internally. Please let us know how that works for you! I figure why try and reinvent something someone has already tried that didn't work.
DeleteOn the Kegan water, I found someone that lives near me and was able to purchase it and put it into my own containers for a "per gallon" price but it got hard during some crazy times to make the drive to their home. I should probably get back to that but also, maybe put an add on the local yardsale or paper, online sites and see if you can find someone willing to allow you to do that or find a used one for sale... Just a thought on that.
I have not used the combo of the peroxide, alcohol and a & D ointment together but use them all at different times and have found some things I posted about or mentioned on my videos that has worked for me for the most part. Iodine in a little olive oil or cod liver oil over the area and putting the A & D ointment over the top of that mixture. Sometimes I added a drop of tea tree oil but then my normal flora was suffering so I have had to alternate with some antifungal cream from the dollar store covered with the olive oil and alternate between the two.
I will pray for you that your collection will yield a diagnosis and hope that you sent in a note saying if they can't find a human parasite in it to compare it to the 'horsehair nematomorpha" worm as sometimes if it doesn't match any parasite on the human database, they will just send back saying it is not a human parasite.
Bless you for your vigilance and trying to find something to cure this and I am grateful that you are sharing what is working for you. Please feel free to send me links to your pictures and videos on my youtube channel as you can go to the bottom of the page on the channel home page and click on the links at the bottom and find "write private message" or something like that and no one will be able to see what you send or write there. I would love to see what you have found. thesecretisgratitude is my youtube channel.
I tried the bleach method and my skin was not happy about that and both times got rashes everywhere that took a week to heal so I tried that twice and won't be doing that again but once again, thanks for sharing as it may help others.
Bless you and all of us that we may find a cure soon and that the right person who can help us figure this out comes along soon!
Have a blessed and abundant day!
ReplyDeleteNot happyJanuary 21, 2018 at 7:55 AM
I don't know where to begin besides saying I believe I'm almost certain actually that this is what's been happening to me. It is horrific and anyone around me looks at me like I'm crazy. That in itself is making me feel that way I'm almost isolated to myself 24 hours a day and am horrified. I had one small thing to share as far as collection of these parasites go. I have symptoms mostly on my face all the tale tale signs specks and stuff. Anyways my daughter is obsessed with making slime and we started noticing that whatever slime I had made or contacted once put into a container started forming tons of tiny holes. We made the slime with glue and liquid detergent only some kinds of detergent work for this but when you lay the slime on your skin you can feel after just seconds the parasites exiting. Please share with anyone you know they are not gone and I've been using things like Neosporin and sulfur soaps and acne creamsbut I'm pretty sure that not only does the slime extract them but acts as sort of petry dish for the parasite iv got a really bad feeling that we are the first of a MAJOR epidemic pray we can figure this out my heart goes out to any sufferers of this nightmare God bless and good luck
Not happy wrote the above message to me but included her email so I had to delete that portion but I found what she wrote so interesting that I wanted to share it with you. I am for sure going to try this! Have a Blessed Day!
DeleteI just watched your videos on you tube. Your story is fascinating. Our family deals with Lyme disease and parasites are a part of that picture. Since, I have become rather fascinated by parasites. There are a couple things that we use that I hear you comment on or come up on your search on your blog. One, is resonant frequency (aka- rife technology). We have successfully killed many ascaris, strongyloides, flukes, trichinella etc. using rife machines. I started reading Hulda Clark. I love her book The Cure for All Disease. At the end of her book, she lists the frequencies of many parasites. While she doesn't list your particular parasite, there is a frequency range it would be close to. Another thing I didn't know if you tried is potassium permanganate baths. My daughter felt immediate relief with this and she had odd things come out in the bath. It kills parasites on contact. Lastly, something we have not tried but seems to have quite a bit of results is Organic Mimosa Pudica Seed. I heard Dr. Jay Davidson talking about this and am intrigued, so we will try this next week. My daughter has recovered from Lyme almost completely. It just seems that she has 1 type of parasite that she is still fighting. We are seeing a Dr. this month who uses cold laser to send the frequency of the organism into the body. Out of everything I mentioned, resonant frequency is really the most powerful of them all and the least known.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for taking the time to share all that. I haven't heard of the potassium bath or the seeds before. Would you mind letting us know how it goes once you try the seeds? I have tried to keep things I have tried updated so that others know what has or hasn't worked for me but someone let me know that I shouldn't do that as it may work for someone else.
DeleteI agree somewhat, but due to the cost and the liver damage by some of the medications, I wouldn't want my children trying them if they didn't work so I will continue posting what I try and what seems to work and not work.
I have tried the rife machines on and off but never felt any relief or signs of anything either way so I didn't have time to continue going with no relief. I may see if I can start going and try different frequencies this time and maybe that could help. Fighting this stuff is so exhausting.
Where did you get the potassium permanganate for the bath? I would like to try that. Maybe even just rubbing it on the rash infected skin to see if it brings them out.
I am grateful that people like you take the time to share things like that. I am still trying things people share but have to do them all one at a time so I can be sure of what is working.
Glad to hear your daughter is doing better! It is so hard knowing your kids are sick and you don't know what to do to help them.
Have a Blessed Day!
They are nematodes genically modified for cotton industry yrs ago they keep everything off the cotton. Unfortunately they can go anywhere and get into anything.so what keeps them off us.. being healthy add more yang. USA gvt. Has no regulations on nematodes used for farming. also they could be schiSchistos
DeleteHi Jason, Thank you for taking the time to share your information with us. I hope there is something we can discover to help cure this as there is a huge problem in our area as I think our soil is lacking the minerals that would keep these things down in the body. Thanks again for your comments. Have a Blessed Day!
DeleteI just wrote a long response and my phone wiped it out. Ozone water takes away light sensitivity in eyes and several glasses makes lungs much healthier along with breathing eucalyptus all night and lavender if you can. Jason is right... research agrobacterium in humans. I have proof and have all your symptoms . this bacteria is why the meds aren't working . the bacteria quickly changes things. Using lots of homeade theives on hands feet and scarf and picking up sticks all day made bacteria come from every finger etc. Only happens when handling sticks now getting good results from insect oil blend also .also add peppermint oil to drinks .
ReplyDeleteBottoms up group gave some stuff to take but might not be much different than what I've tried. Have white string fungus in every inch of body that moves and turns face and nuckles splotchy .Also infected with midges and other insects. I think the midges are connected and spreading the white string fungus or other disease but think it all relates back to agrobacterium and the parasites in the cotton
ReplyDeleteThanks for the updates. Let us know what the Dr. Finds or can diagnose. Hopefully we can continue to figure this out! Have a Blessed Day!
ReplyDeleteMaybe it can't live in a more alkaline environment. (Keeping my fingers crossed)
I have been bubbling Ozone water two glasses first thing in the morning for 45 min to an hour and fasting other than oils and coffee or water until noon. Today I have quite a dark knot on a finger and feeling something in head also. The Ozone is bringing something significant to the surface... I believe its the little tumors the agrobacterium makes... I've had a few of them come from my skull and nails but no one to test them . Let's pray this continues and doesn't cause any blockages .I believe this parasite has been changed by the agrobacterium and is what is normally found in the plant which is maybe why the meds aren't working. Ozone I believe can save your eyes and lungs. Spearmint oil in cold water and theives and lavender eucalyptus peppermint and insect repellent oils very helpful . God bless hope this helps us all.
ReplyDeleteI think I just may have an answer to this, do you have a way I can PM you or email? For reasons that you are most likely well aware of by now, I don’t want to discuss this on a public blog.
ReplyDeleteStrange that I have been fighting something for quite awhile and have been trying to research what it is, and a couple weeks ago I came up with “Horsehair Worm”, and wasn’t getting anywhere with it so I put it out of my mind. I came across your blog by accident. Horsehair Worm! Well there it is.
Although I am not sure if this is what I have. Doctors are not trained to look for parasites in humans. I have it mostly in lungs going up to throat and now I have it in left ear and eye mostly. I cannot stand that I now have bags and dark circles around my eyes, mostly on the left side. Weird clicking in left ear sometimes. Feel it in my upper palate of mouth on left side feeling like an ear infection. Left nostril runs almost constantly. Up close it looks like the whites of my eyes have worms in them. I feel like I look sick and feel sick, mostly anemic feeling.
I have it in some skin areas, but not much, and I have pulled out the glass-like looking worms out of my skin before as shown in one of your videos.
I am on day four of trying Albendazole and getting awful reactions like sinus issues, sneezing, raw feeling lungs and sinuses, it feels like I have the flu. Not sure if I want to continue the Albendazole with what you have said about it.
Do you know the species of this Horsehair Worm and the exact scientific name? This is a start. I think I may be on to something, please let me know how I can PM or email you, thanks.
Hello, You can private message me on youtube. If you go to my channel, on the bottom of the home page, there are a few tabs across the bottom. It will drop down and you can find the one that says, "private message" and email me that way where only I will see it.
DeleteI get stories daily of people having the same problems. I hate hearing this and knowing that no one is studying this! I pray that soon, someone will take notice.
The exact diagnosis was "Horsehair nematomorpha - Gordian worm" on the lab slip. There are thousands of species so that is probably as good as it gets.
If you have a Dr. that is listening to you and willing to send in specimen, do some throat scrapings and see if you can find any in the stool and put it in contact solution and tell them if they can't find a match on the human database of parasites, to look at the horsehair nematomorpha worms as you have all the symptoms as someone that was diagnosed with that worm even though it was thought not to infect humans. It is something....
I look forward to hearing from you. Have a Blessed Day!
ReplyDeleteI wanted you to see this. You may have seen it already. I didn't make any headway with my infection until I took bitracide for flukes. I am taking ivermectin right now and when I return to the UK will take albendazole. I am about 65 percent better.
Hi Amy, Thank you so much for the information. I have not seen that before. Isn't it crazy all the weird stuff the keeps coming up about these... Have a Blessed Day!
DeleteI also wanted to say that although I didn't get flukes from a tick, it was a tick that collapsed my immune system. Build up your immune system and keep trying different meds. At first, ivermectin didn't work until I took bitracide for flukes. I have had some success with DEC. You have to go after certain parasites first then others. I truly believe that the flukes have the nematode encysted in them and it just takes the right environment for them to be let loose in our bodies. Good kuck and don't stop trying to heal yourself. I also think these infections will not respond to herbs unless a person takes them over a long period of time it is a process. You may want to be tested for tick born illness or Mycoplasma infections. I was positive for two Mycoplasma infections and also have had babesia for over 20 years. It has been over a year fighting and I am just now making headway after discovering I also had flukes. The flukes are gone so I am tackling babesia and the nematodes.
ReplyDeleteI am so sad that you are suffering with so much! I no longer have insurance so I can't get more tests done without more funds.... I pray that the stuff you are trying is going to help you heal. I hope they start studying this soon. It is crazy how many people are suffering with parasites of unknown types. I hope we can both start feeling better soon! Thank you for sharing so much personal information with us as the more we share, the more potential there is that it will help others....
DeleteHave a Blessed Day!
Check this out, it talks about how beneficial
ReplyDeleteHorsehair worms are for controlling other pests (i.e.: pesticides,chemtrails are pesticides) and how they are found in bathrooms and anywhere crickets may be. I believe there are many different lufe stages of this thing and they are EVERYWHERE. Some people just aren't as sensitive to them as others. I want to thank you. I have revisited your blog many times over the last few years. Intry to stay off of youtube so that I can avoid the "crazy lady" comments. I just dont have the energy for that. I am grateful for your strength, courage and patience to do this. Thank you. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7471.html
Thank you for taking the time to share. I am so sad that so many people get told they are crazy when they feel things creeping inside them. I do believe they are in the soil and think most places have them but the costal states have enough iodine, iron etc in their food sources that they can keep them down in their systems. Other states, no iodine and iron and that is where the epidemic is.... Another boy shot himself in our town this week. I pray that God will inspire the right people to look at this... It is crazy that no one has figured this out yet! Lets pray they figure it out soon! I appreciate your kind words! Have a Blessed Day!
DeleteI do not understand why you seem to have only tried medications and not natural anti-parasitic herbs. There are many, many protocols on how to treat a whole host of parasites, some with broad-spectrum worm-killing abilities. Mimosa pudica seeds are just one of the many ayurvedic treatments for parasite infections. There are also wormwood/black walnut hull combinations, homeopathics, and different foods that you can eat that will help eliminate them. I know that usually these are made for the intestines, but I know some kill liver flukes, and other parasites outside the bowels etc.., but since you're having them in the bowels as well, you might as well try some of these. Although I would caution you to start with a half dose first, as a large die-off can be quite uncomfortable. If you look up Dr. Jay Davidson or Dr. Hulda Clark, two people I can think of off-hand, they both have parasite information and may be able to help you. I hate to see someone suffering and unable to find answers. Keep praying -because God does answer prayers.
ReplyDeleteYou may have not watched my youtube videos or read all my posts on my blog where I talk about how many herbal, natural cures I have tried. I tried many, many natural cleanses parasite cures and most had wormwood and walnut in them. I also tried eating papaya seeds, pumpkin seeds, straight up black walnut etc. I probably have tried ten different "natural" parasite cleanses and some worked to some extent but many drove them into the muscles and some killed off adults but then I would get millions of babies hatching and I think that some of them work in the gut but not lymph or lungs so I had to go through massive hatching and burrowing in the lungs before any of the treatments worked on them which is a three week process. It seemed to be causing more problems for me. One of the best natural treatments I tried and loved was Colonix which I have posted about a few times.
DeleteI have not tried mimosa pudica seeds but appreciate you sharing that. I have had someone share that with me but I have to try things one at a time as if I do try many, I don't know which product is causing reactions or working so I have a list of about 20 things that I am working through but have had a very busy summer so traveling I can't try new things as I don't know how my body will react and don't want to be sick while traveling.
I truly appreciate people taking the time to share their information with me. I can't remember if I have looked up Dr. Jay Davidson or not so I will look him up. I have done so much research when people share that I can't remember all the names but do get to researching or contacting the people others suggest.
Thanks again for your suggestions. Have a Blessed Day!
Hey, I am a young Israeli guy who experience the same symptoms after working on a cruise line for a couple of years and traveling the north of europe and carribean areas.
ReplyDeleteThis last 2 months I suffer from a lot of symptomes all over my body. It all has started with a urine infections I couldn't diagnose and strong iritation all over my chest and back. Later on I have started feeling horrible iritation in my anus. As soon as I noticed I was checking my poop and I could see long and thin worms over there. I had a stool tests that came back nefegetive although I made sure there are worms inside the tubes. I had 2 setions of antibiotics, the first vermox, and the second albendazole for 5 days because the doctor asumed it might me ascaris.
None of the treatments have worked and since the stool tests are negetive the doctors sure I need to see psychiatrist.
I have felt it in my head eyes and ears and I took it out of my ears.I could see a lot of small worms look like the one you have shown on the ear stick video. I have videos of my own and pictures of the parasite as well. I can see them on my poop every time and seems I can't get rid of it by medications.
I would like to share with you the pictures and the vidoes I havr done and to see if you think it's the same case. Please email me as soon as you can and I will reply with my documentation.
My email - halfonito@gmail.com
Thank you for everything you do.
God bless you.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI copied his email without his personal information attached so if you reply to this, it won't go to him but to me as I had to delete his original email due to it containing personal information.
ReplyDeleteYoung guy September 22, 2018 at 3:25 AM
Hey, I am a young Israeli guy who experience the same symptoms after working on a cruise line for a couple of years and traveling the north of europe and carribean areas.
This last 2 months I suffer from a lot of symptomes all over my body. It all has started with a urine infections I couldn't diagnose and strong iritation all over my chest and back. Later on I have started feeling horrible iritation in my anus. As soon as I noticed I was checking my poop and I could see long and thin worms over there. I had a stool tests that came back nefegetive although I made sure there are worms inside the tubes. I had 2 setions of antibiotics, the first vermox, and the second albendazole for 5 days because the doctor asumed it might me ascaris.
None of the treatments have worked and since the stool tests are negetive the doctors sure I need to see psychiatrist.
I have felt it in my head eyes and ears and I took it out of my ears.I could see a lot of small worms look like the one you have shown on the ear stick video. I have videos of my own and pictures of the parasite as well. I can see them on my poop every time and seems I can't get rid of it by medications.
I would like to share with you the pictures and the vidoes I havr done and to see if you think it's the same case. Please email me as soon as you can and I will reply with my documentation.
Here is my reply to him: Hey Young Guy,
DeleteYou can write me at thesecretisgratitudeblog@gmail.com and send video and pictures there. I can't diagnose or help you as I haven't found a cure. I am still working on trying new things. I suggest that you take the worms out of your stool and put it in a bag with some contact solution and take it in to show the Dr. as they don't always see the specimens that you take in to the lab. You may also want to soak your hands in the peroxide the morning before you go in to visit with the Dr. and then spray your hands with peroxide while in the office with him so he can see the bumps under your skin. If you can show him both of those things, he can then send in the parasites in the saline to the lab. I would send a note in with the parasites saying that "If you can't find this parasite on the human database for parasites, try looking at the "horsehair nematomorpha" parasite as you have all the symptoms as someone who has been diagnosed with this parasite." It may give them a place to look if they can't find the parasite you have on the human database.
I wish I had more to offer you in the way of help but if more people get diagnosed, the government will have to look at this.
I will say a prayer for you that you can get a diagnosis and get treatment. Have a blessed day!
I believe I have horsehair worms as well as my partner. I have had them a long time. Guessing two years. I wish I could send you some photos. I am so glad to find you. Anyone I have told about this thinks i am crazy. Could I email you?
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear you have been dealing with this for so long. I wish I had answers for you. I am keeping peoples information in case the CDC or other scientists figure this out and need people to study but I have no information for you. I have no cure. I have not gotten better. I currently have yellow eyes and my hair has started falling out again due to all the medications I have tried. I wish I had some relief for myself and others. I have an email that people can write to me but I don't know what to do with the information or pictures. Unless you would like me to post the pictures and share something you have tried, there really isn't much else I can do. I share everything I have tried online in my videos on my channel and on my blog. I am fighting diabetic symptoms now as well. I am praying that someone will start to take notice soon and figure this horrible thing out. My email is thesecretisgraititudeblog@gmail.com and I don't check it for weeks at a time as I have a super busy schedule getting my youngest ready to leave as a missionary in the next month. I will try to get to it soon after that.... Have a Blessed Day!
DeleteHi, im Karey Tucker, I posted on your blog a long time ago because my 5 kids and I had symptoms too. We'll after a couple years of researching and living with it trying everything and my knowledge of your research, today my gut led me to look up gnat parasite. Well I found Ovolvulus and there is 100% no doubt in my mind this is what we are all dealing with. It's also known as river blindness if you just Google it I think you will find it is something to look into further with your doctor and I am going to try to find a doctor for myself to see if they will test for it. Keep me updated please and thank you.
ReplyDeleteHi Karey, I really don't think this is what I have. I have seen worms, I have sent them in and had them diagnosed. If they were a human parasite, they would have been identifiable and I would have been diagnosed with that parasite. My symptoms are so similar to hook and thread worm that I do believe the diagnosis I have is correct and that they will find that horsehair nematomorpha is actually a human parasite and that it is similar to strongyloides. I hope that you find a diagnosis and we can all feel peace. Have a Blessed Day!
DeleteIt's not a human parasite, it's a gnat parasite that can be transferred to a human but they say is rare. It's called zoonosis if u just Google it I swear u will see.
DeleteHi Karey, I had looked up the actual parasite and symptoms but they don't match mine all the way. yes there are bumps and parasites under the skin but mine for the most part isn't itchy. Even the rashes when they are in full rash mode are just irritating but not itchy. They do occur in similar areas to the craw - craw rash that they describe but scabies is also in similar areas and itchy so my guess it is more like scabies but systemetic as it can affect the entire body and eyes. It can also cause the the skin to darken in the areas of the rashes and I haven't had anything like that either. EVERY symptom I have is exactly like Thread worm (strongyloides) except the worms in thread worm are small, these are exactly the same symptoms but mine get very long and other than that, I can't find any differences other than the horsehair seems to produce a sedative effect on the systems before them come out to lay eggs. I have not read that Thread worms do that but have read of other parasites that cause narcolepsy in patients so I do believe when they study the horsehair worms, they will find that they do have some type of sedative over the host. I am so grateful that there are people like you doing research and sharing their findings which will only help us figure this out faster. Perhaps you do have the river blindness parasite but it isn't as similar to my situation.
DeleteHave a Blessed Day and I hope and pray we both find the cure to whatever we have soon!
I want to thank you for sharing your story. I have many questions and also some things I would like to share with you. I have looked on youtube and tried to figure out how to message you there but no luck. Please let me know the best way to contact you privately. I am sure you are bombarded with messages but I to like you have faith and know that everything happens for a reason and I cant figure this all out on my own but hoping we can share with eachother and maybe get somewhere with this. Thank you for your time.
ReplyDeleteHello, I have posted my contact on many places on my youtube and here but can't put it on every video or I would have no life. I spend about an hour daily replying to comments and emails and I only have 4000 subscribers. I don't know how the bigger channels could reply to people. You can contact me by writing to: thesecretisgratitudeblog@gmail.com and I will try to get back in the next few weeks. I don't always check it depending on my schedule. Thanks for your kind words and I do believe that things do happen for a reason. Hopefully, science will catch up soon! Have a Blessed Day!
DeleteSo glad you shared your personal nightmare. My family was close to being sent to the "funny farm" by doctors when I finally found this. I am pretty sure this has been the culprit. When I read up on these worms there have been instances of them in cockroaches. You said your community seems to be dealing with this issue. There could be a resturaunt, food bank, or other community place where people have come in contact and taking items home, such as boxes. Maybe even a pet shop with feeder crickets infested. Hope this helps. Just read this tonight, but, it sure sounds close to what my family is dealing with.
ReplyDeleteI hope you get this reply as I never know on the blog if people get them but always get replies on youtube. I have a playlist on youtube that has all the videos about this parasite and you can watch the playlist and see where I think they are coming from. Cats spreading them from garden to garden is my best guess as they like water and the diagnosed cases reflect people eating garden fruits and veggies and I saw a video of them coming out of tomatoes in Germany. Hopefully, science will catch up so that those of us suffering will be able to find a cure soon. Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a blessed day!
DeleteI have these also, only a darker version .
ReplyDeleteI can get venox here, in Aus. What is the dosage for treating these worms? Clearly it would not be a one off dose .
I’m finding that more oxygenating type products and foods have some impact . And water enemas, flush them out . But it’s a hard thing to manage . My dog also has it.
Plus treating all water outlets and drains .
It really sucks though .
How are you doing btw, any progress with finding treatments that work ?
Take care,
Hi Astrid,
DeleteIt is interesting that these look like little black or dark brown threads when small but get lighter and lighter the longer and bigger they get.
I have not heard or thought of doing a water enema to get them out, but I can imagine it would draw them out as they love water. Have you tried putting a little salt in the enema water? I wonder if that would draw them out more being more saline.
I tried actual vermox the first time and took a larger dose as the pills were really old. Then the vermox wasn't available. Then it was, but only generic and I tried those and they didn't work. Nothing. I tried a pill or two of vermox at the standard dose but it killed only the adults and then the millions of eggs hatched again and I can't get the actual Vermox, just the mebendazole and I don't know that they are created equally so I still have the parasites, trying all sorts of things, but life is busy and I haven't had much time to do any studying or researching of new things to try recently so I have dropped the ball on finishing up the webpage I have nearly done and on trying new things.
If you try it and it works for you, let us know. Be aware that you need enough to try and then repeat every week or so for a few doses as you want to be able to kill off all the newly hatched eggs.
I think part of the problem may be that the the vermox may only work in some stages of the life cycle and not in others. I know with strongyloides, the medication doesn't work in one portion of the morphing life cycle. I believe that this parasite is similar in that way and I think that is why it is so hard to kill. I think eventually, the cure will have to be given every few weeks for a few months to get the parasites going into and out of that stage of development.
I am so sorry I am not more helpful. I am not doing any better and lately have been doing worse. I need to make an update video, but also want to finish the web page as it is so close to being finished.
Oxygen does bother them and if you can eat a fairly non-sugar, non-carb, non-anything diet, you may do better, but in reality, it is VERY hard to stick with that. I am sorry for your dog situation as well. I think pet owners will have a harder time getting rid of the problem. My problem is neighbors cats. The owners don't allow them inside, or have a little box, so basically, my yard is their home, their litter box and they don't worm them so my garden is the parasite incubator! I don't think treating the water is going to help as I believe this is like hook worm and strongyloides and it is in the soil as well. You would have to sterilize the ground somehow.
Hopefully, they will study this soon and we can all figure it out and feel better.
Thanks for your comments. Have a blessed day!
Hello everyone. Im a 35 year old male who has been dealing with this nightmare for 3 years. It is directly related to candida (yeast). At least my cases are. I say cases because i have gotten rid of it a few times by cleansing for parasites (hook worm) followed by a candida cleansing. This takes 8-12 weeks but will rid you of them. The problem you face after this is that candida is a lifelong battle. Im currently dealing with a difficult batch of them because i am not financially capable of acquiring the correct cleanses and supplements nor dietary restrictions (candida is costly and absolutely unbearable as far as taste is concerned because its basically the abandoning of flavor) and have been stuck battling this linger than i'd like. There is an entire community of people battling this parasite who are unaware they have it and these people are crystal meth addicts. I know this is the urban legend meth bug because of extensive first hand research. The reason they think they're seeing some unknown mite/tick-like parasite is because the only visible sign of them attacking you is the piece of debris on the head of the worm that is the color of whatever crud they most recently went through on their way to you (thus accounting for the color changing symptoms of meth bugs). Candida also disrupts the production of muc5...
ReplyDelete(I forget the rest) which is a natural stomach mucus that literally makes humans toxic to parasitic worms and prevents them from attacking you. I say attacking because i have a rare case where these things literally assault me in waves. I have battled them for 17 consecutive hours before finally breaking and losing that battle. I lose most of the battles and it plays hell on my mental, physical, and emotional states. Had i not been blessed to access my spiritual energy i wouldn't be here today because my body is literally under siege by these damn things. I didn't discover the cure for these things until recently and pray everyday that i will graciously fall into the financial standing required to overcome this gordian parasite and live a candida free lifestyle prohibiting the return of these rapist assholes (that's what they do us. We are raped by them because i didn't give them permission to penetrate my body). What led me to the meth bug discovery came from an accusation of someone i know. Apparently if you use cannabis stupid people will associate you with any drug they can think of and having heard but not listened to my recent complaints this idiot labeled me a meth addict. These people are suffering from this parasite like you wouldn't believe. In fact i have found a way to identify them visually by looking for a varicose "v" (really its a "y" and is the outline of a male worm's tale) and have found this "v" everywhere to the point that its possible I've found the mark of the beast. There are also connections between the gordian worm and witchcraft which i am currently researching. I am a college graduate from a top 25 university whose entire life has been derailed by these damned things so my research efforts are top notch to say the least. If you'd like to know why the CDC is so slow almost anti addressing this parasite then look no further than the candida epidemic sweeping the globe. 1 out of every 500 (loose figures) is effected negatively by candida which is enough to force a restructuring of the entire food supply since we're being fed poison. Thats a global cover up not just the united states because nearly everyone consumes food or beverage that has this in it. Were talking pesticides, food itself, factories, storage facilities, the whole nine yards here would have to be replaced in order to deal with this crisis
I am so sorry you are dealing with this and have been suffering for so long. I have done candida diets for many years and it is very hard to follow but on the flip side, I have done vegan, vegetarian, raw, and a few other diets over the years and do feel better on some but this parasite makes me crave proteins and currently, I can't eat any fats, and limited proteins, so I can only deal with so much.
DeleteI keep praying that the right person will pick up on this and be able to start helping with a diagnostic test as if they could test for it, they would realize how large the problem currently is. I wish I had more to share but it is what it is.
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Have a Blessed Day!
In case you are still checking this, I would like to ask you a couple of questions. I definitely have parasites living in my skin, digestive tract, and believe it or not in my sinuses. They drop down the back of my throat into my mouth while I am eating and it is so gross! I have pretty much just stopped eating. Whatever these worms are, they are not showing up in tests even though I can see them moving around in the samples being sent to the lab. Also, a 400mg dose of the anti-parasitic medication Albendazole that is supposed to kill almost all parasites did not slow them down even one bit. I was using coconut fiber substrate in the cages for many different pet amphibians in my house and everywhere the cages were located and where I cleaned them all out on my back became massively infested with what I now know are horsehair worms. I did not know they were there when every single one of my pets died of an "unknown infection" according to my vet. When I was almost finished cleaning up the little particles of coconut fiber that had been spilled everywhere over time, I noticed a rash on my arms. I finally realized that everywhere the horsehair worms were, there were these tiny brown maggot looking things which had tiny white worms inside. They are so small that you need an 8X magnifying glass to see them. When I felt this stinging on my arm one day after learning they were there, I got the magnifying glass and I could see those little brown maggot .things burrowing right into healthy skin on my arms. After reading a lot of what you have written, I am wondering if these little white worms are horsehair worm larvae even though they are not supposed to be able to live in a human. I have also realized this past week that some of my hair is moving on its own and with the magnifying glass, I could see a lot of adult horsehair worms attached to my own hair. Everywhere I brush my hair a lot is now infested with horsehair worms around the same length as my own hair. It is almost like they are mimicking the object they are attaching to in both size and color. My questions for you are 1) Did you ever see any of the tiny white worms on or in your skin where the rashes are and if so, did it require magnification to see them? I made the mistake of putting bug repellent on my skin where there was a rash on it and it did not take long to feel movement on my arm. I grabbed the magnifying glass and saw about 20 of the white worms vacating what had become a lesion on my arm and running away from it. My next question is if you have ever seen or felt any horsehair worms on your own hair or on surfaces around locations you brush your hair a lot?
ReplyDeletePlease check out my website where I share all the testing, cures I have tried, and symptoms as they have occurred. These parasites do like hair follicles and often the rashes show up near a hairline or in the pores containing hair. If you look at my video on hydrogen peroxide soaks, you can see that it kills the parasites coming to the skin from the lymph and pores.
DeleteThe website is "horsehairinhumans.com" and you can find most things there, or there is a parasites playlist with all my parasite videos you can watch on my YouTube channel.
If you can see the worms in the samples you are sending in, take them out and put them in a glass jar with contact solution so they can't miss them parasites and the solution they put specimen in won't break down the samples. It may help if you put a note in with the worms saying that you have the same symptoms as someone who has been diagnosed with "horsehair nematomorpha" so that if they can't find the worms on the human parasite database, they could maybe look at that parasite as there are so many, when they are little it may be hard for them to find which parasite it is. All my specimen I sent in came back with "? or unknown human parasite" until I sent in a long one in contact solution (normal saline) and then they were able to diagnose it!
I hope this helps. Just know you aren't alone as I have people writing me daily with the same issues.
Also, I notice when my girls get out of the shower and shake their hair, tons of the little "worms" float out of their hair, so I think that they do come out with water but not while in the shower as much as after for some reason.
I pray I can find a cure soon. None of the meds I have tried have worked.
Have a blessed day!
Hi Joe,
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear you are dealing with this nightmare as well. I believe that this parasite has actually been around for generations but mostly in the south until we started living in warm home and inviting pets indoors 24/7. It is interesting how with world travel it is spreading so much quicker. It is just the world we live in now.
I am still trying new things and will post when I try new things! Have a blessed day!
I have Gordian worms and thanks to your videos I realized what it is. There must be a cure because I am freaking out at the thought of worms in me but know for sure that they are. My scalp itched horribly so I put tea tree, lavendar, frankincense, cedar wood tumeric in garlic oil and coconut oil. Them combed out all the knots. Then I soaked in vinegar bath and even more came out. Everyone thought I was crazy when I asked about moving hair that pretends its hair and makes knots....bit then I saw your video. I must have had this parasite for a long time because of the physical symptoms I have, fatigue, skin issues, anal fissure, memory, eyesight, thyroid, swallowing etc. This will not be something I can accept so will put all my skills into helping figure out how to get rid of them. As a cancer survivor I accidentally did all the right things to beat the odds. There must be a cure. Please contact me.
ReplyDeleteHello, I don't know if you have looked at my website called horsehairinhumans.com but I have posted all the photos, documentation, links, and things I have tried all in one place. I am still trying new things as you can see on my new posts and videos. You can write me at thesecretisgratitudeblog@gmail.com but I don't look at that email often being busy with life, but will eventually get back to you on that email. Have a blessed day!
DeleteI am 38 years old. I have been to several doctors. Last night i went to the hospital because i was extremely sick. While in the waiting room i found a horse hair worm on my shirt. I picked it up and was holding it to show to the dr. My hand started to feel weird dry and tingly. After 20 minutes i had to change hands and open and close my other hand because it had gone numb. When i looked at my hand it had been dehydrated to the point of when i opened it it looked like a mummy hand. And if i pushed on my palm the indent wouldn't go away. When i went to see the dr in the back he said no it was a hair follicle and asked if i had any mental medical problems. I dont know what to do. They are killing me. I can lay in bed and watch my body swell up to twice its size and then reduce to almost bone and skin. My husband keeps asking if im on drugs. We fight i cry because he wont even give me 30 seconds to watch my legs swell and reduce because it happens all the time and it takes 20 seconds to go thru that cycle. You see it like swell a wave starting in thigh and as it reduces it goes to my calf then as it reduces it goes to my foot and as it reduces it goes back to my calf then as it reduces it goes to my thigh. I feel like im going crazy. I started to believe maybe i was just seeing things and everyone was right. But i have videos to prove it. I don't know what to do. Im about to give up and just end my life. Im in pain constantly, my skin crawls and itches all the time. I see them and want them out because i cant sleep and end up digging at them. I have watched the sores instantly cove over with some film that looks like its healing. No one helps me. I don't know what to do do any more. Im close to giving up. What doni do. Im sitting here writing this with tears streaming down my face. You could be my last hope. Can you call me please. I need help. 407 285 5166 i know i shouldn't just give my number out buy im desperate.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry you are dealing with this nightmare. I wish I had someway to help you. I have a website called horsehairinhumans.com where you can maybe send a Dr. so they can see that there are parasites that cause these symptoms and that there are tests I suggest trying to prove there are parasites in the lungs.
DeleteI have not found a cure. I have not found a Dr. that will take on patients as mine has retired. I wish I had more to help you but can only suggest those things until I can find a cure.
I will say a prayer for you. I will delete your post after a day or so to remove your phone number off the site but had no way to reply to you without publishing your comment. I wish there were an easier way to connect with people but it is what it is.
Have a blessed day!
Please check the youtube channel
Delete"Human Parasites Support Network"
Main video "Strongyloides, Mites and Morgellons"
Discussed is the "Sharkmans" protocol for drug resistant nematode / worm infections.
I’ve tried so hard to sign in to comment so I would be alerted if you respond, but I can’t get it to work :-(
ReplyDeleteOhio here!
I found this blog while actually google image searching a suspected “cootie”.
I’m a 31 year old female, plenty of auto immune issues to be the perfect breeding grounds for whatever bug wants to blink my direction lol
I’ve been watching your YouTube and reading your blog literally all night.
About four months ago, I started to notice these little blue squiggly (very very thin) hair like things all over my feet in particular. Shortly followed by this weird.. clumpy gray ball type things that would randomly appear in a similar area. About a week or two later, I started getting rashes (blister looking) and then almost bee sting looking lesions all over my body. About a week after that, I began to feel movement…it’s super awful in the middle of my back right between my shoulder blades where I can’t reach. I grabbed a sticky trap and placed several of the hair things and a few of the balls on it, and went straight into the er. I was -convinced- I had a parasite, I would get ivermectin, and that would be that. Obviously, it’s visible, you can literally -see- the problem, it shouldn’t be a difficult diagnosis…right?
Well. The Er said “scabies” without -even- looking at specimens. I asked why I could feel them move. Dr said “it’s just your anxiety. You can’t feel anything” *eye roll* so I did the Prometherin cream, but still very much so doubted him. I went ahead and messaged my primary with pics of the sticky sheet and she immediately referred me to infectious diseases. (Cream didn’t help btw) I get to infectious disease, super hopeful I’ll get diagnosed and treated as the cooties had at least doubled in size and number- now having clear/whiteish OBVIOUS worms in stool and poking from skin (generally a Y shaped worm, and ALWAYS two symmetrical holes in my skin right next to each other) I had removed several from my skin (without poking holes, as I know I already sound crazy to the average person) and put them in a jar for ID.
When I say they gave me the WORST ID there is…they did. The FIRST thing he says to me is, “there are NO PARASITES in the USA” smh. I explain all symptoms, show samples (he didn’t look) he wouldn’t even look at ME.
FINALLY I get back with primary. By now, on top of all other symptoms, there are a gazillion tiny pin holes in my stool whenever I -can- pass it, which is about every other week. My legs, feet, and ankles have swollen to the point of being completely immobile (also, I’m 5’11” and 125#, so BMI has nothing to do with mobility) I go days without sleeping because for whatever reason, these things are far worse at night (moving around wise). We do TWO stool samples. Both are negative for parasite. At least she says she can obviously see the things too, so she gave me ivermectin. Didn’t do anything. Spinosad. Nothing. Every antibiotic known to man.(in case it -is- something else) No difference. I’ve done an ABI on both legs, no clotting. Blood work is all over the place. My lymph nodes are all swollen, especially in my neck and just under my left ear on the back of my head.
Now- all same problems, add in the red eyes, movement feeling in eyes when I close them, and blurred vision, also what looks like little tunnels with tiny black hair like things under my finger nails and toe nails . I -still- can not get a diagnosis to save my life. I’ve read about the horse hair worm before, and even said “I sincerely hope it isn’t that, because I heard it messes with your brain! But I’ve seen way too many ‘dust bunnies’ around my house to not be a little worried”
Continued from Ohio!
ReplyDeleteI’m trying to find out what my next steps should be! If there is any certain test to ask for?? What, if any, treatments have worked the best for you (prescription or non, I’ll try anything!) and more than anything… THANK YOU for making me feel not so alone. My mental state has suffered just as much, if not more than the physical. And although I’ve had some support…when someone else is/has gone through it..it’s just nice to see that you’re still pushing. Because gosh is it hard to keep pushing lately. You posted about suicide rates and parasites and I can 100 percent see the correlation and you found me at a time I definitely needed the light <3