We had a cousins party this past weekend after my aunts funeral. About 2/3rds of my 40 cousins were there.
It was a sad weekend as we lost the first member of the family in my dad's generation but the fact that my dad as a triplet group all made it to 80 years old is something.
I am guessing that there aren't many groups of triplets that make it to 80 and all three reached that birthday milestone.
My dad is an identical twin and a fraternal twin.
My cousin in the top photo has fraternal twins and her dad is the other boy twin. My sister in the middle top of our family picture on the stairs has identical twins and she is the other male twins daughter.
My aunt that died and is the fraternal twin of the triplets had twins that died. I don't know if they were fraternal or identical.
So, twins run in the family. I think that the type of triplets my dads grouping is, was fairly rare as having identical and fraternal in the same birth can't be typical.
While we were at the party, my aunt wanted to get family group pictures. My dad came to bring a car as my sisters truck broke down. He was in a hurry as he hadn't planned on coming to the party.
We sat on the stairs and were trying to get a good picture with him but my camera flash wasn't working. It turned out that the dial had gotten moved. So, my dad gets up to leave and my brother jokes that we should get his twin to sit and smile in the picture and nobody would know the difference.
My uncle sat down and smiled for the camera and we all laughed and laughed at that and then we tried to get one with my dad alone with the flash as well and my uncle kept "photo bombing" the picture so we never did get a picture of just our family with the flash.
It was so funny that we all got a good laugh out of it including my dad, uncle and his wife. As you can see, we all were laughing quite hard in the pictures.
It was so good to see my cousins again and we always get a picture of the three of us that were about the same age and are all children of one of the different triplets. We "hung out" together. The last time we got together and took a picture was at this reunion I put on a few years back. Here is the post about that.
It turned out to be a great weekend with some ups and downs but I was grateful to be able to go and see everyone and honor my aunt. When I called my father to give condolences about his sisters death, he said, "It is the end of an era, the triplet era." It made me sad but as I shared at the beginning of this post, the fact that they were all in great health on their 80th birthday this past summer is a wonderful blessing and I am grateful that we have had them in our lives and doing well for so many years. I pray I last that long and am in as good of shape as my dad at that age.
You may think this is the lamest post ever but I have to share it as it is such a thing in our family.
Today I have had the worst headache I have had in almost a year. I couldn't move for fear of losing my cookies. I fought it most of the day after having it most of the night. I was out of town for a funeral until late last night and was fine when I went to bed.
I could barely get up. I took something and drank some Coke and went back to bed. Not feeling much better, I showered and climbed back into bed listening to a movie with my eyes closed hoping it would distract me from the pain. Every time I moved, I felt like I was going to be sick.

You have to know how sick I was for the fact that Princess One was going to stop at my house on her way through the state for a vacation with Prince One's family.
I was SO sick that I called her and told her not to come!!!! You all KNOW how much I love being a grandma and how I adore Grand-Princess One. I live for the moments I get to spend with her. For me to have them not come shows just how horrible I feel. I was in bed today until just before 7 p.m. when the pain lifted some and I got up to eat and drive Princess Five to a meeting and pick up some groceries. When she needed a ride home from school, I had her beg for a ride from someone else as there was no way I could get her.

My brother called at some point in there asking to stay the night at my house as he was headed to another state and wanted to rest half way to his destination.
I washed the sheets, straightened up from my trip, took more drugs for my headache that never fully subsided and left me lightheaded and somewhat dizzy all day.
I've continued to take something throughout the day and will take something before going to bed tonight praying I wake feeling better in the morning.
I hope Princess One will stop over on their way home so I can visit with them and lets pray my headache doesn't come back anytime soon.
Anyway, back to the Sharpie story. Many years ago, it was my birthday. My spouse hadn't gotten me anything and we were shopping at Kmart. He asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I said I wanted a package of "Sharpie" markers. I joked that "All I need is this package of Sharpies to be happy."
Then, as we went through the store, I picked up something else, and said, "All I need is this package of Sharpies, and this item." (can't remember what it was.) We got to the checkout and I saw a candy bar I liked and picked it up and said, "The only things I need is this package of Sharpies, this item and this candy bar to be happy."
So, over the years it has become a running joke for our family. If you search my blog posts for "Sharpie" or "Sharpies" you will see that MANY of my posts have them. I use Sharpie for anything and everything.
For Christmas, Princess Four gave me the 80's galm pack. She didn't know that I had purchased that pack last summer for Girls Camp when we did our "Snow White" theme.
Princess Five went through all my markers recently and got all the doubles and gave them to sisters to use and we ended up returning the new pack and going to lunch together instead.
You can see though that I do LOVE Sharpie and all of their colors. I am a little light on the tan/brown colors as I think I put them in a bag to use on the trailer sides and lost them. Here is a post about that. Here is a link to a post where I lightly mention my Sharpie joke - obsession.
Seriously, I think Sharpie should pay me for all the ways I suggest you use them on my post. I wish I were better about the advertising thing, I could probably be making a living off of Sharpie advertisement and trailer repair items.
Here is to hoping tomorrow is a better day!
A few years ago, I bought a set of hand-blown amber goblet stemware.
I have always loved the look of hand-blown glass. I love that every piece is unique and different. I guess I find it like people, no two pieces are alike.
One day, the base of one of the goblets broke. I hated to throw out the entire piece. I had this wire holder that had a glass oil candle in it and it broke leaving this cool wire holder.
I thought that perhaps, I could take the goblet to the local glass store and see if they could grind it down like they do the edges of larger glass table tops.
I took it in and they were able to grind it down as you can see in the picture so it went from the goblet base you see to the candle holder.
This past week, I was rearranging some of my hand blown glass items and one of my very favorite pieces wasn't setting quite right on the shelf and when I walked away, it fell and shattered the base.
It was a thin green pitcher with a clear glass handle. The bottom was ruined but the neck and handle section was still intact.
I thought to myself, "I wonder if the grinder on my Dremel would be able to grind it down so the edges aren't sharp and make it level so that I could use it for a holder for a hand blown glass bulb?"
I pulled out my dremel and put the grinder on it and made SURE to wear eye protection and put the piece inside a bag so that any little pieces wouldn't go anywhere in the kitchen but into the bag.
I ground it down as flat as I could get it and it wasn't sharp at all. It looks white in the picture as the dust is still on it so you can see the edges but when I washed it, the white came off.
As you can see in the top picture, grinding it down, making it level worked as it is a cute holder for the glass ornament I have. Something new for the day and I was glad my experiment worked.
I had a pyrex lab beaker the I broke the top corner off that I wanted to have ground down and took it to the glass shop and they lost it. Now, if anything breaks, I can just grind it down myself. Nice to know something new.
I just wish I could learn to blow glass myself. I think it is an amazing art.
My friend Julie, that I mentioned in the post a few days ago, showed me something new. I had never seen it before but it is a "Butterfly Loom" or a Vlinderloom.
I assume it gets its name because it folds down the middle and the sides go back like the wings of a butterfly.
She said it is very easy to use, it is easy to remove the projects because the sides fold back which loosens the project to come off quickly.

She purchased it online and there are two sizes. She made these loopy decorative scarves on the loom and said they worked up very quickly.

She said if you are looking to make something for charity donations, they are quick and don't take as much yarn or time but give a pretty decorative scarf.
She also worked up some hot pads and used multiple colors.
I wanted to share the pictures and the loom as I had never heard of it before or even seen what it could do. She purchased them online if you are interested, you can watch "how to" videos" on youtube.