Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Last Transfer and Princess Five is Staying in NY For 6 More Weeks

Hello Everyone!

We had transfer calls this week!! Sister companion and I will be staying here in New City, serving as STLs, it will be sad because we won't be able to do "real exchanges" but we are excited to have a little more to do to keep us busy! I'm so excited to have one last transfer to serve my Heavenly Father and his children!
But some other highlights from this week have been:

Practicing the piano for a half an hour every day.

Watching the blue Jays and squirrels play in our backyard

We have nightly 15 minute conference call for the mission and we were able to share our finding ideas with the whole mission one night.

Our friend Eva is still going strong but as a nurse she has been working non stop, so we haven't been able to talk to her through the week, but we text her everyday! She wanted us to come over this week, but we are sad because we cant go.
My companions mom sent us some shrinky dinks and we've been having fun with those, we made lots of themed ones.
We've been able to contact a couple inactive members, so we are so excited to read the 

Book of Mormon with them and get them where they need to be!

We had to say goodbye to all of our native Korean missionaries, and we were very sad to see them leave.

I hope you are all doing well, and staying safe!

Cuídense mucho por favor!!!
Hermana Princess Five

Whenever people don't answer the phone it pauses on our faces so here are some of those.

Our movie night

A screen shot of our last district council this transfer.

All of our pun shrinky dinks.
(AmericANT, Strawbuggy, cinnabug, hambugger, and atlanTIC)

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