I am on a Pokemon local group that will text when there is a large pokemon raid going on. They will meet up or do a remote for the raid. I did a raid with them and even though we won the raid, I asked someone in the next car to try and catch the large Pokemon, they were not able to catch it for me.
The next day, they had another raid for the same Pokemon, I was out at Walmart returning something so I stopped on my way home and we once again won the raid, but I threw three balls trying to hit it and missed all three.
I got out and went to the car behind me and it just so happened that it was one of my bunko friends husband. I asked if he could help me catch the large Pokemon as my throws weren't always great. He was able to catch the Pokemon for me. I laughed as he had 2 games going at the same time. He had a phone and an ipad that he was playing on and was able to catch the large Pokemon on one, but not on the other. What I found out at that point was that not everyone in the raid catches the same Pokemon. I had no idea. The one that he caught for himself was a lower CP point than the one he caught on my phone. I didn't know that was a thing.
I stayed and played a bit longer on my way home and caught this 1111 CP point Pokemon and smiled to myself feeling blessed that the many people I have been meeting playing this game have been really kind. There was a "task" that makes you trade Pokemon with someone else and nearly every person I have met that plays this very much plays two games so they can trade with themselves, get lucky and special / shiny Pokemon and trade them to their main game, and kick themselves out of Pokemon Gyms at strategic times to get coins etc.
Since I already am wasting so much time playing one game, I cant justify playing a second game, nor do I want to do that, so I needed to find someone to trade with locally as that is something that can only be done in person, so I saw a young couple in the car next to me playing and knocked on their window asking if they would be willing to trade with me.
They were willing and both traded with me so I could finish that challenge / task. I asked if they were in the local raid group, they weren't. I was able to put them into the group so they would get the texts when there was a raid going on. Then, I was able to share all the cool things I have learned from the others in the group who have been so patient telling me facts and tricks that even some of my girls don't know.
Every person plays the game differently, but the main majority are trying to get perfect Pokemon and develop them into a few different levels so they have strong Pokemon at each battling level. I am learning and have been evolving the more balanced / perfect Pokemon and have been learning to win battles as I learn which Pokemon are better with different types of Pokemon.
My friend Matt is sweet. As he has more time to play, he gets really far ahead of me in levels and then waits for me to catch up. I have been limited by not having enough space as you have to earn coins. You collect coins by putting Pokemon in gyms and taking over gyms. I guess he got tired of waiting for me to earn enough coins, so he purchased me a $50 apple gift card so I could use it to purchase Pokemon coins and build my space for Pokemon and items. I have had over $20 on credit on my apple account for a VERY long time. We had over $100 at some point, but the girls have downloaded songs over time and I didn't know I still had that amount on my account. Here is the post to someone getting us gift cards.

I figured out how to use the gift card and purchased some poke coins so I could expand my storage. I think I will use some of it to let all the girls / guys purchase some remote raid passes so we can all do some battles together! I have been doing several raids with Matt and a few with the girls, but mostly doing local raids when I happen to be out and someone posts one.
I am really enjoying making new friends. My bunko friend added me as a friend when her husband arrived home after helping me catch the larger Pokemon and doing a few trades. So, now I have a bunko / Pokemon friend combination, which in my world, is better than any Pokemon I could catch!
I wish Matt could find some friends playing near him to be able to do the larger raids with, but I think people in the west are sometimes more open to a stranger approaching them than those in the East. It is a culture thing.
Thanks for the gift card Matt. I am blessed with good friends, and good Pokemon Go friends!
Have a blessed day!