This week was FILLED with adventures!
We've had two lessons this week with our good friend Dino! He is so excited to learn about God, and the Book of Mormon! He has such a desire to feast upon the word of God and take it all in! Also he's absolutely hilarious! He told me he's going
to buy me a bike for my birthday, and that when I come back to visit after my mission, he will let me drive his truck.
Sister companion and I drew the Plan of salvation in chalk on the ground in the park twice this week, once by ourselves and once with the English sisters, it was really fun, and a lot of people saw it, and we got a return appointment from it so
that was really cool!
We went on exchanges this week, and I was with Hermana not my companion, and she is Incredible!! We had a busy day that day and taught 4 lessons back to back, I learned so much from her, and we had so much fun the whole day!
We were contacting people
on the street before an appointment and there was this lady who looked like Barbie kind of, but also looked Hispanic, so we started contacting her in Spanish, and this is how our conversation went more or less. We said "Hola como esta?"
And in a valley girl like voice she said "Oh you speak Spanish, that's so cute!, where is your family from?"
(Everyone in both of our families are very much from the US) so I said, "my grandparents are from Portugal", to which she replied, "so you're not American, Bye Jesus Girls!" As she walked away, it was super funny. At the end of exchanges we
all went to a Thai ice-cream place that was 10/10!
I got asked out on a date by a nine year old while we were walking down the street.
We went with the English sisters to the very south part of our area to help a member move another member to a new apartment, but when we arrived, the members wife said they wouldn't be back for a couple hours... what? So as we were walking away,
one of the members of the stake presidency stopped us and bought us all Snapple's.
I contacted a drunk man in the park and afterwards, he flew away like an airplane.
This week we were street contacting and we started talking to a mother named Sara who was sitting on a park bench, we asked her to read a verse of the Book of Mormon, but she didn't have her glasses so she held it up to her daughter standing
behind her so they could both see it, and they read it together, and it was just the cutest image of this mother sharing the gospel with her daughter, and I started tearing up a little, and I just want everyone to let the gospel bless their families, but even
if they don't, I'm grateful I can!
Love, Hermana Princess Five