Hello Everyone!
Sorry I didn’t write last week; Hermana First Companion and I were busy
cleaning out our apartment and packing because we were DOUBLED OUT! Which means
two new missionaries who don't know anything about the area will be taking our place,
we were sad, but I know in God’s plan, everything happens for a reason.
On Tuesday I said goodbye to Hermana First Companion, and sent her off
into the real world, I'm going to really miss her, and New Jersey is going to
miss her, she's such a wonderful missionary! She's the best trainer an Hermana
could ask for.
Anyways, I have been transferred to Kearny! It is one of only two
sister walking areas in the whole mission. It reminds me a lot of home, except
every time I look down the street there is the most beautiful view of the NYC
skyline! There are a ton of people who speak Portuguese here, as well as
Spanish, and English. My new companion is Sister Companion 2. She is from the west, and she has only been out 1 transfer longer than I have (six weeks). So,
we are learning a lot together.
This week we have already seen so many miracles! And I would
like to share a few.
1. We were knocking houses one night and called a brother from
the congregation to pray with us. In his prayer, he asked that "we could find a family
from Ecuador at the first door we knocked." Picking a door to knock first was a
little nerve racking after that but we did, and.... a couple from Portugal
answered the door, but we rang the second doorbell on the house and IT WAS A
FAMILY FROM ECUADOR, and we have a return appointment with them on Thursday,
how cool is that! I know it's by faith that miracles are brought to pass! WOW!
2.We were getting off a bus and not 2 seconds later this lady
started yelling from her car, "Hey sisters can I talk to you!" So she
pulled over, and said," My name is Valerie, I'm a member, I'm inactive,
whenever I see missionaries I take it as a sign that I need to go back to
church, I saw you get on the bus and followed you until you got off, can you
have someone visit me?" So that was crazy, we got her info, took a selfie
and headed to an appointment. I really hope she comes back to church and keeps
coming back to church!
3. Last night, we were knocking doors down a street, and Hermana Companion 2 felt that we should cross down across a main street to keep knocking so
we made our way down, and we stopped to talk to a man who was standing outside
his apartment building his name Eric, he and his family just moved here from
Columbia, and they don’t really go to a church, but love the bible, we shared
Moroni 10:4-5 with him, and he started asking us questions and was really
interested in The Book of Mormon. He told us we could come back whenever and
teach his young family, so we are beyond excited for that! We are so grateful
that sister Companion 2 filled the prompting to head down the street a little way!
God's hand is in all things and as you show gratitude for the things He gives you, and act on the opportunities He puts in your path, He will bless
you with more!
One last funny story: On Friday, I was asked to give a
talk in sacrament meeting. I was sitting in the congregation for the sacrament,
and as I was about to take the water I dropped my cup and it spilled all over
my lap. I don’t know how many people noticed, but as I walked up to the stand, my
skirt was very noticeable wet. I hope the talk went well, all the members said
it was great, but they are members so they have to say that.😅
That's all for this week folks, love you all!
My last days in Patty
Us after we were out contacting in the rain all day.
Valerie, the lady from the car