Hellllllllloooooo Minasan! Genki? Bijin? Samui? Wartashi wa hontouni samui desu yo! Everyone healthy? Beautiful? Cold? I am very cold. See the included pictures to see why!
But this week was great! 100% great!! Wanna know why? Ill tell you why!!
Year mark. My sister is having a baby BOY!!! I'll be sending them lots of Japanese names for suggestions. IT SNOWED SO MUCH LAST NIGHT!!!! Investigator chan is going to come to Thanksgiving FHE.... This is her first time saying yes to an activity for a LONG Time like at Least 6 months. She is such a doll. I love her!
And the happiest thing of all, NOA'S MOM GAVE HER PERMISSION TO BE BAPTIZED!! We still need the dads permission. But we taught the mom the first lesson to let her know what we have been teaching her daughter. She wasn't interested, but is willing to let her daughter do what she wants. WAHOOO!!!! Hopefully she will change her mind, but we are just so happy that she said yes. I AM SO URESHIIIIIIII!!!! So happy!!!
Highlight of the day. Suda shimai jumped in the snow like. Literally belly flopped into the snow... And she didn't realize how painful that is. But it was so cute! She is from close to Tokyo, so snow isn't a norm for her! She also fell this week stepping on crunchy sounding ice. My comp is seriously the best. She also made a scavenger hunt for me for my year mark. I love her!
It was Elder "Manly's" birthday. WE made a cake. A little bit of a fail, but they said it tasted good, so that is all that matters! Haha
I have missed winter dendo. It makes it so much easier to stop people walking! Man. I love it! It is so cold. OH by the way, Sister Suda and I are in the most north, most cold area that sisters can go to... So for this thanksgiving I'm giving gratitude to my dear sweet mother who helped me pack to warmest things!
I really hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving! I'd love to hear what you're grateful for! I am grateful for all of you and the love and support I Receive! May god bless you!
The biggest learned point this week was probably yesterday. I had prayed the night before and asked to be forgiven for my shortcomings and failures, and was just feeling kind of blue. But God didn't want that. So the next day during my personal study i read in my usual spot. Mosiha 3:4,
4 For the Lord hath heard thy prayers, and hath judged of thy righteousness, and hath sent me to declare unto thee that thou mayest rejoice; and that thou mayest declare unto thy people, that they may also be filled with joy.
The angel here was talking about declaring to the people about Christ. I just knew that God knew and understood me. He knows and loves all of us. He wants us to rejoice! And to share the things that we rejoice over! And I get to share the thing that makes me the most Joyful EVERY DAY! This same day we visited Hikari. We all wrote down problems/questions, then read where hikari chan was reading. And all of our questions, except for Hikari's were answered, so legit. Like the same scriptures answered all of our different questions. I know the Book of Mormon is TRUE!!!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Aishiteimasu!
Bistare Bistare... Happy year mark!
My scavenger hunt! she got me space socks. Sorry no picture!
More snow. The pictures don't do it justice. There is Sooooo much snow!!!