Thursday, September 30, 2010
Homecoming Bolero Jacket

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Homecoming Dress Alteration
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
En Lighten Me

Monday, September 27, 2010
Now You See It part 2

Friday, September 24, 2010
Mother Daughter Bunko Fun

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Now You See It......
We asked the Dr. about contacts. Because she is so blind in that eye and bad in the other as well, six sets of contacts cost $250.
For a single mom on a limited income, that is an unreasonable amount. Also, what if she lost her glasses or cracked them like the last two pair she owned? I wanted to allow her to try them just to see if they would be an option for special occasions. So, the Dr. ordered a trial set and we looked at the prices. When I found out how much they were, I talked to my daughter about working on the issues that may be linked with "not wanting to see things clearly in life."
We set out to tapping (EFT) which I describe in my blog pages on the home page. We used word association to work on the issues. For example, "What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of not being able to see clearly?" Then she would say something like "blurry." Then I say, "When I say "Blurry" what comes to your mind?" She says, "Ice." I then say, "Ice." She says "fall", I say "Fall" and she says, "School." etc.
Most of her issues dealt with my divorce and her not wanting to see what was happening with her parents. None of my kids needed glasses until the divorce. I also did foot reflexology on her feet about four times and I also rubbed essential oils on the "eye" reflex area on the toes.
When she put the trial contacts in, she said they were blurry. We went in today, less than two weeks since her last eye exam and check up in which there was no change in her eyes for over a year. She couldn't see with the contacts in. After the exam the Dr. said that her left eye is so much better now that she can wear the cheaper contacts and he ordered a new contact to try for the other eye!
No one can tell me that tapping doesn't work! I am going to continue to work with her on letting go of "not wanting to see things." I have also talked with her about having gratitude for what she can see. Giving thanks for being able to see flowers, trees, people, movies etc. I give gratitude for my eyes at least weekly when I see a beautiful sight and I don't need glasses when many of my siblings and parents wear them.
So, I'll let you know how it goes but even if there isn't more change, I am giving gratitude that at least one of her eyes will be able to wear thinner and cheaper contacts and pray to our loving Heavenly Father that we can heal the other enough as well!
Just glad we no longer live the law of Moses, "An eye for an eye!" Happy seeing!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Breakdown Blessings - Part 2
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The Breakdown Blessings - part 1
Blessing number two. I was able to call my dad who lived only miles from the off ramp where I broke down. I was staying with my sister 30 minutes away.
Blessing number three. Some gentleman stopped and offered to push me. It was dark and he looked nice enough but I didn't know where to have him push me or if he could push me anywhere so I told him thanks but that I had help on the way.
Blessing number four was great as I was able to start the car and drive into a motel parking lot before the car lost power and went dark and the hazard lights no longer worked which would have left me dark on the off ramp.
Blessing number five. My dad picked me up and took the battery out thinking it was the alternator or the battery or both. He took me home to his house where I was able to borrow pj's get a toothbrush and sleep on the couch.Thanks to my sister for keeping my kids overnight.
Blessing number six. Getting up in the morning, my dad had charged the battery. We put it back in the car and were able to find a Auto Zone open at 8 a.m. on a Sunday morning. They checked and said the battery was bad and that the alternator was going out.
Blessing number seven. My dad insisted on paying for the alternator and saved me $150 on the part as we got part back when we returned the bad one to the store later. He followed me to his house where he had ramps to work on the car.
Blessing number eight. My wonderful step mother had fresh waffles, cut strawberries, cream and fresh juice slush for breakfast when we got back with the car and parts.
Blessing number nine. We were having a family party for lunch as a nephew is leaving to serve as a missionary in Mexico this week. My kids and I were fed lunch. My older daughter did the youngest daughters hair and drove them to the luncheon but had to head for college in another city after.
To be continued.....
Monday, September 20, 2010
Imperfect but Sweet
I think sometimes people are that way. Weathered and marred from "stings" but if we take the time to open them up, we find they are often the most kind and learned spirits of God.
Many times when I have met someone that seems a bit "stung" and marred, I find out what their likes are and make a sincere effort to get through that outer mess. Most times, I find something wonderful inside.
Have you ever picked a piece of fruit that looked so beautiful on the outside but when you started eating it, it was pithy and had no flavor? Or, have you eaten the fruit
Some look beautiful and amazing. You hang around them because they “look good” or “seem fun” but after being with them for awhile, you find they have no flavor. They aren’t what they appeared to be.
There are others who look great. You spend time with them and they seem sweet. You enjoy their company. Then, perhaps they gossip or tell little lies. They aren’t as sweet as they first seemed. You are “bugged” by their behavior just as the apple or fruit had bugs.
Is there anyone in your life that seems deformed and "stung?"
Pray to God about how you can get through to enjoy the sweet inside. Just as I don't like to waste fruit, I feel the same about people. God didn't make something that wasn't perfect in some way. Each of us has perfection in something, even if we don’t look perfect and have weathered the stings and trials of life, we each have something to offer another.
Friday, September 17, 2010
The Whole Fruit and Nothing but the Fruit
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Fresh Corn on the Cob in Three Minutes
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sweet Sixteen Fun

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Count Your Blessings....
Monday, September 13, 2010
Customer Appreciation - Turn Around

We went home with a full pizza, bread stick, $10 Wal-Mart card, 2 free movie passes, $10 pizza certificate and a fun noodle for the pool!
What a great blessing and fun day!
I thought about how I could pay back for all the kindness the Dr. and his staff show in giving a gratitude/appreciation party each year. I decided to be the photographer this year. I could see they were busy so I took my camera and went around taking pictures of patients, staff and families. When the kids saw I was doing action shots off the diving board, we had lines waiting; they would nod when ready so I could catch them mid air!
I went in the next Monday with the pictures and a big "Thank You" for the staff. They really appreciated it and thought it would be nice to get the pictures printed and give them to the patients and put some up on a poster.
I tried to think when I have thrown a party or a family dinner, what help did I need? I usually have to ask someone to take pictures for me so that is what I thought I could do.
Come to find out, it was a good idea. What a blessing to be able to give back to those who are so thoughtful to us and we were able to have fun at the same time. I was blessed to win a wonderful camera a few years ago from Panasonic so the pictures were better quality than the one camera the staff had.
Four of my five girls have had this Orthodontist. It is almost like they are part of the family! Thanks to them for providing such a fun day and beautiful smiles on my girls! Haven't they done a great job?! (I'm not biased!)
Friday, September 10, 2010
Zucchini as Spaghetti
The reason he sent it is that if I eat whole wheat anything, about 15 minutes later, I am exhausted! I can't function. If I have a piece of bread hear or there, I am fine. However, if I eat large amounts of bread or other wheat laden items, I can hardly move. So, with that information, I was looking for an alternative to spaghetti. I found it in zucchini.

I make spaghetti sauce from scratch and bottle it every ye
The nice thing about zucchini, is that you can freeze it a
For stir fry, I slice it in circles or quarters. It is one of my favorite items to add in a stir fry with summer squash and fresh tomatoes from the garden. I will
Here is to the green wonder veggie!