Here is a link to the first post about me finding money.
Here is a link to the first post as to why rainbows are relevant to remind me about my mother.
I then shopped and at the register, there was a dime on the ground. I took pictures of both since I thought it was so cool as I had already found the one. While I am checking out, the guy in the next self checkout, he saw his change and then walked away, there were three coins there.

I arrived home and unload the car and I feel the first drops of rain as I am headed into the house. I felt like my mother and my Father in Heaven were trying to tell me that I need to trust in HIM and know that my earthly mother is watching out for me. Three coins and three rainbows in a few hours of time. It really made my day.

I am so grateful to those who are willing to share their time with me. Having a stressful week, and then feeling all this support, made me realize how very blessed I am!
Have a wonderfully Blessed day!