I did a blog post about a year and a half ago about fixing the inner thigh of your pants that have worn through as the new stretch jean fabric is less durable and sturdy than the old regular cotton jean fabric. It is one of my more often views posts.
I however, never did a video on it, and never showed how I fill in the color with a pen which I did mention in that post.
I had two different Princesses come home for Easter with holes in their pants wanting me to mend them. I thought that having two to patch would make for a good video as I could have one done and one that needed to be done.
Also, one had a seam that was coming unstitched and I also was able to show in the video how I fixed the loose thread hanging and made it look like new by sewing another thread cross wise over the loose thread holding it down and giving it a "sewn" look.
I also share how you can purchase embroidery floss to match the thread on the pants usually much cheaper than you can for a whole spool of threat and there are many colors so it is easy to match the floss to the thread on your item that needs mending.
I also show how to fix decorative stitching on the pants using the same floss making it cheaper to fix. I was in a hurry and really should have used four thickness of floss as you can see here, it isn't quite thick enough on the thread but it shouldn't really be seen and I don't know that the pants are going to last that long as they are quite worn so I didn't worry about it much.
You can see in these two last pictures that I used the pen to fill in lighter areas of the pants even though there isn't a hole. It is just lighter from wear so I used the pen to darken those areas.
If you have any detailed questions about how I did it after watching the video or reading my first post about this, please feel free to write an ask me in the comment section and I will try my best to get with you.
I also used to zig-zag the holes but the fabric is usually so thinly worn that it will just rip through again without the reinforcement of the patching.
Watch all the way to the end to see how using the pen to cover the threads makes it look almost new.
Click here to read my first post about how I patch the pant holes.
Update 6-16 I had a pair of pants where the hole was right near the seam and I used one of the thicker iron on patches that doesn't always hold so after I washed it, the edges of the patch started coming up. I needed the pants for a water hike as I didn't want to wear good ones so I just took them, cut off the excess patch that was coming off and then used a zig-zag stitch with a similar thread color and sewed the patch on so that it wouldn't come up over the ripped area. Here are two pictures.
One is of the outside and one is of the inside so you can see how I sewed it. I talked in my video about just stitching the area rather than sewing it as you don't want the stitching to rip through the thinner worn fabric but with the patch there, it seemed to strengthen the area and worked well for my hike.
The other worry I had was that it would irritate my skin. I didn't have any problems with two full days of hiking in hot sun with sweat and water when many others did have chaffing from their jeans, I was grateful that I had no problems with mine. Hopefully this is helpful to those who have a rip near a seam as I did.
Thank you! I've been throwing ours out because I thought it was hopeless!