I am guessing that High School Musical will be on all five girls lists when I get them back but they have surprised me before.....When the results were in, I was surprised. Just one list.
I had a funny reply as many of the kids said they "reserve the right to change their list at any point." I loved that. They aren't "stuck" in any position.
Prince One:
Paint Your Wagon
Little Shop of Horrors
Phantom of the Opera
Les Miserables
Sound of Music
Mary Poppins
Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Fiddler on the Roof

Princess One:
Sound of Music
Les Miserable
Phantom of the Opera
Wizard of Oz
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Singing in the Rain
Fiddler on the Roof
South Pacific
Music Man
Little Shop of Horrors
Princess Two:

The Addams Family
Calvin Burges
Les Miserable
7 brides for 7 brothers
Bye Bye Birdie
Little Women
Anything goes
Princess Three:
Phantom of the Opera
High School Musical ;)
Les Miserable
Sound of Music
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Bye Bye Birdie

Princess Four:
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Bye Bye Birdie
Wizard of Oz
Phantom of the Opera
Les Miserable
Teen Beach Movie
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Princess Five:
Bye Birdie
High School Musical
Teen beach movie
Mary Poppins
High School Musical
Teen beach movie
Mary Poppins

My Top Ten all time favorite Musicals:
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Mary Poppins
Les Miserable (Loved Hugh Jackman and Anna Hathaway but hated Russell Crowe and Amanda Seyfried)
Phantom of the Opera
Bye Bye Birdie (How can you not love anything Dick Van Dyke is performing in?)
Sound of Music
The Wizard of Oz
West Side Story
The Cross Over Movies are:

Phantom of the Opera (5)
Bye Bye Birdie (5)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (5)
The Sound of Music (4)
Newsies (4)
Mary Poppins (3)
The Wizard of Oz (3)
Evita (2)
Annie (2)
Teen Beach Movie (2)
Joseph and the Amazing Dreamcoat (2)
Hairspray (2)
Annie (2)
Teen Beach Movie (2)
Fiddler on the Roof (2)
Little Shop of Horrors (2)

Grease didn't make the top ten as I HATE the storyline but LOVE the music.
Interesting that Dick Van Dyke is in three of my top ten. Very Talented Man!
I have to add that I am looking forward to the "Into the Woods" movie as we were in that musical a few years ago and enjoyed it. I am also looking forward hoping they make a "Wicked" movie. Both would be great.
Worst all time Musical in my book is Carousel. Who wants to watch a woman marry and chase an abusive man?
The Bunko Women listed:
South Pacific
Seven brides For Seven Brothers
Sound of Music
Phantom of the Opera
The Sound of Music
Les Miserable
Pitch Perfect
Bye Bye Birdie
The Sound of Music
The cross overs for all are:
Les Miserable (8)
Sound of Music (7)
Seven Brides (6)
Phantom (6)
Bye Bye Birdie (6)
The Winners are..... Les Miserable and The Sound of Music. I have really enjoyed learning more about my girls and what are our favorite shows.