I have been so busy trying to get my life organized. I had a dream the other night that I wanted to go on a bus with a friend and because I was helping someone else, I missed the bus. I was SO upset in this dream that it actually woke me up. I lay in bed upset because I missed the bus and I said a little prayer asking what the bus represented and why it upset me so much.
The answer I got to that prayer about my dream, was that the bus was a job. Other people have jobs and go and get recognition and compensation for their jobs. I think my life would be much easier if I just ignored all the other crazy stuff I have in my life and went to work and threw away all my mom and dad's history, video tapes, audio tapes, pictures, documents etc. And, I could ignore sharing my parasites situation online with others, stop blogging, and would then have time to travel and see the world and have a normal schedule like other people have.
I have also been doing some research on other ancestors and contacting my uncle about that and was up most of the night last night working on that project which has been started and unfinished for at least two years now.
One of my girls sent me a job in my area saying that I was qualified for the job. I laughed because I feel like my Heavenly Father sent me an answer in my dream as to if I should apply for the job. I don't live a normal life. I am constantly helping others, and working on things no one else can or would do. In the dream, I missed the bus even thought I really wanted that normal type life and was super upset I couldn't have that life, I was HELPING SOMEONE when I missed the bus. Each time I have prayed about getting a job, the answer I get is, that I DO have a job, God pays me and takes care of my bills so I can be in HIS service.
In pulling out some boxes from my garage that were there from my mothers move from her home to assisted living at least five years ago. I found another 30 VHS tapes needing viewing and previewed to see if there were any items on them we would want. There were also books, documents etc but not much related to my parents lives or things I would want to scan ,so it just made a huge mess for me. On one VHS, I was able to find her speaking to a large youth gathering which she did for 15 years or more traveling around the country as a motivational speaker. I was thrilled that I found this really quality VHS recording of her giving a talk to one such group. My children never knew my mother like that, so I was happy to find that so they could see my mother at such an amazing time in her life when she helped so many people with her insights.
I also worked on one of my cars today, got some court documents today, worked on my yard today, and was just not feeling that I have a grip on my world as I feel so guilty that I haven't finished the parasite website or even made any videos or updates on that, and I have been so flat out helping my dad and organizing his stuff and making sure that he was healing, and getting items on their home was fixed, that I haven't had any time in several months to even try any of the suggestions that people have shared, or tried things I have researched to try.

Basically, it was just a stressful day and my sister came over in the middle of me having car issues to look at a box of stuff I had from her in my garage related to the same sort from my mom's home. She decided that she didn't want anything out of the box of stuff she kept originally and I was proud of her for letting it go as some of my siblings are having a hard time releasing some of my mothers belongings.
She asked if she could help me in any way and I told her I needed a syphon as mine got stuck in the tank last year after our reunion as my suburban has a gas tank leak and I lose all the gas in the tank. I can't remember how much gas I need so I always overfill it by about $50 of gas and if I don't syphon it out, I lose that $50. I made myself a little note for next year so I don't overfill it and won't have to deal with that but she was headed to the gas station and I was out there in the dark under my suburban as
the hose fell off into the tank supply hose again.
A car drove up, and it was my sweet sister who is in the middle of building a new home and still has kids at home. She said, "I was checking out at Maverick and realized I had trail points on my card so I got you a $10 gas card for free!
It was so thoughtful of her, I asked if I could have the receipt so I could put it on my gratitude frame as a reminder of her kindness on a bad day. She gave me the card and the receipt and each time I walked past the counter where they were placed when I came in the house, I got a huge smile on my face as I was so grateful for her thoughtfulness. She said, "I may not have the time and ability to help you with mom and dad's history right now, but this was something I could do!
It really made my day and I know they are strapped for cash building their home currently, but I felt like I needed to accept the gift as she would be blessed for sharing what she dose have with me, so I accepted the gift card and am grateful that she thought of me!
Have a Blessed by an Angel Day!