Here is the first letter from Japan with pictures. It is good to see her smiling face and everyone looks happy. The descrition of the pictures is near the bottom. Here is her letter:
" Good Morning Starshine!!! The earth says hello!! Hello you beautiful children of God!
Japan is so fun! I love it so much! Nihon dai suki desu. I love Japan!
Miracles of the week:
On Monday, we were contacting a previous investigator. She said she
didn`t have have time for the gospel. Which isn't true because if you
make time for the Lord, he makes time for you! But you know, she has
free agency, and we still love her! On the way back I felt like we
should ping a house(The doorbell sound here is `ping pong` according to
everyone, so that is adorable) We weren't out pinging. I felt like we
should ping it before, but we were on our way to visit the previous
investigator. It wasn't like a huge screaming feeling. More of an `eh,
why not` feeling. A woman talked to us through the door. My companion
started by saying we were from America. I couldn't understand anything,
so I just crouched down, and talked to the little girl standing next to
her mom. We gave her an English Class(Eikaiwa) pamphlet. After we left I
asked what the lady said. She said that she usually doesn't answer the
door. she asked if we were from a church by her house, but we told her
where our church was. She said her friend (her friend is a nonactive
member) is a member, and that she comes to Eikaiwa with her kids! We weren't able to have Eikaiwa this week because of mission tour, so I don't
know if she will come to Eikaiwa with her kids or not, but that
experience meant a lot to me. My companion started freaking out about my
bean power (as in green bean... as in I'm still less that 2 transfers
old... Mission lingo you know?) Seirei( the Holy Ghost) totally guided
that one. Nothing may come of it, but who knows! It still meant a lot to
me. Yay pinging!!
Another cool thing that happened on Tuesday. We got on a bus, and
there just happened to be four senior boys sitting behind us. We could
hear them say things like,`Talk to them in English` And boy did they
talk. They invited us to eat with them.... Mind you, I have no idea what
is being said really....... My companion asked if we could bring our
friends.. aka the Elders. They said that was fine. So we all went out
for Ramen. My first Ramen in Japan. Fun fact. One of the boy`s names was
Tiger... So that was legit. Another fun fact. Japanese names are so
hard to remember, but that`s OK! The boys asked us if we had boyfiends..
We said no. They also asked why we are called Shimai. #dendo They
really liked us at first, and then they liked the Elders. That, Folks,
is what I call a catch and release. hahaha We met some of their
teammates last night at the train station. We asked if they knew our new
friends. They said they did, and that we ate dinner with them. So you
know. We were the hot topic of the boys soccer team in Muroran Japan. We
gave them an Eikaiwa flyer (They talked to us two times) . But that was still crazy awesome!
I was also feeling sad at church because I cant understand
anything. But we went out and dendoed... guess who got real happy real
fast? It was Me!!!!! Man. Spreading the gospel is so happy, friends!
When people would tell me that, they weren't even lying.
We also talked to a CHRISTIAN AMERICAN! Him and his wife are very
firm in their Religion which was too bad, because some of their beliefs
were so close to being correct and happy, but they were a little
different, and sad. He believes we will change when we go to heaven.
Like we wont recognize each other, and we wont have set families. But
just so you all know, We will recognize each other. We will be the same
spirits in heaven that we are on earth. Families are important, and we
can be sealed together with them for eternity in the temple.
We also got to hear from Prisident Yamashita who spoke in
conference about being ambitious in Christ. My companion totally bought a
mini statue/wooden figurine we keep on our phone, of the statue he
talks about in conference. Feel free to go listen to that. IT WAS SO
GOOD! His conference talk confirmed my testimony of the Book of Mormon,
and the Church being true. On Saturday when he spoke to us, we sat on
the front row. He stared me down and pointed at me, and called me out
multiple times. We were probably best friends in heaven or something. He
had me stand up and tell everyone the first line in PMG of the lessons,
`God is our loving Heavenly Father` in Eigo and Nihongo... So that was
cool. I also did my first origami! It is a mouth that opens and closes!
So Ill send pictures of that next week! Remember to open your mouths,
and I promise, the scriptures promise, and the Lord promises that it
will be filled.
Description of Pictures:
1 - President and his wife.
2 - I loved my trainer Shimai from the start.
3 - Me totally guessing correctly that I would be serving in Muroran
4 - Nato.... I can't explain it well so google it, but I'm pretty sure it's fermented soy beans.... Not my most favorite thing clearly...
5 - Mission tour with Yamashita Kaicho. He spoke in this last conference. His talk at conference made a big impact on my testimony so I fan girled pretty hard.
Choose to have a week that is as beautiful as you are!
Ai Shiteimasu! Kyokai wa Shinjitsu desu! I love you! The church is true!
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Isn't she just the cutest and happiest missionary around!