This past two weeks, she has cheered six times and performed with her choir about six or seven times. We have something every night this week and she also took the ACT this past Saturday. It has been super busy.
I get to see her both cheer and perform singing tomorrow night. She has had two nights like that with running from one activity to the next.
I am grateful to have Princess Four home to help with keeping up and taking pictures if I have another activity as well.
I love how much she enjoys performing. Every day she comments on how much she loves to sing and perform. She gets to do both lots this month.
I have included a few of my favorite songs that they sing. They have a full hour of songs and I wish I could post them all but my slow internet makes it hours for each video.
After the concert, her best friend wanted to sit on Santa's lap and get a candy cane. Princess wasn't sold as we have at least 100 candy canes on our counter at home and she doesn't really eat them. But, she was a good friend and they thought they would just get a picture but Santa made them sit on his knee.
They had a good laugh and Santa asked what they wanted and Princess said she wanted a DATE. He asked who she wanted to go on a date with and the boy she said just happened to be standing behind me and you can see her blushing as she smiles while looking at him in this last photo.
Princess Four said she would also go out with the boy, I guess he is quite popular with the girls. We will have to see if Santa can produce that for her. I don't even know the boy so this mom can't help with that Christmas wish.
I did enjoy hearing her sing and watching her perform though. You can tell by the smile on her face that she really is enjoying singing.
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