Princess Five has been getting all her health appointments taken care of seeing Dentist, Eye Doctors, and getting a new drivers license, and at each spot, we seem to have little miracles that make us KNOW that he is paving the way for each thing.
For example, we went to the eye Dr. and her prescription had changed. She tried a new prescription in the left eye contact, and at first it was super clear. As the day progressed, the contact would slide and go out of focus. She was frustrated because it helped her see more clearly, but in the end, she would have to blink hard all day long to get it back into place. This has been the issue with her right eye for the entire life of her contact wearing. She has a VERY strong prescription in the right eye as she damaged in during a fall. We just figured that she would have to wear drooping contacts her entire life. It took the eye Dr. many tries to find a contact that could even work for her and with that, we were grateful that she could wear contacts as she was a cheerleader and couldn't wear glasses while stunting and cheering.

The Dr. said she would order a new contact trial but still wanted to try the newer prescription. I went to the store a few days later and asked about the trials. The worker told me that they sent the wrong brand and it had more of a curve and they were waiting for the other brand. I felt like I should ask if she could try that other brand for some reason figuring if it was a trial and it came in, perhaps for some reason she should try it.
Within minutes of putting the new contact in, she was singing praises! She said it was the clearest she has ever seen with contacts! I call the store and they tell me that that brand of contact has the smaller cone shape to hold it on smaller eyes better and that the brand that she has been wearing for all these years only comes in the larger cone size so for all these years, she could have been wearing a different brand of contact that actually fit on her eye better and not have had these struggles with the drooping contact!
She hardly wears them due to that problem, and wore glasses her entire mission for that reason. The contacts were just not easy or comfortable to wear and she struggled seeing clearly all the time.
I know that this "Happy little accident" was not an accident. I know that her Father in Heaven cares about her and takes care of her needs, even when she doesn't know it is a need!
Just yesterday, we had another little reminder! Since she was a missionary for 18 months, she hasn't worn a swimsuit for 2 years. She needed a new one and looking online, she found one she could order the larger size for the bottom and smaller size for the top as several of my girls are built that way. They were sold out and were quite expensive. She was a bit discouraged and was just planning on wearing shorts and a tank with a sports bra to our reunion at the lake.
Princess One was going through a drawer and found a suit with the tags still on it that she bought for an event when she was pregnant but didn't end up wearing before her stomach grew and the suit didn't fit. She thought to herself after finding it in the drawer, "I bet Princess Five could use this." So, she called her sister asking if she needed a bathing suit with the tags still on that she thought would look cute on her?
We saw Princess One yesterday and she gave her sister the suit. Princess Five tried it on and it looks like it was made for her! It is SO cute on her!
Once again, her Heavenly Father knew her need and answered that prayer for a modest, cute, fitting swimsuit for low to no cost! It still had the price tags on the suit but wasn't something her sister could use, so God inspired her to clean out that drawer just before our family reunion at the lake!
She used the suit today and it was comfortable, modest, and made her feel cute! What more could a girl ask for in a suit?!
I was going to post about the suit yesterday evening as that was when her sister gave it to her, but Princess Five said, "Why don't you post about it tomorrow after I use the suit so you can get some pictures of me with the kids." Then, the video showed up! It was meant to be!
It may seem silly for those who don't recognize God's hand in their lives, but for us, these type of Tender Mercies happen all the time! We feel so blessed to KNOW our loving Father in Heaven so well!
Have a safe and blessed day!