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I am blessed. I believe these blessings come from sharing what I have with others & by giving gratitude for what I have. I also let God know my needs and wants. Any loving Father wants his children to have their needs and wants met. I believe God is my loving Father in Heaven, and I hope to use this blog to share the information I have with others in that we may both be blessed from it.
Welcome to my page! I had a friend suggest I start a blog as she thinks of me often when she reads other blogs. So, thanks to Sara, I hope we all enjoy this journey.
"And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more." D & C 78:19
Gratitude Story About the Yard Sale - Blessed Days
I shared a bit about my yard sale last weekend. I shared about my swollen feet, and blisters, and cracked heels. But, I really wanted to share with you my blessings as there were so many. The fact that I had the energy to do the yard sale at all is amazing. I was by myself and to take that on is huge. Most of the stuff weren't things I wanted, it was eBay stuff that I sold 20 years ago while I was married. I hadn't seen what was in the boxes for so long that people kept asking me what was in the boxes and I couldn't tell them so I told them to come back later and I would continue putting stuff out and so people came back and brought others and I had lots of repeat customers.
I didn't put it in the paper and I put an add on the radio for my neighbor and I for Saturday but also didn't put it in the yard sale sites online. I said a prayer and printed up some signs and just put the bright signs around town for about 20 minutes and by the time I got home Friday morning, after putting up the signs, I had already had three people come and go. There was a guy there when I got back and my sweet neighbor sent her son out to watch my stuff for me.
I had people all day with a little break in the middle of the day and then put it on a yard sale site and I had people sorting through the jewelry until after dark on Friday. I made over $800 on Friday and I didn't have any large items. I did sell a bunch of baseball cards for $75 and a new dehydrator for $50 and a projector for $50 and a set of skis, boots and poles for $50. Most of the rest of the stuff I sold for what I paid for it so I was SO grateful to have made that much.
On Saturday, I had a neighbor having a sale one street down and he said he would send people my way as he had his in the paper and I didn't. I sent people his way that saw my signs and put up a big sign sending them down to his house. I went until about 2 p.m. and I made over $500 on Saturday!
I couldn't believe that with all boxed items I could make so much and all the stuff that normally sells at my sales didn't sell. The clothes that were really cute didn't go because I didn't have time to fold them. At one point on Saturday, I started folding them and all these women then bought some clothes but I only folded about 20 items before it got to the point I couldn't fold anymore so I took all the clothes which many still had tags on them to the women shelter. We took two loads to a second hand store and I had a woman come at the end telling me about a lady that just left her abusive husband and has five kids nearly the same age as my children when I went through my divorce from an abusive husband. I gave her several things I wasn't going to sell but things I felt the family needed and also many of the household decorations including curtains. I also gave her a full matching bedding set and curtains that matched which I was surprised didn't sell as it was really nice and cotton.
I had a friend come at the end and offer to take thing to the second hand store for me and he took a table and the massage chair to her house and then I filled the woman's car twice with dishes, pans, lamps, decorations, etc. I was SO grateful to be able to help someone in need and I TOTALLY understand where she is in her life. Her baby is 2 and mine was 2 and in diapers when I went through my divorce. The stories are so similar that it made me believe that God gives us experiences to be compassionate to others when they go through something similar.
I made over $1350 in two days and helped many others with donated items and was able to clean out my garage and I still have many boxes that are now labeled with items that I looked up and can sell for well over what I could have gotten at a yard sale so I hope that I can get myself organized and put them online as I could use some funds to help pay for Princess Five's mission! I was SO blessed with a few dear friends that came over and helped just when I needed it. Melissa came and helped me pull out all my kids totes to get to the eBay stuff and then helped me pull out the tables and the boxes. Michelle came over and helped set some items out and brought me a shake knowing I couldn't leave my post as it was so busy. I also got a potty break thanks to her on Saturday. Greg helped take loads to donate in his truck and also the table and chair to the single mom. Princess Five showed up at the end to help me clean up after a full days work in another town, she drove the distance to help me sort, box and donate it all. Princess Four also helped the week before going through her stored stuff and helping me pull out boxes for the sale that were stuff the girls donated that were in the house.
It was a great two days but it did take me a week for my feet swelling to go down, the blisters to heal and I still am fighting with one cracked heel but most of it is all better! I feel so blessed to have made so much on such little stuff. It was a blessing to have had that stuff stored in a way.... I still have stuff to go through and things to get rid of but things are getting better all the time! I am so grateful I am starting to have energy again!
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