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I am blessed. I believe these blessings come from sharing what I have with others & by giving gratitude for what I have. I also let God know my needs and wants. Any loving Father wants his children to have their needs and wants met. I believe God is my loving Father in Heaven, and I hope to use this blog to share the information I have with others in that we may both be blessed from it.
Welcome to my page! I had a friend suggest I start a blog as she thinks of me often when she reads other blogs. So, thanks to Sara, I hope we all enjoy this journey.
"And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more." D & C 78:19
Packing For A Gluten Free Trip - Gluten Free Snacks and food in Checked Suitcase
I haven't traveled much in the past few years with all the craziness of my mother living with me, passing away, Princess Fives roll over accident, new grandbabies being born etc.
I was invited by Princess Three to DC for a work trip and to stay in her hotel and Princess Two decided to go along as the other girls have work and family. It has been many years since I have visited DC but thought it could be fun.
As we talked about the trip, I shared about family members and friends living along the East Coast that we could visit and we talked with some but the distances and length of the trip caused us to whittle the visiting down to DC and NY. I have two cousins that live in NY and one that lives in DC and we have plans to visit with them and I also have a cousin in Pennsylvania and a sister in law that also lives near NY in Pennsylvania but we aren't going to have the time to make the trips to visit them and hoped maybe they could come visit us in NY but some are doing a play and another is volunteering as a nurse at a camp so that didn't work out either. I am sad we won't be able to visit them and other friends and family near Boston but we are excited about our trip.
I have been a bit worried due to my feet swelling during my yard sale but they are thankfully back to normal and I have been feeling better so I am hoping that the days are super hot and there is some cloud cover so we can enjoy our sight seeing without much stress and heat. I am still not regulating the heat and cold well but will let the girls do their thing if I can't keep up.
Since I am gluten free, I can't just grab a pretzel or pizza slice so I decided to check a bag through with gluten free snacks and some apples so that I can have things I am able to eat with me. I really wish I could just order stuff and have it delivered to the hotel room. It would be cool if hotels offered those options for gluten free or special needs and I am sure the higher end places do but we are on a budget so this is how I opted to do it.
I bought all sorts of Gluten free bars, gluten free beef jerkey, GF granola in different brands and flavors so that if I react to one, the girls can eat it and I can move on to another, GF freeze dried yogurt and berries for the protein and lastly, I am taking Isagenix shakes. They are gluten and soy free. I can't eat a whole shake as I have some blood sugar reactions or something but I usually drink 1/3 of the mix in water and drink so at least I will have fluids and vitamins and amino acids. I hope that I can keep my energy up the entire trip and feel good enough to enjoy the time I get with my girls in the big cities. I am looking forward to visiting family and am grateful to my cousin in NY who is allowing us to sleep in her apartment a block from Grand Central Station. It is a good location to nearly everything and I know having three people added to the small apartment can't be all that fun for her but I appreciate that she is willing to let us stay as I know we couldn't have afforded it normally.
We have two Broadway shows booked and hope to be able to get into others if we can get tickets cheap and have seen what we want to visit in NY already. I love NY and have been several times but I have never actually gotten to see a Broadway show on Broadway.... I know our seats are probably not the best but it will still be amazing just being there. We are going to see Wicked and Phantom as they were the cheapest and none of us have seen Wicked before so that will be a new experience for us all.
Anyway, I made a short video sharing the gluten free snacks and I hope you all enjoy a Gluten Free Blessed Day!
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