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I am blessed. I believe these blessings come from sharing what I have with others & by giving gratitude for what I have. I also let God know my needs and wants. Any loving Father wants his children to have their needs and wants met. I believe God is my loving Father in Heaven, and I hope to use this blog to share the information I have with others in that we may both be blessed from it.
Welcome to my page! I had a friend suggest I start a blog as she thinks of me often when she reads other blogs. So, thanks to Sara, I hope we all enjoy this journey.
"And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more." D & C 78:19
I just permanently deleted 8 pictures I was going to upload and blog about. I am SO tired. Princess Five and I just finished boxing up the last boxes of books and getting the rest of the tables and stuff back into the garage as we didn't want to work on the sabbath. I wanted to share how funny I think it is that I picked up about 16 banana boxes from the food bank so I could stick yard sale items on them as little tables.
I sold stuff to nearly everyone that came. I could probably count on one hand the amount of people that didn't purchase at least one thing. I took a car load of clothes and household items to the women's shelter to donate. I took a truck load to the local thrift store. I gave away two car trips and a truck load to a mother of five who is leaving an abusive situation to start over and left with NOTHING. I gave her the table I wasn't going to get rid of and the massage chair that didn't sell and bedding, sleeping bags, dishes of all kinds, all the home décor, lamps, anything that didn't sell that the woman helping her thought she may want. Even a braided rug and surround sound system with dvd player and tv. All that stuff going out and I let people use bags or other boxes to take home and kept all the banana boxes for me. I laughed when I counted the stacks of empty banana boxes I had on the left of this picture (sorry the others all got deleted as I am so tired.) There were about 16 empty banana boxes and four or five others.
I would have thought I would have 20 empty boxes but there were some that were destroyed but I just can't get over that I took out SO much stuff and my garage is still full of stuff, and I gave away so much and sold so much. It is amazing to me.
In the end.... I made.....
Ha ha, you will have to wait for next time! I am smiling in the picture.... It was a LOT of money!
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