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I am blessed. I believe these blessings come from sharing what I have with others & by giving gratitude for what I have. I also let God know my needs and wants. Any loving Father wants his children to have their needs and wants met. I believe God is my loving Father in Heaven, and I hope to use this blog to share the information I have with others in that we may both be blessed from it.
Welcome to my page! I had a friend suggest I start a blog as she thinks of me often when she reads other blogs. So, thanks to Sara, I hope we all enjoy this journey.
"And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more." D & C 78:19
Princess Five is Going To Serve a Mission in Spanish
I woke to someone knocking on my front door. By the time I reached the door, a man was about to get back into a red truck.
I opened the door and he ran excitedly to the door with a white package in his hand. He said, "I think someone was waiting for this?" He explained that when they got white packages from a certain address, they will call the family and offer for them to pick it up early in the morning rather than waiting for the regular mail delivery system....
This happened once before with one of the girls when they got a mission assignment in the mail. The other two just came in the mail regularly but today's was hand delivered to the door bright and early!
I went and woke up Princess Five asking if she wanted to sleep longer.... She said she did. I then said, "Even if you mission call came this morning?" She bolted up in bed wide awake! I wish now that I had recorded that moment as it was so cute. She took a minute to get her thinking working as she wasn't sure how she wanted to handle the entire thing as I was the only one home and that wouldn't be very exciting to open with just me there so she called her sister who is working in another town and has the next few days off and asked if she would come home tonight as she opened it.
Princess Four agreed, so we planned a family video chat at 7 p.m. and invited a few family members over to be here as well as a good friend who has been like a father to the girls over the years supporting them in so many things. He and his wife came to support Princess Five. It was wonderful to have people around as well as some friends and she did a live opening on Instagram.
When she first filled her papers out, she said she wasn't super excited to learn a language, and then said that she thought it would be cool to serve foreign after her papers were in, but who can guess these things...… She is going to serve in New Jersey Spanish speaking! She will fly out in November to the Mexico area to learn to speak Spanish for six weeks or so before flying to New Jersey where she will serve until May 2020~
I am going to miss this girl so much. I won't have a girl within many hours travel for the first time in 30 years! It is going to be so weird.... I have always had something going on with one or more of them and have been able to visit within a few hours but those miles are getting further and further from "home" as they spread their wings.....
I am so excited for her to learn a new language and I know she will pick it up quickly as she took a few years Spanish in school so it will be good for her to jump right in and learn Spanish. We have Prince 1 who speaks Spanish and I thought maybe we would have another island call as all three girls were on islands in "Asia" but nope, city central in the USA.
I am sure she will be amazing wherever she serves as she always excels. We need to get on the passport, visa, and clothes she will need. We have been blessed to be able to find some of what she needed this past week while visiting Princess Two. I worked on a few things last night as some of the items we bought needed to be taken in etc. I finished those up and now need to iron them and we have luggage from Princess Four returning recently so that is a blessing.
What a day… We thought it would come on Wednesday when she was back working in another town and I would have to drive it to her so I am VERY grateful that it came today as I have lots going on as I am headed out of town on a two week trip so it was wonderful timing that it came today and I won't have to head out of town to take it to her. I will need to touch up my Spanish as I took it in Jr. High..... Buenos Noches Mi Amigos~ Have a Blessed Day!
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