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I am blessed. I believe these blessings come from sharing what I have with others & by giving gratitude for what I have. I also let God know my needs and wants. Any loving Father wants his children to have their needs and wants met. I believe God is my loving Father in Heaven, and I hope to use this blog to share the information I have with others in that we may both be blessed from it.
Welcome to my page! I had a friend suggest I start a blog as she thinks of me often when she reads other blogs. So, thanks to Sara, I hope we all enjoy this journey.
"And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more." D & C 78:19
Wonderful New (to me) Washing Machine and Some Great Advice From the Repair Man - 111
Princess Four came home last weekend and brought her laundry home. She also brought some blankets from Princess Three who bought new bedding. Princess Four wanted to wash and take home her sisters bedding and get rid of hers as she wanted a bigger blanket as she had twin blankets and her sister had a full bedspread.
We did laundry all day on Saturday as she was leaving early Sunday morning. We washed her jeans and when I went to put them into the dryer, there was all sorts of large pieces of rust in the wash. I thought maybe she had a rock in her pocket and it was a broken up rock or that maybe she had a magnet in her pocket.
She assured me that she didn't have anything in her pockets and I sent Princess Five to get several large magnets and it was a metal as the magnets picked up all the rusty pieces and we got it cleaned out by putting several fills on the rinse cycle and then turning it to the spin cycle and when we got it all cleaned out, we washed the entire load again after shaking out any rusty pieces as I didn't want to dry any of them with rust on them so we washed it again.
It seemed to work better the second time through and when I stuck the next load in the washer, I noticed a damp spot on the carpet under the washer. I was hoping it was from when we were doing the spin cycle and shaking out the washer etc. By the next load, it was more wet under the washer so I tilted the washer up and had Princess Five look under and she could see there was water dripping down under the washer so we put a cookie sheet under the washer as we needed to get the laundry done for her sister to take back to school with her as she only has one washer at her apartment complex and it is coin operated so she had lots of laundry. I did the wash and got it all done and we dumped out the cookie sheet in between each load and there wasn't a ton of water coming out but it was dispersed so the cookie sheet wasn't getting all of it. I put a fan down there to dry it up as I didn't want mold growing and it dried up over the rest of the weekend.
I talked to my repair man who attends that same church services we do and he told me that it is the bottom of the wash tub rusting out and it will only get worse. I told him it will only be me home and I don't do more than a load a week by myself and asked if the cookie sheet would work and he said it could but if more of the basin rusted out, the washer may not fill and the water would continue to stay on pouring out through the bottom of the tub and could flood.
With all the flooding I have had down there, I didn't want to even take a chance. I looked online and found a washer and the couple didn't live far from me. They won a new set in a drawing so she mentioned that she really loved her washer and wasn't sure she wanted to get rid of it but the new ones matched and were new so she broke up the set they were selling and sold me the washer for $75.
My sisters husband sold his truck the week before and my neighbor with a truck was out of town so I called my repair man friend even though he doesn't do that anymore asking if he had his big moving dolly still and he did. He was so kind and hooked up his trailer, picked up the washer, helped me take out my old washer and put in the new one. I picked up new hoses at a store and wondered if I really needed to get new hoses as I had the steel braided hoses that looked fine on my old washer and he told me that there is still rubber in the steel hoses and that it degrades over time and that you should replace the hoses on your washer ever five years. I know someone whose hoses burst and flooded the house so I gladly bought new hoses for the new washer.
I told him that one of the girls said they could buy me a new washer and he told me that any washer they make now, they make to last 5-6 years and that some brands were worse than others. He told me that I got a great deal with three speeds and temperature control and that the washer I bought was really top of the line and that this washer (if nothing was wrong with it which the woman said there wasn't) should last longer than any new machine the girls would have purchased for me. He said I got a great deal! That really made me feel good as there are times I would like to be able to just go to the store and purchase something new but don't always have the funds to do that so I was glad that in my frugalness, I got a good deal and will have something I don't need to worry about for awhile.
I was sad thinking that in taking my old washer out, I wouldn't see the "111" that is just on the inside of the washer in the back when I am filling the machine as a reminder that Gold loves me and wouldn't you know, as we were hooking up the new washer, it has the exact "111" on the tag at the back of the tub AND it has a 111 on the lid on the inside, so not only did I get my "111" reminder, I got TWO "111" reminders. God really is in charge and cares about me! The repairman told me how to use a cup of bleach and the hottest water to get any hard water deposits out of the machine and then run a second load with heavy towels or jeans in it that won't be hurt if more of the hard water deposits come off in the next load due to the soaking bleach and hot water.
We have done several loads now in the new washer since I cleaned it out and it works GREAT! We are SO grateful for my wonderful friend and Handy Man! He helped us get the old one up and out for the garbage men and hook up the new one. With funds being tight, I was super grateful I didn't have to buy a new one and pay someone to remove the other for me! I am TRULY BLESSED with wonderful friends!
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