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I am blessed. I believe these blessings come from sharing what I have with others & by giving gratitude for what I have. I also let God know my needs and wants. Any loving Father wants his children to have their needs and wants met. I believe God is my loving Father in Heaven, and I hope to use this blog to share the information I have with others in that we may both be blessed from it.
Welcome to my page! I had a friend suggest I start a blog as she thinks of me often when she reads other blogs. So, thanks to Sara, I hope we all enjoy this journey.
"And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more." D & C 78:19
Using Tapping To Release Emotions Keeping You Stuck
I have used EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique or "Tapping" for many years. My children have learned this technique and it has helped many of them let go of the trauma from being in an unhealthy situation at times while growing up.
I first heard of this many years back and thought the woman that had me do it was nuts as I didn't see any great change in my life for the one or two things we tapped out. Later when I was in Massage school, I learned about meridians and realized that the tapping points were related to the energy and organs of the body. I researched videos and started tapping.
A few years later, I had someone send me a story about a woman who was cured of her addiction to ice cream bars through tapping. I had been craving ice cream for many months at night and I had to have a banana, mint, chocolate, ice cream and nuts. I have never like "ice-cream sundays" and would usually order a waffle cone when we got ice cream so for me to crave such a weird mixture was baffling to me. I mentioned this to my sister and she was the one that sent me the story about the ice cream addiction being ended in one session of tapping.
In getting online and looking up "tapping" I found and watched some amazing videos of people being cured and then follow up videos after the tapping and it was amazing. I went to youtube and started looking up "tapping how to" videos and there were some of kids tapping and others of really crazy people but then I found one that was very calm and he looped the video so that I could just tap and learn the tapping points. Even thought I had tapped before, I was still amazed at how well and quickly it worked on the ice cream craving. I tapped it out and it was immediate.
We had been eating ice cream every night for months and the night I tapped this out, we had all had some ice cream. The next day, one of my girls came home asking for ice cream and I told her sure. She got herself a bowl and then told me it tasted bad and didn't want to eat it. I ended up throwing it out and it was from the same container we had eaten from the night before. Later, I was telling someone the story and my daughter at college overheard me saying this and she said that she used to go get a shake regularly at night with her friends and then one night, she didn't want it anymore. I asked her if it was about the time I let it go and she said it was. Her exact words were, "Thanks for ruining it for me." ;-)
Since that time, we have tapped out so many things and it has been such a blessing. I share in my instruction video how the script came to be as I have added things I have learned over time to the script we use. I suggest that if you want to try tapping, it doesn't matter which video you use to do your tapping but the script you use is VERY important as you want to make sure you let EVERYTHING go and not just part of the stuff.
Many people have suppressed memories or things that may have happened that were things they don't remember or even know have happened. Using a blank script may miss that type of stuff. I have added more and more into the script as I have worked with people and new things arise that I haven't seen before so we add more to the script as new things pop up. I figure it can't hurt to use the longer script as it covers everything and I would hate to take the time to tap something out only to find I'd missed something.
I have the script on my blog on one of the pages but I will post it here as well. Watch my video on what tapping is and why I use it. It is just over an hour but it can change your life and the lives of your family. I am not a therapist but have used this many times with my family and friends that have asked. It has been a blessing many times over. I am not telling anyone what to do, I am just sharing what has worked for us! Here is the script: I added things to it and then hadn't relearned it so the one I said on the video is shorter but I would go with this longer version as it has other things added since I started tapping. While tapping on the side of the hand I say;
"Even though we have these feelings of (fill in whatever your issues or feelings or health problems are and try to create that feeling as it works better when you are emotional) we love and accept ourselves, deeply and completely and forgive those who created this issue including myself on every layer, level, time line, generational line, parallel lines, simultaneous lines, DNA missing or too much, cellular memory and miasm line and any other memories from past life experiences, levels, layers or lines we may not be aware of including learned behaviors, habits and programming along with blocks of any kind. Things we've been holding onto in any realm including irrational fears and the belief there has to be a cost, punishment, penalty or consequence of letting this go. We release this in the way we need to release it. In the name of Jesus Christ, and, thank you Christ, amen." I picture Christ in front of me and say it as a prayer. I picture myself handing him everything that just left me so I have no residue of any of the things I just let go. I then tap on the spots shown in the Tapping video which are the meridians spots like the eyes etc. There is a second video which shows me just doing two sequences of tapping and saying the older script so you can feel free to print up the new longer script so you can have it handy if you choose to try this. Kids are super good at this. Especially the forgiving part. I found all of these charts online with no copyright information so if you are looking for a chart, there are tons online. I added a tapping spot that I felt impressed to add which is just above the back of the ear and when I looked it up, it is the triple burner meridian so I would add that to your tapping on whatever chart you choose to use when tapping. Print off the script and a chart and you can then tap and release issues anywhere and anytime you have a minute. Have a Blessed and Emotionally Free Day!
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