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I am blessed. I believe these blessings come from sharing what I have with others & by giving gratitude for what I have. I also let God know my needs and wants. Any loving Father wants his children to have their needs and wants met. I believe God is my loving Father in Heaven, and I hope to use this blog to share the information I have with others in that we may both be blessed from it.
Welcome to my page! I had a friend suggest I start a blog as she thinks of me often when she reads other blogs. So, thanks to Sara, I hope we all enjoy this journey.
"And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more." D & C 78:19
Super Cute Baby Shower Games - Decorations and Food
I have a niece that is expecting a girl in a few weeks. Her family threw a shower and as usual, my sisters decorations were over the top. She has a wedding reception business and has lots of fun decorations for that and she has collected a few for baby showers as well.
It was beautiful and they did a wonderful job with the food. They had a lovely punch with berries and sherbet in it and put sprite over it when ready to serve.
They made the cutest little baby in a bassinet out of a watermelon and cantaloupe. The binky and the bow on the cantaloupe head was so cute.
There were some fun games and I was surprised that they actually had games as I haven't seen a sit down game type shower in years. It seems like the trend now is a "drop off a gift, eat and run" type. I took two of my girls as Princess Four was visiting for the weekend. In the end, we stayed to clean up and put all the decorations away and clean up.
On the way home, my daughters said, "Mom, just so you know, we don't want lots of decorations at our showers" I laughed and laughed. We are the type to stay until everything is cleaned up at ever function so they have learned, cute and simple is the fastest way home! Even with that, the games were fun and could be used for any occasion and not just a baby shower. You could use them for a wedding shower or even a birthday.
The first was "The Price Is Right" - In this game, they purchase items relating to the situation. In this case, they purchased baby care items. They printed the items they bought on a paper and left a dollar sign and a spot for you to guess what they paid. I took a picture so you could see how the tally sheet went. There is a total spot at the bottom where they total the item guesses and then at the end of the shower, the person that is closest gets a prize.
My sister was within $1.25 of the total of all the items. I was at $2.50 away. The total was around $35. I laughed after telling my sister that we are always so tight with money that we are aware of what things cost. She used the word "cheap" but I think it is true. If you have lots of money, things like that don't matter, you just get what you need and don't worry about the cost. Being a single mom, I am always aware of the cost of things weighing which things to buy against how much it costs hoping to get the most for my money.
The next game was "Gift Bingo" and they printed up bingo cards and you had to write what you thought the gifts the mom would get were in the squares and the person who got the most bingos on their card won a prize. I thought it was the fist bingo so I put gifts I could tell what she was getting across the top line only. My girls thought that was super funny. There were several winners in that game as there are only so many gifts expecting moms get but it was still fun as it made everyone pay attention to the mom opening the gifts. I thought for sure I would win the "what's in your purse" game but the baby's father has a younger sister who had played before and literally filled her back pack with all the items including a "rock!" I laughed when everyone questioned her on how she could have so many points and she ran to grab her backpack with the rock in it. I figure if someone wants a prize enough to carry around a rock, they deserve one! They had an adorable bassinet filled with pink popcorn as favors with a thank you note on them. She had another shower the night before nearer to most of my family but had a smaller one for our little town as her husband is from near our home. Have a Blessed Day!
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