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I am blessed. I believe these blessings come from sharing what I have with others & by giving gratitude for what I have. I also let God know my needs and wants. Any loving Father wants his children to have their needs and wants met. I believe God is my loving Father in Heaven, and I hope to use this blog to share the information I have with others in that we may both be blessed from it.
Welcome to my page! I had a friend suggest I start a blog as she thinks of me often when she reads other blogs. So, thanks to Sara, I hope we all enjoy this journey.
"And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more." D & C 78:19
Filling in Vinyl or Fiberglass Cracks and Aging spots on your Trailer - RV - Motorhome or Camp Trailer
I think I may have posted about five years ago when I was working on my trailer but I wanted to share with you in video and on the post this information as it works well and I think it is a brilliant way to make the trailer look updated or better in a quick way.
My trailer has vinyl wording on the side and front. I am not sure why they chose to put the name on with a sticker verses painting it on but it is what it is. The stripes are painted on the side but the door has vinyl stripes on the fiberglass over it being painted.
Yet, the front window cover has paint on the fiberglass cover with a tree and mountain scene and for some reason, the striping on the fiberglass door is vinyl. It is weird how they did that but either way, the vinyl on both the door and name on the trailer is cracking and peeling some with sun damage, wind, and age.
I take out several Sharpie markers of similar color types to the area that is cracked or peeling and test them to see which works best. Black actually worked best on the name vinyl so I used the black to fill in the cracked letters and show on the video how I rub it in using a gloved finger as it leaves a line mark if I don't feather it in with my finger while the marker is still wet. When it is wet, it melts into the other color better making that are not stand out as much as if I just use the marker without smearing the colors in before it dries. I have probably 15 posts about using Sharpie markers this way on furniture I am refinishing, scratches on black painted furniture or frames and I have used this method on my black leather boots and coats since I was 16. Anyone who knows me well knows I LOVE Sharpies. The more the merrier. I have several containers full. I wish they had more colors available individually as they did years ago as I would love one in EVERY color!!!
I am working on my trailer again as I winterized if for the season and have filled a few gaps in the lights where it looks like water may be getting on the back wall and I fixed the bottom of the main door where the wood had rotted out. I am going to seal all the edges of the door with outdoor caulk to make sure that doesn't happen again. Princess Five is being a big help on this project doing all the high spots for me~! I then decided I would fix up the exterior again as it looked a bit dull and so I spent a few days working on the names and the fiberglass on the trailer filling in any cracked areas with Sharpies and made a video for each area as someone may look up vinyl or someone else may look up fiberglass so I wanted to cover the bases of each in case someone looked up one but not the other. I have been blessed to be able to do all the maintenance on the trailer myself over the years which has been a blessing. Since we only use it one week a year, I have ignored it for the past five years but hope that us working on it for a few days will give us five more years of maintenance free usage. There always seems to be something needing repairs on the house or trailer and I am just grateful for two amazing parents who can fix and do anything needed as they taught me to think outside the box and not fear any project. As you can see from this blog, I do electric, sprinklers, plumbing, crafts, yard, pruning, dehydrating, wood working, cooking, cleaning, health, car repairs, emotions, and just about anything else you can think of needing work!
I am very grateful that my parents gave me a good work ethic and taught me to have no fear in learning new things and asking questions. I am always asking "how can I do this more easily or faster" and I believe that is how I have come up with some wonderful fix's to situations or problems that others may not come up with! Thanks Mom and Dad for giving me a great base to be able to figure things out for myself! I am truly Blessed! Have a Blessed Day!
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