Princess Five was missing her friends parties while recovering so we had a movie party just for her. Here she is with all our treats for the weekend.
In the past, I have written a lengthy post about how we use Tea Tree Oil or Melaleuca oil for burns, teething pain, pulling teeth and healing wisdom teeth extraction. I won't take the time to repeat myself here but will give you a link to that post. (See that post here)
I always wondered why "Wisdom" teeth were called Wisdom teeth.
They get their name because people usually get them or they grow in from the age 17-25. Most dentists call them the third molars.
Many people can have them grow in and they are not a problem. However, many people have them impacted which means that instead of growing towards the opening of your mouth, they are angled and grow towards the other teeth.
I shared with him that I experience them "growing" towards my lower teeth impacted and could feel them pushing the other teeth. It was painful and I asked my dad if I could get them removed as my lower teeth started to crowd and overlap.
He got me in and I got the impacted teeth out and I never had any more crowding or pain. Forward a few years.
My father never did have his wisdom teeth out and his bottom teeth are very crowded and overlapped. He started having pain and problems and had the have his wisdom teeth out when he was 55 or so.
Funny thing is, that my siblings that had them out younger don't have the overlapping like those who had them out later. None of my siblings had braces.
My mother actually has her extracted wisdom teeth somewhere showing the roots all touching at the bottom and the others were taken out in pieces due to how impacted they were.
Princess Five is the youngest to get them out but she has had the most severe reaction in her bottom teeth crowding and turning. She has a smaller lower jaw and this could be a problem that contributed to the crowding as well. Her paternal grandmother has a small lower jaw and chin so perhaps it comes from there as my parents and siblings all the the larger square jawline.
Have a dentist take pictures of the wisdom teeth early on and see if they are impacted. You can then talk with an oral surgeon and see if they feel that removing impacted teeth early is a good option for you.
Princess Five was sad to miss out on church on Sunday so I tried to do things that would cheer her up. You can see by the pictures that her toenail were a bit chipped so I gave her a pedicure. See our post about pedicure night here and my pedicures in Peru here.
If you look at the post about Princess Four's wisdom teeth getting pulled, you will know that we use long socks to put the ice bags into so that the ice isn't cold on the skin but the socks are softer than the stuff they give you at the Dr. office.
While I was waiting for her perscriptions, I checked out the Halloween socks that were right up front. They had lots of knee high socks that were soft so I purchased these red and black one's thinking they would be something she could wear after. They were 75% off which made them $2.
It wasn't until I got home that I realized that the red dots were blood dripping. I don't know if I would want her to wear them. :-)
When I gave them to her, she was so tired she just held them up for me to take the picture. The narcotics really knock her out so we are trying to just use the Motrin instead.She liked the socks better when she woke up more.
I found these wax lips on clearance as well. They reminded me of when I was a child going to the local candy store. I thought they would look funny with her puffy cheeks. Yes, they do look funny.
You can see that Princess Four off narcotics makes her more awake and happy. She's tired but at least functional.
Here is Princess Two saying goodbye after a fun weekend of sleeping and video watching. Yes, of course, I am joking. She was wonderful to clean the bathroom for me and help out driving Princess Four and returning things and shopping for other things.
It was a wonderful weekend knowing one thing is off the "to do" list and that Princess Five is now ready for braces. Lets hope she doesn't have to have them on for long. Yea for her feeling well enough to go to school today. She went and stayed all day.
She did however go to bed for the night at 6:30. She was drained but I hope a good night sleep keeps her recovering well.
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