A year ago, I found out that our health insurance for the girls would be terminated within less than a week. We didn't have any pre-knoweldge we were losing our insurance so I had to hurriedly get Princess Fours wisdom teeth out. I was going to call a place about three hours in one direction from our home to get them done as being in a small town, we only have oral surgeons come down once a month. There were no surgeons coming to our town so I had to find a place that could fit us in within days.
I talked to my sister and she suggested a place near her about three hours in the other direction. So, I called that place instead. It just so happened that the Dr. was in that particular office that Friday and could fit her in. She was the last appointment which made it very late in the day for her and having to go without food before the surgery didn't make her very happy but I was THRILLED that they could fit us in.
Because of my sister referring us, she got two movie tickets. The Dr. told me he would give me two as well for making the drive. I had a coupon from the place I was going to call that was actually a family member who just practiced in a different part of the state and it was for a tank of gas to help those in rural areas with the drive cost.
I asked them if they could help me with the gas as well so they gave me $50 off the price of my copay to help with gas.
While we were there, we found out that the Dr.'s father is actually a dentist in our town and that he grew up within five houses of my house until he was six. He actually graduated with the kids of the people that live across the street from me. He was so wonderful that he actually donated to Princess number Fours service mission to Thailand. (see a post about that here if you want to see more on this, type "Thailand" into the search box at the bottom for all the posts about her mission there)
So, with that history and, how well he did on Princess Four's wisdom teeth removal, I called them up as Princess Five has impacted lower wisdom teeth and in the past six months, one of her lower teeth has twisted almost 45 degrees. I remember my lower wisdom teeth being impacted and pushing my lower teeth together and figured before we put braces on her to "fix" the twisted teeth, we had better get rid of the impacted teeth causing the problem.
We recently got new insurance and are about to put on braces so now was a good time to get those teeth out. If we waited even a month, we have the holidays and dance competitions almost every weekend so she wouldn't be able to get them done until spring and she is eager to get braces asap so she can have them off for her senior year.
We had a few problems both times getting prescriptions and I didn't want Princess Five to have to wait to get the drugs so we had them call them in as last year it took me over an hour to get them.
My careful planning and calling made no difference as the pharmacist didn't check his answering machine and had nothing ready so Princess Five was in the car for at least an hour waiting and you can see, she didn't look very happy.
So, I was thrilled to have Princess Two keep me awake during the long drive home. You can see, Princess Five went down onto the couch and was out almost within minutes of returning home.
You can see our set up here. With the recliners, people sit on the sides more often so the middle of the couches are higher than the edges so sleeping on that couch is NOT one of my favorite things so I am actually REALLY tired having had alarms going all all night for two nights and sleeping on an arched couch.
It is weird that Princess number Four had her wisdom teeth out almost a year to the day the Princess Five got hers out. Here is the post about her teeth getting out last Halloween.
I'll finish up this post tomorrow after I (hopefully) get a good night sleep.
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