I found the coolest thing this week. I found an old RISK game at a second hand store. A few days earlier, I found a few other really old games there.
I have never seen this old of a RISK game before. In high school, my older brother and sister and I would play this game for days. We would leave it out and play it every evening for days on end for one game.
No question, this was our favorite game for our teen years.We had this game for years but when I got married, it wasn't a game that we ever played. I don't think it is a good game for two people so it never got played.
I thought my girls would like to play it so I purchased one about a year ago hoping we would get to play it. However, I just was thinking that in the past year, I have had three girls have surgery, took my mom to Czech, took her to the hospital and cleaned out her house several times.
Those situations kept the holidays busy and we didn't have much time to do anything this past year.
When I saw this old game, I was shocked at how old the game is. I had no idea that Risk has been around since the fifties. It says, "Copyright 1958" and the game box said 1968 on it. Basically, the game is older than I am. I had no idea.
When Princess Four goes to college next year, I am going to decorate her room with old games on the shelves where she has her collection stuff. I think it will be a fun "Grandma" room. I am keeping my eye out for more old games that we enjoy playing.
I have an old Scrabble, Mouse Trap, Candy Land, Yahtzee, Parcheesi, Chinese Checkers and Aggravation. I have seen a cute wall hanging where they take the old Scrabble boards and glue the tiles to the spaces writing their surname, and words like "Family, Love" etc making it look like a game was played but using words and names of the family members.
I also have a few old puzzles I will put on the shelves and my favorite, is the old Barbies. I wish I could find one like the plastic orange haired one I had as a girl. I haven't found one like that yet but I do have some of the earlier Barbies that I can put on the shelf as well. I think it will be a fun "game room" once I am done.
If you have never played RISK, get a group together for a "game night" one weekend and try it. It is fun but can last all night. Give yourself plenty of time. It is very frustrating to have to walk out in the middle of a game, at least for me. As you know, I like to finish things. If you remember the "puzzle" posts I have shared, you know I don't like leaving a puzzle out and will sit for hours to finish it rather than leaving it for another day. So, after writing that, perhaps RISK isn't a good game for someone like me to play.
Maybe I will have to invite my brother and sister down for a weekend and have a "RISK" marathon. Wouldn't that be fun!
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