They first took x-rays, then took standing pictures. They then put a mirror in her mouth and took pictures.
They put molds in her mouth so they can make a replica of her teeth. She LOVED that part. I was going to share a face she made after as one of the pictures or the one where the worker got the goo all over her face but didn't think she would like that.
They then put the brackets on the back teeth and had her bite them on. The little bite hammer they use slipped and hit her wisdom teeth spot which hurt.
In the picture of her laying in the chair with the braces on, you can still see a little yellow bruise under her right chin from the wisdom teeth.
They healed nicely and she hasn't had any problems but they are still healing. That was the only time she had any pain with it until later once the bands were on. Tonight, she took some pain medication as she wanted to get a good night sleep.
In this picture, you can see the bruise and you can also see the upper teeth crowding. Her left side, the teeth are overlapping a bit. Not bad but I could see as we were headed to the office that she did want a pretty smile like her sisters.
Not that hers isn't, but she mentioned her overbite and how she was excited to get it taken care of so it is worth it for her self esteem.
If you pay your entire bill up front, the Dr. will give you 5% off your bill. He also gives a family discount of $250.
Isn't it amazing that we live in a time where smiles can be made. I am grateful we live in a country where these things are possible. Most nations don't even have the option.
The Dr has a train set running through his office and the entire office looks like a train depot. It is rather cute and he has LOTS of different trains. Two run at a time and today he had a "Snoopy" train running. I thought it was rather cute.
He also has all these animals in his x-ray room and they all have braces. Very cute.
Princess Five chose a "rainbow" of colors for her mouth and carries off the braces look rather well I think!
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