I can't remember how much I have shared about my thyroid problem but I think I haven't written much but at some point hope to get to that post.
I have so much going on right now that I am trying to get done before winter than I spend every day working on the trailer or yard. I never would have guessed my trailer would have taken so long.
Today, I thought the TV antenna on the top of the trailer would have taken and hour to pull off and replace. It took all afternoon for 1 antenna.
I have no idea what the man used to put it on but it was yellow like honey and more sticky on the outside of the antanne and under it, it was like silicone but sticky. I think I found the source of my roof leak. It would only be sticky if it got wet and stayed wet. I spent hours trying to get the sticky off using a scraper and finally, lots of scrubbing with mineral spirits. It was dark when I finally got it put back on with the right stuff this time.
I hadn't had time to get dinner ready or started due to the unforeseen delay on the trailer roof. I have been on a gluten free diet for about two months now. This diet has made it difficult to make quick meals as many of the quicker foods have flour in them.
I was making the girl quesadillas the other day and was craving one but I don't want to "cheat" on my diet as I am trying to heal my thyroid so I decided I would make something like it with the corn tortillas. The first few tries I made them on whole tortillas but they were hard to cut once cooked and harder to flip whole so I decided to make them already cut up.
Since discovering this a few weeks ago, I have made them about six times and I alter them or tweak them each time to see if I find something I like better.
So far, I like the hot sauce better than the salsa but the girls seem to like the salsa better. Funny how I make them the quesadilla and myself these, and they end up eating my food.
Today, I tried Parmesan cheese rather than pepper jack or cheddar which are both good. The Parmesan was good but nothing fabulous. I did like them because they were stiffer and not as gooey as the pepper jack. I think I want to try putting cream cheese on them one of these times.
Basically, I cut the corn tortillas into quarters. Put a few tablespoons of coconut oil in the bottom of the pan and let it get hot. I put the tortillas in the pan, dump on hot sauce or salsa, sprinkle with cheese and top. Let them cook until they are getting golden on the edges and then flip them.
Don't allow the oil to get too hot as it will burn them. I have the heat on medium and let them sit there for a minute or two is all.
The coconut oil has always been good for me. I don't feel "heavy" with the fried foods like I do with other oils. These are crispy and I think they would be great at a restaurant for an appetizer similar to potato skins but I like these better. They are finger food but not messy like the macho nachos you can order.
I am still experimenting with them, not that they need more, but just like to see what adding different things do for them. I would do Parmesan again but think I may add the cream cheese as well. Onion in the cream cheese could be good as well. Mmmmm Maybe I will have to make them again tomorrow and try that. I'll let you know the results.
Princess Five has asked at least four times that I make these for dinner and it has only been about 2 1/2 weeks since starting to make them. I tried putting cream cheese in the middle with all the other stuff and it was GOOD. It was similar to cheese wantons but better. I think I will continue to add that. I haven't added onions to the cream cheese mix yet but I think I may add a little pepperoni slice or something. Perhaps I will just write another post about it. Yahoo for Gluten Free Good FOOD!