She offered to help with the meal and six people signed up. Two showed up for the meeting and she ended up being the chair. The church leaders and their wives helped TONS but let her make the choice of the meal and asked her how she wanted it to be set up and work.
She asked us to go up early and help cut up fruit etc. We got up and were headed out when she called saying her roommate was having her birthday and her family couldn't come for "family day" so she asked if I would take some decorations, candles, balloons, hats and streamers.
I also took some roses for Princess Three as I was proud of her for speaking and doing the dinner and I grabbed a "Happy Birthday" sticker sign for the flowers so she could share them with her roommate.
She was more nervous about speaking than she was the meal. I asked her how that could be as she spoke at Graduation in front of a thousand people, sang the National Anthem in front of thousands over the years and spoke at her seminary graduation as well in front of hundreds of peers and their families....
She said those were only a few minutes and she didn't think she would be able to fill up 15 minutes. I asked what her topic was to be and it was on "Service." I actually laughed when she said that. Here she has gone on a three service mission to Peru and Africa. We got to the local nursing home singing all the time and she had to do 100 service hours to be able to go on her service mission to Africa.... Along with being Student Body President.. I don't know anyone her age that would be more qualified to speak on that subject and could understand why she was asked to speak on that subject.
Her day of service didn't end until late. We finally left about 6:30 and got 20 minute in of our 1 hour trip when my sister asked us to go back and pick up a birthday gift for her son that was in the town where the college was. I guess she purchased a gaming system for him used. So, we turned around and by the time we got the system, it added an hour to our trip.
Princess four was 2 minutes late for her choir practice and we were VERY happy to be home just after 8 p.m. from our long day of helping and driving.
She did let me get one with Princess number four but I realized I didn't get one with her and Princess number five as we were all working hard other than the few minutes they were serving themselves food. There were about 150 people or maybe just a bit more that had dinner. It was shredded pork barbecue sandwiches, green salad, pasta salad, three types of grapes, chips and brownies of several varieties. The was plenty of food but not a huge amount left over and everyone went away full.
It was a good day and I will add links to all the things I mentioned in here. She mentioned our service mission to Peru, her service mission to Africa (different from above post about Africa) and how I did pedicures in Peru. So, I will include links to all those posts.
I am truly blessed with amazing daughters. Who could ask for more.....
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