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I am blessed. I believe these blessings come from sharing what I have with others & by giving gratitude for what I have. I also let God know my needs and wants. Any loving Father wants his children to have their needs and wants met. I believe God is my loving Father in Heaven, and I hope to use this blog to share the information I have with others in that we may both be blessed from it.
Welcome to my page! I had a friend suggest I start a blog as she thinks of me often when she reads other blogs. So, thanks to Sara, I hope we all enjoy this journey.
"And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more." D & C 78:19
Princess Four and Five had to get dressed up and curl their hair for their dance pictures. When Princess Five got home, she asked if we could do a photo shoot. We haven't taken any photos of her like that in a few years and she has definitely changed since then. She has grown a few feet as well. We went to the back yard and took several different shots and then she changed and we took a trip to a local park and play ground where we could get some different angles and colors. We enjoyed taking them and she had fun coming up with places she could take pictures. It is weird how in some pictures, she looks like her sisters, and in others she looks like me. Then, she just has a look of her own sometimes. There were a few fun shots of her clenching her eyes closed to make them water so she could make them sparkle, or sticking out her tongue etc.
She took some with her glasses on but she doesn't like how they cover her eyes up. She would like to get contacts but they are a bit out of her reach as she is still growing and needs special contacts for one eye. They don't fit her growing eye well.
She also got some flowers from Princess Three when she was in the play and the lilies have bloomed since then and she was excited to take a few pictures with the lily. I am amazed at how brilliant and smart Princess Five is. She continues to shine in all areas of her life.
I think I will list my favorite things about Princess Five here with her beautiful pictures.
1 - She uses her talents singing, dancing,scholastics, etc
2 - She is kind to everyone. She makes friends with new kids almost daily. She brought a new girl into her group from another state and even today said she is making friends with a new girl who has some challenges.
3 - She is a good friend. She won't gossip. Over the years, she has had friends try to bad mouth each other to her. She refuses to bad mouth her friends and if someone is bad mouthing, she will share the good things about that friend. There have been two times when she has chosen to not even go to parties because two groups of her friends were feuding.
4 - She is organized and has everything in it's place. Lately, she has toyed with having a messy room but she really does love order. She actually spent $20 of her own money to purchase a shoe rack to keep her shoes more organized. What kids does that?
5 - She is loyal. She had some friends that were watching a show she enjoys. Some new episodes were released. She was ahead of her friends and they asked her to wait for them so they could all watch them together. She waited for them.
One of the girls went ahead and watched all the episodes without telling them and then told her the surprise ending of the season. I know Princess wouldn't ever do that. She didn't even though she was really excited to see all the new episodes. She is now waiting for me to catch up to her so we can watch the rest together. 6 - She is humble. She takes good care of herself and is beautiful but she isn't prideful or boastful. She is content and happy with who she is and is beautiful inside and out. 7 - She is understanding and forgiving. There are many times I have not been able to be there for everything having to take care of my mother and the other girls. She has always understood my need to spread myself where needed and forgiven me when I couldn't be there for her like I would like to be. She is also very forgiving of her father. Many would be bitter about life circumstances but she can love him for who he is and how he is. She has grace in her heart. 8 - She is fun and cheerful. Many teens are moody. There have been only a handful of times that I had to remind Princess that she was a teenager. She is by far my easiest going child. She takes everything that comes and just accepts it without stress. She may have wanted things differently but accepts what comes and chooses to be happy about it. She has a great sense of humor and adds to the group when we are all together. Even when she does something we laugh about, she laughs with us knowing we love her for her. Not all kids are like that, if you laugh about something they have said or done, they get moody and upset, she chooses to laugh with us. We love that about her. 9 - She is intuitive. She can see when others may need cheering or a kind word or deed. She is great to know when I am having a rough day with a headache or something and will always ask what she can get me or do for me. I get foot rubs and back scratches regularly. 10 - She is my baby! Even though she isn't a baby. She had a rough start and trying toddler-hood with my divorce when she was still in diapers. She was on heart monitors when she was a baby as she would stop breathing. I have always known that God really wanted her here after all the problems I had. I fell on my belly a few weeks before I was due with her and there were some "iffy" times before and during delivery. I know my Heavenly Father blessed me with an amazing gift at the end as she really was easy as a baby. I am grateful for Princess Five and everything she brings to my life. I enjoy being alone with her when Princess Four is off doing her thing. We enjoy visiting and joking and she is not only my princess but my friend. I LOVE you Princess Five!
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