I was going to blog crocheting afghans but I remembered I wanted to blog on this Tradition that started for our family at Christmas. I figure it is best put in with last weeks blogs and then I will get back to the crocheting tomorrow.
Many years ago when I was going through my divorce, it was my first Christmas where my kids were with their dad. I thought I could stay home and feel sorry for myself or I could go to friend or family's home and watch their kids have fun but I would be missing my own kids.
I thought to myself, "There are people who are in worse situations than I am and I can help them enjoy their Holiday." I called the local nursing home and asked if I could bring oranges or candy canes for the patients and sing to them and rub their feet. They said that would be great. So, with my bag of treats, I went to the nursing home. I was there for many, many hours. I asked them their favorite hymn or Christmas Carol. I sang to them as I rubbed oils on their feet.
Many people cried as I rubbed their feet. I have never sung that long by myself so my voice was tired by the end of the day but I was happy. Being an RN and a Massage therapist, I was OK to touch them and washed my hands in between each patient but it was a good day.
From then, I went every few months while my kids were with their dad. I would visit and sing. I ended up knowing a few patients and was glad that I could visit with them.
Since that time, every few months, I go with my girls and we sing to the patients. Usually it is a hymn of their choice or a common song such as "Amazing Grace, Star Spangled Banner, or How Great Thou Art."
This year, two girls were with their dad and one was in
CA with a friend. We tried to go before they left but couldn't get it together with the storms etc. Each year, I search for something we can give them that will bring a smile. One year, I found a gross of laughing feet key chains that giggled when you pushed on them. Those were a hit. Another year, I found some cheap jewelry for the women. I used to take food but with so many diabetics, I found it was better to take non-food items.
This year, I found a great deal on little Christmas Bears. I still had some jewelry from last year so we gave the men little bears and the woman could choose jewelry or a bear.
While my mom was in ICU for months a few years ago, a man came in with his guitar and sang her the most beautiful song.
I understood his sacrifice of time as I had done it many times. I thanked him deeply and he said he had been doing it every Sunday night for over ten years. I was impressed with his dedication and service. It was touching. We always go to the hospital at Christmas as well but find that our hospital is mostly empty at Christmas. This year we did sing to the three patients that were there and they seemed to enjoy it.
If you don't sing, perhaps you could read a short story or a poem. Sometimes just a little gift and a hug go a long way.
So, if you are shopping and find a great deal on a cute toy or gift, try buying a few extra and making someones day with your smile!
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