While at the conference last weekend. They had a concert by a woman named Hilary Weeks. I have listened to and enjoyed many songs of Hilary's for years now. Since my Princess number two has a collection of cd's signed by the artist, I went up and talked with her after the concert hoping I could get a signed CD. She didn't have any with her for sale but said that I could order one from her website and she would sign and ship it.
I thought that was nice but it is always nice to be there when they sign it. I will have to order one and let Princess Number 2 know that is what she is getting for Easter as she won't be able to enjoy it while she is on her mission in Taiwan.
During her concert, Hilary talked about a project she did where she bought herself a clicker and every time she had a negative thought that week, she would click on this clicker. She put tape over the numbers so that no one would see how many negative thoughts she had. She was wondering if the studies were true that we each have 300 negative thoughts a day. She said she came close to it but found something interesting at the end of a week. She was really negative in her thinking. She said that she was grumpy and sad etc.
She thought to herself, "What if I started clicking on the positive thoughts I have instead?" So, she started clicking all her positive thoughts. She realized she could train herself to think positive thoughts and found that after a week she had clicked thousands of times and was more happy and content.
She thought, "What if I could get others to start clicking? How would that impact the world?" She has
a blog and posted her thoughts on her blog. She then got some interesting comments on her blog. I guess one woman bought clickers for all the girls going to her girls camp and gave one to all the leaders as well. The clickers kept the girls from being negative about each other and they ended up with something like 30,000 plus clicks at the end of the week.

That got Hillary thinking about what a change it would make for others and what a difference it would make if they could get one billion clicks! So, she started a web page called billionclicks.org. She thought she could make a difference in individuals lives if they would start clicking. She shared about one teen who found herself looking in the mirror and saying several negative things about her hair, eyes etc. Then, she remembered her clicker and started saying positive things about her body and looks and had 17 clicks within just minutes.
On her web page, you can post comments and statements and your feelings about it etc. I laughed and laughed when I first went to the page a few minutes ago and "Hilary posted 111 clicks ten hours ago." I thought that the 111 was a sign that I should post about this clicks project today.
When I was getting ready to go out dancing after her concert, I tried on a few things and made a few negative comments about my weight as I am having a hard time with my thyroid and gaining weight recently. I was rooming with a friend and after I made the negative comments I held up my hand and said, "Click, click click." We both laughed but in my head I thought, I need to get a clicker for myself and each of my girls so that we can focus on positive things and add our clicks to the rest of those on the site if for nothing else but to keep us on track thinking positive things. It is so easy to slip into the negative about yourself and sometimes others.
I told you about the bullying situation we have with my youngest daughters group of friends (click here for that post) and how I wanted to show that video to them, I think I may purchase clickers for each of them as well and put them on a cute necklace so they can remember to say positive things to and about each other.
I am grateful to Hilary for sharing her wonderful inspiration with us at the conference as well as her beautiful music. She is a gifted song writer and singer. She just released a beautiful music video that will bring tears to your eyes. It is a song called "Beautiful Heartbreak" showing that each of us have a heart break in our lives. It isn't always something that you can see but it is that we each have "something" that has broken our hearts. Here is the link: Beautiful Heartbreak
Thanks again Hillary for sharing all of the talents you posses with others. You are an inspiration.
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