STOP the Presses! I was going to post on the carrot juicing and other things but that will have to wait.
Princess number five as the BIG winner today. She had to enter a poster contest for h
er art class. The Lions club has a contest each year and this year the theme was "Peace". So, princess spent hours and hours designing, looking up ideas on-line and then drawing and coloring her poster about peace. She really worked hard at finding as many signs that represent peace that she could. She had an idea that she could have the world in a hand, showing that peace was within each of our grasps and is really, "In our hands."
I thought the poster was AMAZING last week before she turned it in and made sure we got a few pictures of her holding the poster. It seems that the judges agreed with me.
She turned in the poster last week and they were judged over the weekend. Well, what do you think Princess number one brought home today..... She won $100, a shirt, got two certificates, (one of which was framed,) a bag of skittle, and a sod
a. She was the grand prize winner. She was so proud to show off her certificate and prizes.
She also brought home the release for the poster to be sent to the district level. I don't know what the award is at the district level but if it goes beyond to the international level, they pick one grand prize winner who gets $5,000 and 23 merit awards and they each get $500 each. I had no idea how big this is for the Lions club until I searched it on the web.
I guess that is why they have shirts mad
e. This is an international event. I found it interesting as I read up on it. I do remember another of the girls doing something at one point but I don't remember them making such an effort. Princess number 5 is really lucky in general but I do have to say that she really earned this prize. She was very dedicated to putting all the symbols on the page and gave it much thought and effort.

When I looked at the 2011 international winner, I couldn't believe that it was done by an 11 year old. There are some talented kids out there! Here is a picture of the 2011 winner. I can't imagine the hours that it took for them to draw this. Or for that matter, to come up with that idea. It is amazing.
Keep your fingers crossed for Princess five to get the prize! She is saving up for something wonderful so I hope she does win at the next level. She is the big winner in my eyes, keep up the amazing work Princess.
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