I have had the best week this last week with weight loss. It isn't because I have been exercising more. It is that I have been taking coconut oil with oatmeal in the morning.
Since starting to eat that last week, I haven't had ANY cravings of sugar, ice cream, chocolate, nothing! My kids eat chips, candy, ice cream and I haven't even had a desire to eat them.
I wrote a post in the past about coconut and weight loss but couldn't figure out why some days were better than others. The good days, I now realize were the days I ate the coconut oil with my rice.
My sister sent me this link a few weeks ago and I had been pondering about it and prayed about why when I have taken coconut oil the the past, I didn't see consistent results. The answer that I got was that I wasn't taking it with a grain all the time.
This link is about a man whose Alzheimer's is being reversed by taking coconut oil with his oatmeal.
After g
etting that answer to my prayer, I remembered an article I read years ago about coconut oil and farmers giving it to the cows trying to fatten them up as coconut oil was a cheap fat. However, they found that the cattle became very lean and active and had to stop giving them the coconut oil. The reverse was true with other plant based oils. The cows became fat when other plant oils were used.

When I googled to find that article, I didn't find that exact article but found one that was better in my opinion. This man's article explains why coconut oil works for lowering cholesterol, Alzheimer's, weight loss and thyroid function and may also help with seizures.
I was going to include some of his content but there was so much I wanted to include from his article that I think I will just include the link and you can read it from his page. It took me about ten minutes to read the entire article and I won't pretend to say I understood everything as it gets a bit deep for me but it did explain much and I thought it was better than actually using the cattle study that I read before.
The more coconut oil use, the better the results. However, I must caution you that you can take too much if you have some health issues with virus, yeast, bacteria etc, it can throw you into a healing crisis or cleanse so pace yourself as you take it. Start with 1/2 tablespoon and see how you do. Then add a dose in the evening as well. Then move up to 1 tablespoon once or twice daily.
If you do a search on health benefits and coconut oil, you will be reading for a very long time.
I will include just these small quotes below as any person who has a daughter around child bearing age will want to know this and as my Princesses read this, I want them to know this and may forget to tell them so I will include this here. It was very interesting.
"Brain tissue is very rich in complex forms of fats. The experiment (around 1978) in which pregnant mice were given diets containing either coconut oil or unsaturated oil showed that brain development was superior in the young mice whose mothers ate coconut oil. Because coconut oil supports thyroid function, and thyroid governs brain development, including myelination, the result might simply reflect the difference between normal and hypothyroid individuals. However, in 1980, experimenters demonstrated that young rats fed milk containing soy oil incorporated the oil directly into their brain cells, and had structurally abnormal brain cells as a result.
Lipid peroxidation occurs during seizures, and antioxidants such as vitamin E have some anti-seizure activity. Currently, lipid peroxidation is being found to be involved in the nerve cell degeneration of Alzheimer's disease."
Lastly, I want to make sure you know that the oils have to be expeller pressed or cold pressed and not heat expressed. I like coconut flavor so I usually use the Gold label coconut oil. You can get many different labels depending on if they were first press, second etc. The first press has the most coconut flavor and I like that so I usually pay more for that. However, I buy 5 gallon drums of the cheaper later presses as they are still great and much cheaper. I use the cheaper oil for baking and cooking if I don't need the coconut flavor.
I buy my oil in the gallon containers but they do sell them in the five gallon buckets but they are very expensive for five gallons of gold label so I buy 1 gallon of the gold label and five gallon buckets of the green label which is much cheaper. My favorite brand is Tropical Traditions. I have tried other brands with varied results. One I HATED as it was greasy and I think they were mixed with another oil or something. I suggest buying a small container and trying it before you buy bulk of different brands to make sure you like them.
I have a friend that buys bulk from the company in our area and sells them out of her home. Group buys will help you get a better deal but right now, the gallons are almost 50% off on their website. That is close to what I get them for so now would be a good time to order. Here is a link to Tropical Traditions. It is only on sale until March 15th so if you want to give this a try, you can get the quart jar or a gallon there. I don't get anything either way, just trying to help you out.
Lastly, coconut oil has a 30 year shelf life or so. It doesn't go rancid like other vegetable oils. Feel safe to buy a five gallon bucket. I have had many of my buckets for years and have never had a problem. I just rotate through. I only have one gallon bucket left but have one on order. Hope to see everyone nice and healthy this year! Be sure to check out the recipe link on the Tropical Traditions Website. It shows them making fudge. I'll have to try that one and share if I like it.
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