A few months ago, my camera battery stopped holding a charge. I went to a "battery" store and they had an after market battery for it and it was $30. I thought I would be able to find one online cheaper so I hunted online for one.
About a week ago, it came in the mail. It was about $23 total. At first it didn't sit well in the camera but then it did ok so I kept it and used it as the Panasonic brand are $50 or more. The charge ran down and so I went to charge it and it wouldn't charge in the charger. I called the company that I purchased it from and asked if they had the Panasonic brand battery.
The company didn't have any "name" brands so they asked if I wanted another battery and I told them I didn't. They said they would refund me the cost. They then told me that it would cost more to ship the broken battery back so I could throw it away.
I wondered at that point if I could break open the one and put it on the base of the other. I said a little prayer asking if there were a way to make the battery charge that I would be able to figure it out as my daughters wedding is in a few days and I wouldn't have time to get a Panasonic battery here before then.
I examined the camera and found that there were three
copper pins standing up in the base where the battery sits. I looked at the charger wondering why the battery worked in the camera and not on the charger?
The charger has four copper prongs and so I figured that the prong that w
as missing on the camera but was on the charger must be the problem. On further examination of the Panasonic battery, I could see that it has copper all the way around them inside of where the prongs sit. The cheaper battery had little thin strips of copper dotting the sides and it looked like one of the little copped wires was bent or missing on the right side.
I pondered on it and thought to try and put a thi
n piece of aluminum foil and push it in there with a pairing knife. I did that and then tried it in the charger and it charged the battery just fine. You can see the aluminum in the picture.
I used it to take pictures of the girls at the basket ball game tonight. It held its charge and so I was able to get it all ready to take pictures at the wedding.
Heavenly Father sure must love me to continue blessing me so much.
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